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Bicpen: 1 Thessalonians 5. There is a difference between those who are of the day and those who are of the night. This is a reference to the state of Grace and the state of sin. First, the children of light, are asked to treat every man with Christ’s grace. We are commanded to treat every man with Christ’s Grace. This does not mean to cast our pearls before swine, but rather, we are to show compassion and grace to every man. What then about the natural justice to be served in the world. Well, the example, Christians and dealing with sex offenders. On the one hand we have an explicit command, be gracious, and in this respect, we are heaping coals upon their heads. The idea is simple, we are all sinners, but not all saved. Being gracious only adds to the torment of Judgement in eternity to such as our example is. However, bearing this command in mind there is also another just as explicit command alongside the teaching, we are to avoid all appearance of evil. In this respect it is not a good practice to befriend or administer grace where the knowledge of evil is apparent. A special ministry can be acceptable to those in a position of authority, but this also includes their responsibility to be able to admonish, such as the grace of God in Christ does to those under its power. Natural Justice is a term meant for the unprotected state of a knowledge of evil in an individual where they are to be left at the mercy of the world. The trouble we have as Christians is this area of our society is the ethos of sex offenders rehabilitation by Government understanding. The understanding is to rehouse and resettle them in our communities. This is not the problem for the Christian, nor natural justice. The problem occurs at the point of lying, deception, by all authorities involved and individuals who may and are deemed as sex offenders, in the orchestration of their rehabilitation. The knowledge of evil is apparent by the simple nature of their crime and to the Christian it is a warning of separation from this evil. Those who are connected with such criminals such as protection officers and such are deceptive due to the fact they know full well the consequences under the administration of natural law and the effects it will have on the individuals. It is, may I remind everyone, an unnatural sin, more potent, toxic, and deliberate than just a besetting or secret sin. It is in an unredeemed condition and therefore by its nature unnatural and unforgiven. The Grace Christ can show compassion on such evil where it is not known, still heaping coals on their heads by the simplicity of being kind therefore fulfilling the command to be gracious to every man. However, where the knowledge of evil is known please avoid all appearance of evil. Paul and the Apostles dealing with such a situation were given the authority in God under Christ in his grace to curse by passing individuals over to their own evil. The example the individual caught in the act of incest in the New Testament. The idea was to allow the body to burn in sin that Grace in salvation of soul would win. However, not all individuals are appointed to salvation and not all are Apostles appointed for this administration of admonishment. The Christian is to obey the law of the land. However, where this is in contradiction and opposition to God in his commands the choice for the Christion is clear, obey God in his commandments. |
Bicpen: Greetings, I hope you all enjoyed the reformed, experimental, musical approach to my Lord's teaching and instruction. Remember, it is all there for you, no exceptions. Why the music? It is without doubt the best medium for me to think, relax, and understand the world and its philosophies where the truth of Christ can be applied as a remedy for a better life of belief and understanding. What are my tenants? Repentance, Regeneration, Justification, Sanctification, Glorification. What is my ethos? To give a correct understanding in theology where so many old and young live with a disillusion as to what it is to be a Christian. Is it a Church? The arms of Christ are the arms of his people. Is there a communion? Fellowship of teaching and understanding is my communion. My procedure for teaching is to continue as I have begun with the melodic backdrop and understanding of lyrics and questions to which my teaching, inspired by a God given experience of thirty years, will introduce you to the ideology of the Saint. Many have questions, many have different lives, many care for their soul and many refuse, but the Gospel is to be preached none the less. Please contact me personally if you have any matters at hand, queries, seek a conversation or resolution about any sphere of life and its woes, burdens, hopes, and joys. I'm all ears. Forgive me if sometimes I am a bit crude or rude in speech but sometimes necessity persists. I am normally quite a quiet, gentle, sober minded man, however, plagued by many afflictions sometimes but especially my own thorn in the flesh concerning psychiatry ... I have many experiences of joy also. Such, the nature to which we are born again by the Holy Spirit, or the wind of the Spirit as I like to refer to it. I hope you all enjoy the teaching experience each week. For the teaching in theology, the study of God, I will be busy working on the elements of experience and life under the Spirit's guidance as a Christian should. A clue, there's more grace in a cat than some people ... ! What is the spirit of Grace, and is there really even such a thing ? That's what I will be working on, so, please feel free to contact or if called upon, visit, Godspeed in Christ and his union. P.s. The teaching material will be produced and displayed when available, a suitable hour approx. gathered and stored to which you are all invited to listen to. A donation will be addressed at the end if any of the teaching has been helpful, encouraging, or edifying, please give generously as a concern for my livelihood, my time for your time, then you can say goodbye, whatever you think its value is to you personally. (electronic transaction, no cash) A tenth of my collection will be given and used for expenses, the rest of the tenth will be given to the covenant church, (The Free Church of Scotland Continuing), as required, as here, I also learned, prayed, listened, and taught. Yours Sincerely, Mr. George Lea Bingham (Jock) October 2024 (31 Days) 06/10/2024 “ ... My Redeemer Liveth ... ” 07/10/2024 “ ... Oh Happy Man ... ” 07/10/2024 “ ... A Crooked Lot ... ” 07/10/2024 “ … The Cry of Faith … ” 08/10/2024 “ … Guilty by Association … " 09/10/2024 “ … Twice dead then Revived … ” 13/10/2024 ” … Seven Eyes of Faith … ” 20/10/2024 “ … Praecipe's Expectation … ” Email: georgebing@hotmail.co.uk |
