Top Ranked Authors Of Novels For 2025

Ranking is calculated using ratings of works and author popularity

Click here for information on how authors are ranked.

The top five ranked novelists at the end of the year can select this custom plaque. Or choose a custom made mug that highlights your achievement.
(+1) #1
barbara.wilkey    (5.379)
EILEEN LAW    (5.377)

GWHARGIS    (5.360)

Ulla    (5.315)

(+1) #5
Begin Again    (5.294)

#6 Tim Margetts    (5.292)

#7 Jacob1395    (5.229)

#8 Jim Wile    (5.206)

(+1) #9 Charles D Ezell    (5.182)

#10 Wayne Fowler    (5.171)

#11 marilyn quillen    (5.117)

#12 Sallyo    (5.100)

#13 Bill Schott    (5.078)

#14 forestport12    (5.039)

#15 CM Kelly    (5.031)

#16 Mufasa    (5.021)

#17 Dr. Jason Gorbel    (5.013)

#18 dovemarie    (4.949)

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