Bicpen: Work “ … six days shalt thou work but the seventh day thou shalt rest … “ Such is the biblical command governing our personal constitution of respect, holiness, and blessing concerning our mundane day to day work life, six days. This was not only a personal commandment but also a national observance for the people under the authority of God’s people. When we look at the nature of the seventh day, we soon see the disrespect that an unholy sin filled world has concerning this commandment. It has a day spare, as it would consider it, where in the god of mammon or money it could be used for more financial and business extension and prosperity. The Sabbath trading laws were disannulled in the late eighties, early nineties, and since then in Scotland it is a requirement of job description to work Sunday. Here, in the work place the seven-day week becomes a mine field of religious hatred where biblical teaching is ignored for monetary gain. Already, we have zero-hour contracts, talk of four-day weeks, and other interesting ideas to curb the tide in exhaustion and burnout, especially in a younger generation. Six days to work concerning a five-day week with a forty-hour contract, it seems a shame to dismiss the rest, peace, and solitude of a rest day in search for a more vibrant, attractive, financial gain of a seven-day working week. Personal sin is not an issue with this commandment. The commandment is in respect to work of non-necessity, servile. This does not mean we are to encompass our households in a frightful dead lock of service of non-compliance, such as, no cooking no cleaning , no bins emptied etc. It simply addresses the necessary requirement of observance for such a day as the seventh is, the resurrection day. Observance this is the key the sixth day if not all the others are a preparatory for the seventh. Even in provision, cleaning, hygiene, personal and family needs are to be attended to however the attitude to do as we please are not commended nor entertained within the observance of such a day as the seventh. As this commandment governs the twenty-four-hour periods of the six days to which liberty is given to exalt the work and bless the foundation of a reconciled national directive directly involved in the prosperity, blessing, and adherence to God and his commandment of observance of the seventh day. Already, blasphemy laws have been removed allowing all manner of intrusion and disrespect to harm the purpose of keeping Gods laws. Here, in this erosion of all things concerning God we see a rise in humanity and science directed by the hand of Satan ordering the attack of the true religion and gospel instruction of teaching. What then is the purpose of just six days work ? It allows for a set twenty-four hours of recovery, meditation, praise, thanksgiving, and blessing over all that has been accomplished within the six days of work and also a furtherance of these qualities on the next six days to come. The seventh day is what it says it is to be, a blessing reserved to the praise of God. The perfect example of how all this erosion has disrupted the work of a blessed Island known as the last bastion of faith for an exceptionally good reason is the recent sabbath sailings of ferries in and around the Outer Hebrides. The company in question put out the idea to local residents for a feeling over the matter. Though most, if not all, Christians concerned were opposed to the idea money was a key factor to extend the sailings and enterprise of the idea. In light of retrospection the company concerned has laid bare its whole fleet to the disastrous, disruptive, unthankful, and dismissive will of its own mind for further gain financially. Though the Christians were not always in the majority when commandments were asked to be kept, the commandments proved themselves. They, the commandments, as the instruction of blessing for a nation and also a people were the righteousness of God and cannot be disannulled nor vanquished no matter how much individuals collectively or otherwise try, hence, “ … Righteousness exalteth a nation … “ |
Bicpen: Transference Sin in the Old Testament was dealt with much in the same way as that of the New Testament, transference. The only difference with the Old Testament was their whole understanding of Christ being the Redeemer was a figurative example of sacrificial understanding leading to transference and forgiveness. Faith, being spiritual, even for the Old Testament saints was no different. It still comprised of all we have said and understood. However, the physical embodiment of the sinless perfection, The Lord Jesus Christ, had not appeared yet and therefore the idea of the animal in its blood shedding, used since the garden of Eden, was appropriately appointed, and suffice for the remission of sin by blood shedding. The idea of transference is seen in the example of the scapegoat of the Old Testament and the Israelite priest dealing with the nature of their, the people of God, sins under the law to which adherence in atonement had to be kept just as it is under faith today in recognition and reconciliation. The Priest held the sins of the camp and transferred the sins of the people into or onto the goat, or animal, by placing his hand on its head and giving the command of transference. Here, the animal was led by a strong man into the wilderness to be let loose after a long walk. Here, in the symbolic understanding, the strong man was to be able to endure the walk of the sin filled animal in the strength of sin’s unbelief against a reconciliation of forgiveness through righteousness. Also, it showed the character of sin being strong, so much, it took a strong man to hold and walk the animal filled with sin into its wilderness where the sin belonged rather than resting in the camp. In the New Testament the example is made clearer by the scripture of the strong man being bound, that being by on stronger than he. In this furtherance of Old Testament understanding, Christ is the stronger of the two and here the strong man of sin is bound in his opposition to obedience under the law of disobedience and forgiveness can and is able to be applied. Also, denoting the liberty we have under the New Testament preaching of Grace rather than the Old Testament teaching of Law. Throughout the Old and New Testament, the understandings of the systematic theology or study of God is exactly the same. The only difference is the way it is portrayed and applied in its physical representation and understanding. Faith was evident in Old Testament understanding, as they understood to a degree the Redeemer and his covenant with God in the cleansing, remission, redemption, and forgiveness of their sin. Faith has always been operational from day one of atonement in the garden with Adam and Eve and as an elect gift it is always to be operational in the believer. It is to be not only operational, but also the only means to which any such forgiveness, reconciliation, or covenantal blessing can be applied and enjoyed to anyone born of true faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. Another example of the systematic theology still being in place and understood in the Old Testament is the Tabernacle. Here from the entrance, you have The Alter of Burnt Offering (Repentance) Laver (Justification) Holy Place (Sanctification) Most Holy Place (Glorification) It is all designed around Regeneration and therefore the tabernacle was symbolic important and Holy in the eyes of God simply for this reason. Tabernacle is the translation of the word mishkan, “dwelling place,” is this not what regeneration is, the dwelling place of what resides in the happenings of the applications of faith. |
Bicpen: Witness Three little words of high importance. The first is the word attain, not in a matter of the law but rather in the understanding of assurance, a personal private proof of your individual Salvation. The reason we attain to a full assurance is because it strengthens us as a believer. The attainment is not in a self-preservation of reliance but done through the effect and affect of Faith itself. To believe, initially, is one thing but to continue or enduring belief especially through hard providence is not possible without a growth of faith so it must be exercised and used daily. The second word is control, especially in matters of heart concerning sin known and revealed. The control is not always up to the immediate response of the spirit in a work of conviction and recovery or reconciliation but once this action has been applied it can be a matter of heart or head knowledge depending on the individual. Here, the applied lesson has already been taught and the knowledge of the outcome is preserved either in the mind or heart to induce control. The third word is curb, such as the sin of pride. This in my understanding is to cut down where the weed of sin becomes more abundant in growth. Though acceptable to the individual, to curb, means to cut it back to a smaller growth whereby it will be manageable, no doubt growing once again, such is the nature of our sin. It is important to remember these three words when dealing with our souls, hearts, and minds as they will all as faculties be affected one way or another by all that we do whether in word, thought, or deed. It is useful in the practical example of a lifestyle witness where others less understanding or even more experienced in matters of soul may question. Circumspect is a good conclusion for all three words when in use and so being let those without sin cast the first stone. |
Bicpen: Profession For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23 (KJV) In light of attainment and what our instruction proof text states what of attainment to cover the shortfall of sin in the idea of the process of sanctification. We have discovered what Justification is and how it works against the parallel of law keeping and perfection, also, we have discovered the nature of the spirit to which we live. How then does our process of becoming holy work, and what is it to achieve if attainment is not our purpose and perfection cannot be reached. Well, sanctification is a process of recognition and reconciliation. True at the moment of regeneration sin in its curse is forgiven and cleared in the courts of Heaven, thus, Justification has been declared and pronounced. In the next stage of systematic understanding the actions of heaven are applied to the soul and vessel of the body of the believing individual here on earth. As such, the recognition of sin and the understanding of its curse due to us is made perfect in its clarity of what we as sinners are guilty of, the coming short of God’s Glory. In a sense, it is the comparison of our souls condition here on earth to the perfection of Justified sinlessness in heaven. In this respect, we fall short of its mark. In this comparison in our souls, we are to remember our justification. However, we are to work on our sanctification, that being, the recognition and reconciliation of sinners who fall short of God’s glory through prayer and fasting. These are the only two means and works of faith to which the outpouring of salvation demands of us to attain this process. The prayer and fasting are not works to attain to Salvation but works to atone under Salvation. Such is the phrase, “ … good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works … “ If we consider what the understanding of our complete sanctification in its reconciliation is like when in Heaven we have a better understanding of its necessity here on earth. If you consider two pails, one small, one large. If they are both being filled with water, they are filled to the brim. Here, it is not only a question of being full but more a question of capacity. One is small, one is large, but both are full, hence, never lacking. Sanctification in its process is a continual series of acts of reconciling the act of sin to a sinless perfection in its reconciling to God by receiving forgiveness for it, thus being, perfected through the attainment of the keeping of the law in a sinless Christ. It is only achieved in the forgiveness received for a sin and its action. We are fickle creatures in our hearts and souls, and if you ask the question, how we are meant to feel under this process? I would say it is a mixed bag of emotional mental and spiritual feelings. On the one hand due to the nature of sin you may feel at a loss in depravity and yet in holiness you may feel exonerated in the feeling of justification. The emotional rollercoaster of the process of sanctification could take you anywhere in between these two needful and necessary pinnacles and experiences of Salvation. The sin on the one hand, grieves the Spirit and the reconciliation through forgiveness on the other, reconciles us to the Spirit. Hence, in our sanctification process we are called to be reconciled to God, “ … for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God … “ |
Bicpen: The substance of Faith “ … Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen … “ Faith being a substance is living and real. It has at its head of its substance everything attained to and produced in The Lord Jesus Christ and his completed works in Salvation. It is able, as a substance, to produce, hence, the evidence of things not seen. Hereby, all things being possible with God. Here, in this production of its substance all things necessary for us as believers in spiritual and even physical matters can be made present and real. It is the substance of things hoped for, thus, the well being for our souls in the understanding of true love in Christ. This is the main force to which the substance of faith drives the belief of the heart and soul, hereby, comforting and reconciling both the spiritual understanding of experience and also providence according to a correct outcome for a believing heart in particular situations. Faith is so powerful it can take the unbelief of sin and make an experience of a righteous deliverance, this being the work of regeneration in the closing in with Christ. Here, in this, the greatest work of faith the dominion of sin in its disobedient unbelieving death is challenged by the power of a life in a righteous condition normally through an act of prayer, it can be as simple as, “ … Lord be merciful to me a sinner ... ” It is in this act of regeneration a miracle is produced. In this miracle a testimony of validated evidence can be seen throughout the believers life. That is how powerful faith can be. To say that belief is enough is a misconception of what the reality of true faith is and does. True faith has its power in Christ. It is not only a belief but a spirit of holy capable validated and complete immense power to which there is no rival. Faith, even as small as a grain of mustard seed can move mountains quite literally. The opposing factor to the believer in their life of faith is a simple sin filled negation of doubt, whereby, faith is unable to be called into action. This is not necessarily because they did not believe, but more the fact that faith was or is not operational for one reason or another. Faith, in its substance comes from God. In its witness it will testify to the true head of its power, which being The Lord Jesus Christ. Belief on the other hand will take the glory of self-experience and the wonders of mind over matter as an explanation. Faith is so much more as it is not an experience from within the human condition, though in its outcome it can and does affect the human condition. Faith in its witness is anything from small, deliberate, constant, preservation of the soul to great majestic, powerful, acts of physical wonder. Faith will always answer to the call of its originator, which being God, hence, the testimony of any true Christian who lives by faith will witness to the true God of The Lord Jesus Christ. They cannot deny him in its production of evidence in their own souls. Faith being a substance is spiritual. It operates and resides in the soul. Here, its substance is manifest and made known through its witness normally to the individual, also others, especially in the work of witness and testimony of belief. “ … All things work for the good of those who love the Lord, who are called according unto his purpose … “ This is the love of God, simply, because faith is carrying, driving, and sealing their prayer, belief, and witness in this life of sin. |
Bicpen: What is faith? Well, it is spiritual in its nature as are all the spirits that accompany the teaching of every religion of the world, this is why we are told to test the spirits. We have had a visit from the Royal Regiment of Scotland last week being acceptant of the key to the freedom of the Western Isles. Its quite a concept a royal body being acceptant of a key of freedom. Our King does a far superior Holy Sovereign exchange, he gives us the freedom to his kingdom, an exchange of freedom in which we have much more than a sin depraved battalion of soldiers carrying fixed bayonets and doing charitable works to make themselves proud. In fact, the key which we are given exercises the muscle of faith. Unlike our Royal Regiment exercising in the yard of the yard stick in this exercise of faith, the soldier of Christ, which is mocked by such men and women, is able to over come greater odds and battles of a far greater spiritual war fighting within us daily, such, is the nature of our kingdom to which we have been given the freedom of. In the Royal Regiment orders are given to be followed and woe betide you if you do not do all to protect their Sovereign, who is our countries monarch. The King to which our faith serves does not take the order of tyranny and authority over a condemned man, but with a body born of flesh he truly knows the depths our death in sin sinks having borne our sins in his crucifixion. This crucifixion was not on a mock board crossed before a sergeant to run messages but a real crucifixion of such pain and agony that a sinless Saviour silenced the whole of heaven to the triumph of Hell, that’s quite an exchange, I wonder what the Royal Regiment Brigadier would make of it with his quips about bestiality as an introduction of welcome to the Highlands and Scotland. Our Brigadier the Holy Spirit is a bit more forgiving to those who have crossed the boundaries of natural and unnatural dealings of sin in their own souls. Does he possess the key to freedom to liberate a man or woman from such a wrath and torment of a real crucifixion of sin in the soul or does he dress for his pride, country, and king alone. Our King lets his brigadier do the real saving of souls not by himself but by a threefold personage through the making willing of a soul bent in the destruction of hell. This is the idea and concept of the crucifixion the Royal Regiment Sargent, I dare say, likes to play a game with. However, when you personally discover the torment of hell in your own soul perhaps a king who is perfect in all his understanding, having great compassion, empathy and forgiveness would be more of a choice to serve for what he personally has done for you being they’re in the deepest darkest reserves of torment of Hell himself. Such is the key to faith to which our Royal Law commands, not one of imprisonment and torture for disobeying a man at the helm just because he has power over you. Satan, the strong man, has power over you but faith in Christ alone is a stronger man which can move mountains something the Royal Regiment can only climb and Satan himself cannot create. Welcome, to your key of freedom of the Western Isles Royal Regiment of Scotland and we will take our welcome of our key to freedom in our death of sin by the Masters hands, remember the arms of Christ are the arms of his people … faith being their muscle in the great exchange of man’s depravity for Christ’s righteousness. Here, the triumph of Heaven will always silence the torments of Hell. This statement is witnessed by the inspiration of sinners from all walks of life and those to whom liberty presides with, “ … forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors … forgive them, for they know not what they do.” |
Bicpen: Holiness The Holiness of God is the substance to which belongs several particular elements or appreciations of concept and understanding. The one to which is my interest for all of you is the Just quality whereby balance is held and redeemed. The balance of just weight is important to this fact sin is infinite as is righteousness. So, the question asked is how the just balance of Holiness can redeem the weight of sin against the equal measure in power of righteousness. Well, in the vertical operation infinite sin reaches from the depths of Hell to the height of heaven and vice versus righteousness reaches fro the heights of heaven to the depths of Hell. In its horizontal operation sin has a beginning and has no end, righteousness has no beginning and no end hereby in the just balance of holiness it is outwitted and has a weakness to which a superior substance can and does find it guilty in the just balance of Holiness. In the outworking of the redemptive salvific work sin and righteousness are held in opposing camps until the body of redemption is applied. In the case of sins beginning of effect and affect Eve was first beguiled or seduced by the Serpent to partake of the forbidden fruit. Once testifying to the enlightenment of it she enticed Adam her soulmate, here, the real betrayal was as Adam held the covenant responsibility of both the male and the female even the creation in its order and nature. With one bite Eve brought Adam to his knees through guile and deception of the old serpent Satan. The Good Facebook Page states this was the only time a woman really knew what she wanted to eat, and in her providence in accordance with the original creation she had to. It could end no other way other than the fall, hence, Adam having the headship of creation at his command and authority of husbandman and caretaker. What of it, the loss of righteousness, total depravity the fall of man and the entering into a life dominion and power of sin, death, physical, spiritual, and eternal, separation from God the creator. In the outworking of providence from this point the redemptive body of a sinless perfection through Holiness had to be born, The Lord Jesus Christ. In this body of holiness, the infinite power of righteousness was able to overcome the infinite power of sin in man through faith and faith alone in him, Christ, the anointed one. In Christ and especially his death you have the body of a righteous soul defeating a condemned sin of a condemning law of Ten Commandments. The great exchange has taken place through the death of Christ in which it would be true to state the death of deaths, the death of sin. The broken body being the blood shedding of life of sinless perfection born in Holiness such was the sacrifice of the animals blood in Eden for the covenant restoration. Here, the life of righteousness lost, and the Salvation of Christ bought, by blood, life. This is why without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. Only through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ can we even be made holy such is the immense divide and separation belonging to our condition of human nature in sin and sin alone. This is why a religion of works is not a saving religion nor a favourable outcome to the predicament we find ourselves in once understanding the nature and substance of our own souls before a Holy God. The substance of God is Holiness the essence of God is life, such is the death of sin known and held to be believed. |
Bicpen: Morals and the Law: What is the purpose of all this, you may ask yourself, and you would be wise to consider the understandings. Well, Christ had one purpose, and his only concept was love. In one word it is reconciliation. From paradise lost to paradise regained. Only in him are we fit for faith and his love whether in the keeping of the law or the condemning of the bastards. Here is a concept of morals which when you take the idea of attainment it seems like a contradiction, but it is actually an act of love, sex. Sex is for marriage; however, the understanding is this, if they, the Christians, are not to be married and cannot contain “… then it is better for them to burn … with their sex.” The idea is not new but instituted in the Old Testament also, here, it displeased the Lord for a man to have sex and spill his seed such was the importance on the preserving of the sperm for marriage or sex and procreation, childbearing. Immoral sexual encounters are still frowned upon but what are they, they are the unnatural sex acts committed to which there is no morals. Why is this all allowed but not taught, simply, because it is a paradox against the moral teachings to which many, if not all, Churches hold to some degree of attainment. The idea for allowing it was so if there was any true contradiction in the individual for their sexual conduct conviction would follow the act to correct and they could repent thus stopping the sexual intercourse until such a time as they would be married and correctly aligned with the understanding of the sexual relationship for them as an individual. In sin there is no law and is known as, “The law of disobedience.” That is the estimation of sin, no matter what its action may be in its nature it is disobedient. Disobedient to what? To righteousness, the ten commandments. You begin to see the importance of real Christian experience when you understand the teaching, “all things are lawful, but not all things are edifying.” It also teaches all things in moderation, this being all things edifying to you, as an individual, not a moral framework designed to attain a righteousness of false achievement, in other words self-righteousness. Such is any work of a man or woman’s hands to appease the law of the ten commandments by their own work, when, truly, Christ has and is the only one able and willing to appease, such is the use of the word reconciliation. This statement is witnessed by the encounters of true love, “ … The beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to hate pride and eschew evil. “ … Perfect love casteth out all fear… ” |
Bicpen: What Was the Original Sin? The Bible’s answer Adam and Eve were the first humans to sin. When they disobeyed God by eating from “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad,” they committed what many call the original sin.a (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:6; Romans 5:19) That tree was off-limits to Adam and Eve because it represented God’s authority, or right, to decide what is right and wrong for humans. By eating from the tree, Adam and Eve took matters into their own hands, choosing to decide for themselves what is right and wrong. In doing so, they rejected God’s moral authority. Original sin is believed by the Jehovah Witnesses, however, the depth of the understanding into the doctrine of original sin may give an insight into why they are a religion based on works. “The tree of knowledge of good and bad” verses “The tree of knowledge of good and evil.” Pay close attention to these few short words, “In doing so, they rejected God’s moral authority.” It was not that they rejected Gods “MORAL” authority it was that they condemned their righteousness in its original condition into a depraved unholy sin riddled cess pool within their own souls. The original righteousness allowed their conscience, the place of residence for controlling the morals, to be pure before they partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Sin in its understanding and consequences is more than just bad, it is evil. In its evil in its nature, substance, and actions, it is the power of Hell itself resident in the original creation of man and woman, through Adam and Eve. In the original sin every sin conceivable is present. We are partakers even in modern history of this original sin simply through the magnitude of loss of righteousness, albeit original in the case of Adam and Eve. Adam was the man who was cursed then the woman then the serpent then the creation. This is how original sin in its effect affected the whole of Gods creation. This was the extent of disobedient to one command, “Thou shalt not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” One command broken and I suppose the idea for a moral sustaining religion is simply to rectify the idea of disobedience, hence, adherence or attaining a moral standing before the creator God. However, the conscience is not capable of adhering to the assault of sin in its abhorrent evil of offence before God the creator simply because it has no righteousness, none, not even a seed. In its operation outside of original sin the conscience has a common grace simply to guide in an understanding of moral correctness not adherence. Adherence is an action no matter how the action attains the correct or desired conscience guided moral it is still affected by the disapproval before God of disobedience simply because the common grace is not effectual special or even righteous. The common grace is a grace of alignment not righteousness, being, perfection. From this correction of understanding you can see and begin to understand the desperate need to be morally correct. To be not morally correct leaves a perilous dilemma for anyone, how can they be accepted before their creator God. The dilemma is not just for the Jehovah Witnesses but for every man woman and child as we are all under God’s spell of original sin. The spell has been cast and the conjuring of its magic has produced a perfect adherence of the law of conscience by a sinless perfection to which only one individual possesses, The Lord Jesus Christ. In his perfection the beauty of sin being healed or more the lost righteousness being restored to a better more reliable substance of moral fruitfulness, that being, in a perfection of not being able to be lost ever again, has been already attained. It was there in the beginning with Adam and Eve in their recovery from original sin in the disobedience of a broken commandment, “not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for in so doing they will become like one of us.” Righteousness. |
Bicpen: Ring Four And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou harken unto the commandments of the Lord Thy God, which I commanded thee this day, to observe and to do them;- Deuteronomy28:13 (KJV) How do we reconcile an Old Testament appreciation of Law keeping with the New Testament understanding to which has gone before us. Well, to know sin is to know the Law, the Ten Commandments. How can we observe and do them in light of not being able to attain to its perfection and complete exoneration is the question. Well, in light of the Spirit’s teaching, in our hearts and souls, the law is made known through the personal experience of revelation, through conviction, as to what is a sin, especially in your personal life. The correction of disobedience is obedience, hence, when a sin is discovered to be a sin then it is to be observed, personally, privately, and publicly. Therefore, this is the understanding of the keeping of the law to which the above text states. We must adhere to the Law. Here, in this observance, the peace of the law keeping brings a knowledge of understanding into the importance of the law as a heart statute to keep. In keeping the law, the doorway of sin closed to the covering of grace, to which application of Christ’s righteousness is given to annul and rectify the disobedience of sin confessed. This understanding allows the liberty of the Spirit to enjoy a keeping of the law, under the guard of Christs protection in his righteous, acceptance, and governance of sinless perfection. Hence, we are at liberty where there is no conviction however where the sin is revealed and agreed in its disobedience we are to observe, as and in such, keeping and observing the law. How then are we to live under the paradox of sin and the law, wrath filled this cup righteousness emptied this cup, as a personal life journey of Salvation. Well, where a sin is revealed personally it is to be dealt with whether a particular vice or action of physical administration in your life experience. There are besetting sins and secret sins all owned in an individual to which everyone can profess under instruction of the recognition of sin. The Law is the template of obedience and sin is the wilful disobedience against this template residing in the heart of every man and woman and child ever born. Sin in its nature is always wilful in its disobedience, it has no concern for obedience or correction, therefore, everyone wilfully sins. The other aspect of wilful sin is sinning against your conviction on a particular sin. Besetting sin is an acknowledgement personally of a sin to which you have a liberty to commit. It is in its appearance to others a sin who recognise it as such and therefore allows the disapproval of those who are intent to teach you under the law or are ignorant to the life of liberty within the Christian experience. Here, the sin besets you in your witness to a sin riddled world who choose to accuse and condemn out of ignorant and false understanding into the realms of true spirituality and Christian experience. Secret sin is something harboured in the heart to which you commit unknown to anyone else. Unless it is discovered it will remain so and should be between you and the Lord to address and correct. If a sin offends someone who recognises it as a sin it is better not to commit in their presence less offence or weakness in the brother or sister is found to encourage them to commit the same sin. This does not mean that you, if you have liberty in a particular sin, are to be reproved or addressed even disciplined before a court of the Institution of teaching, The Church, but simply a courtesy to a lack of understanding and knowledge of personal adherence and committal. If you have no sin, ye are bastards, Fatherless, you can sin and do as you please, the law means nothing to you. As for bastards, their father is the father of lies, we profess the Truth as given in the teaching of the Holy Bible given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, what is your truth ? |
Bicpen: Ring Three I had a visit from my friends the Jehovah Witnesses yesterday, Saturday, very interesting. In theology the understanding of God can sound remarkably similar from different religions believing to be that of the true nature of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. However, when you have a brief discussion as to what they actually believe it becomes very apparent the Jehovah Witness religion is a religion of works. The conversation led to the ten commandments and morals. This was the crux of the Jehovah Witness’s profession. True, he stated he believed in God, he believed in Christ, he believed God was a creator, but yet his parenthesis was work. It had none of the liberty residing in the freedom of Grace from a sin inherited from Adam, which being original sin, to which he also believed. The trap that is the snare for him and many like him, I suppose, if this, their teaching is one to which they can never be free from the law and in a brief description of what exactly he did believe it was all about attainment and morals. True, the ten commandments can do this but to the Jehovah Witness there is no completion of these moral standards, unless they themselves can somehow attain or even pursue a course of good living needed and prescribed by it into a religious understanding of adherence. The fault was diagnosed, and the cure prescribed in one word, JUSTIFICATION. Without it there is no Salvation, and any adherence or pursuit of attainment is pointless without the remedy of the Law and its complete fulfilment. Think about it this way the complexity of what they are dealing with is this they may attained some keeping of the law let’s say five commandments but what happens when one just one is broken it disannuls all the others kept and they have to start again in observing keeping and adhering. Nothing will satisfy the law but complete perfection of adherence and more living experience of keeping. In doing so you are then the pinnacle of the religious order of perfection you have become sinless. Now let’s say this can all be attained for just one day, what about the days before or even the days after where the perfection of sinlessness is not kept it is annulled and disregarded even rebuked and condemned. Here Justification in its declaration of attainment of pure perfect sinless obedience has the poor Jehovah Witness scurrying for redemption in his or her attainment of works. The law is never satisfied in the human condition such is the brutal onslaught and immense eternal evil nature of sin, it is infinite in its power and devastating in its cry of fulfilment against a soul lost from grace and God without Justification. What makes the Justification in its declaration liberty from this condemnation, well it is righteousness that being fulfilment of, guess what, the law, written on every heart, of every man, and every woman, ever born into this world. It would be true to say to be declared righteous you are Justified … but only in Christ. JUSTIFICATION: is a declaration. So how can it be accessed and be applied in the true meaning of the Christian experience. Well, the answer is quite simple, by FAITH, and by faith alone. The fulfilment of the Law has already taken place in the recovery of Adam and Eve and the problematic original sin. However, in the early creation it was a blood sacrifice to which the atoning remedy was always applied. The fig leaves were their own making, not adequate for a cleansing purpose tantamount to annihilation of righteousness under the disobedience of one broken commandment. Sin is infinite in its degree of magnitude. The blood sacrifice was the precursor of the blood shed later by a righteous sinless God becoming a man to atone and seal and perfect the blood sacrifice of old garden. In the blood shedding was the concept of life-giving qualities being spilled to sacrifice and atone for the life stolen by original sin, the life of righteousness. In the righteousness of Christ is the perfect fulfilment and quality of acceptance needed to justify the ten commandments in their condemnation of original sin and the loss of righteousness. Here, in this equality of acceptance and attainment to the law is the Justification of sinless perfection, unattainable by any man or woman and only a preserved quality sustained and kept in the true nature of the God man The Lord Jesus Christ. So how is it made accessible or even able to validate us in our own condemnation under the law? Quite simply, we take the righteousness of Christ through belief, by faith, in him as a personal Saviour, whereby, we are then declared justified by his works, not our own. What is faith? “Faith is the substance of things not seen the evidence of things hoped for.” In this understanding even Adam and Eve were able to be justified by the blood of an animal because of what it represented under the atoning sacrifice guided by God. Faith is a spiritual concept and must convey the correct meaning to the correct understanding of what it is to believe, and only through faith, and by faith, is any qualities of a true Christian experience ever made possible in the heart and soul of a believing individual who calls themselves a Christian. This statement is witnessed to by the following, “There is none good but one, and he is God.” Justification by Faith Alone through Christ Alone. |
Bicpen: Ring Two Regeneration is what is says it is, it is the beginning of a new creation from an old creation. The trouble is this new creation is still living inside the old creation however under it, “old things have passed away, all things have become new.” This is the complex transaction of everything we have discovered about justification, sanctification, sinless perfection, and attaining to the law under a grace of forgiveness by recognition and reconciliation. In the transaction of the soul everything needed and necessary is implanted in the soul to allow the new creation to take root and fruit, first the root then the fruit, such, is the nature of this seed planting. What seed is it to which the Lord and the Lord alone plants when he makes us willing to accept such a great transaction, well, it is the seed of faith. In faith all things immediate to the reconciliation in entirety and completion under the condemnation of the law as sinners is made available, active, and possible in the courts of Heaven. In faith we have the power of a clear and present advocate able to declare innocent not just to the power of the law through sin but also the great accuser of the soul the devil, Satan himself. Though the transaction in the soul of regeneration contains all this it may not be noticeable until such a time as an acknowledgement occurs of what has happened to us as individuals in belief. That is to say, we may well be regenerate without knowledge of it and be elect in the eyes of God, however, where there is a true regeneration, an acknowledgement normally follows with a confession of faith, which being Salvation by faith through The Lord Jesus Christ. This acknowledgement that occurs is as one good man stated: “ … a closing in with Christ … “ In this closing in with Christ in his work of Salvation it produces the fruit of the seed of faith to which a very present real and lasting acknowledgement of Salvation can and is testified to. Regeneration can be made in its seed planting early in a life such as early childhood but the closing in with Christ may never be apparent to later in life and sometimes the closing in may never take place until revelation of election is assured after death in the presence of God and before Christ the Judge. This is how it is possible to be regenerate without a profession of Christ and be elect. However, the normal circumstance of regeneration demands a testimony to its seed and therefore the fruit is made known in this life by way of conversion or even testimony of his, Christ’s, salvific work. Without regeneration there is no seed of faith, and without it there is nothing but an empty shell of rotten ideology, belief, and perseverance in self-preservation. What is the testimony or witness to this regeneration? Well, it brings newness of life in all aspects of the human condition. This is true, but be warned it is still in the old creation, and this is where the sin of the old Adam becomes the pest and weed of a garden renewed in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, we are always fighting the new man against the old man, such, is the spiritual warfare that goes before us in this regeneration. The old man is death and sin, the new man is life and faith. In this dilemma every Christian finds themselves and here we stand or fall in our profession and confession of faith. The example of scripture which explains this is the putting in of new wine into an old bottle. An old bottle in those days would crack and leak breaking the seal for the keeping of the new wine. This is why we are made willing and become a new creation under the old order of the original sin of Adam, leading to a finality of complete refurbishment in a new creation of the body in the work of Glorification. Not until death shall we see ourselves fully satisfied. |
Bicpen: The Golden Chain As a request here are five simple stages or keys to remember all that is contained in the authority of your own personal Salvation. They are beautifully written about well experienced and also substantially reformed in their systematic outlook. There are many concepts elements and understandings which belong to each of these keys of Salvation to which you as a believer or even a seeker will be able to testify to in the true belief and understanding of what it is to be a Christian. The Christians first got their name at Antioch and like their brothers and sisters the Bereans they searched the scriptures daily. The good book of the Holy Bible is our instruction, and The Holy Spirit is our teacher. Together they will always witness to the truth of Salvation hence they are known as the two witnesses. The only witness we as believers or followers of Christ are asked to make is confession with the mouth and believe in the heart. It is extremely easy to say one thing and believe another depending on who you are trying to fool, just do not fool yourselves. The five keys or rings which I prefer them to be known as are following. They were called the five rings because they make up the golden chain to which hangs the Salvation of your own soul, in the redemptive salvific work of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thomas Boston was the initiator of this ingenious systematic understanding, a puritan, not a Free church of Scotland lecturer or even a Free Church of Scotland Continuing ministers wife. They lived by experience and were taught directly from the Spirit not from books though their experiences in true religion is most welcome and edifying to every true believer who is led by the Spirit. Ring 1) Repentance Ring 2) Regeneration Ring 3) Justification Ring 4) Sanctification Ring 5) Glorification A question on repentance has been put forward and as a courtesy reply to my understanding about the work of true repentance my explanation is quite simple, it teaches the soul, not just the heart. True repentance given by the Spirit through an experience of action, physically, performs the nature of conviction if the action is considered a sin to the individual. The simple understanding is, “all things are lawful, but not all things are edifying.” Here, through experience, we are taught as to what actually is a sin to us and what is our true liberty in Christ is to be. To deny that we have a liberty in certain actions and be compelled and compounded by another individuals understanding or even a moral concept of attainment is a snare to the growth and development of sanctification. Granted, though certain actions may be allowed by some, it may not always be wise for them to conduct themselves in such actions. Here, the liberty is also curbed by the choice and responsibility to refrain from certain actions, to which may affect them more seriously in addiction rather than just moderation. True repentance differs in its nature from repentance in this understanding, if it is not true repentance a form of guilt association will be induced called remorse. However, this only affects certain areas of the heart and does not teach the soul or affect the conscience. It will produce the same physical elements of true repentance without the long-lasting endurance of the knowledge of sin and its dangers. Judas had repentance but not true repentance, a good example to understand and explain. A little explanation on the development of sanctification is this, though an action may be allowed at a certain point in development it may well become a sin to a certain individual at a later stage depending on its circumstance and liberty. The spirit brings the knowledge of sin. The knowledge is already in you, the Ten Commandments written on your own conscience. The whole beauty of having a heart felt or deep soul felt conviction about a matter of conscience is this, once it is recognised as a sin it will always remain as a sin, the knowledge of experience of heart or soul then becomes a knowledge of mind to keep. Head knowledge is good when taught correctly by soul experience, head knowledge without conviction preserves nothing but a false reliance and a lack of true experience. To everything there is a season meaning everything has a law. What then do I mean by everything has a law, well, quite simply, it is the nature consisting in the elements of God and his creation of man including the world and environment about us. What is the law or nature of sin, it has already been addressed earlier in an explanation of Justification, it is quite simply, the Law of disobedience, that is its nature. We are, may I remind you, all inherently filled by it, sin. . I’d like everyone to ask themselves, THE DEVILS QUESTION, “ … are you made of putrid sin or the essence of gold … ” seriously, asking yourself this question will at least give you an understanding of what you think of yourself, not what God knows about you. |