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Congratulations goes out to Ric Myworld. Reveillon! on Copacabana Beach is the new Story of the Month. In second place finished All Alone by Jessica Wheeler and The Richest Poor Kid on my Block by Harry Craft. In third place finished A Day at the Beach by Pam Lonsdale and Interview with...LORI MULLIGAN by Rachelle Allen.
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Today's Writing Prompt

Silver Lining

Write a poem of any type about something ugly (war, hate, cruelty) - but find the beauty (silver lining) in it.


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  • Finding this site three years ago was a blessing to me. I am becoming the writer I wanted to be because of what I've learned at FanStory. I have had stories published (the publishers came to me), won the state contest last year in the short story category, and have been asked to speak at writers groups. Three years ago I couldn't write a grocery list. –Marti Hurst

  • Without the wonderful writers and reviewers on Fanstory, the publication of my book "She laughs with demons," would still be just a dream. I was given help with grammar, encourgament and gentle critiques. They were all given to help me improve my work. Everyone on FanStory helped me grow as a writer. I will forever grateful .–Shirley Bracken aka Shirley B

  • I'm writing to share how grateful I am for the opportunity to be a member of the FanStory community. I have only been here a short time and I have met many writers who are supportive, friendly, encouraging and very willing to impart their knowledge. I have brought with me previous writing, and without the opportunity for it to be reviewed, I had no clue how effective it was. Now I can grow and contribute, knowing the encouraging reviews have instilled confidence. I am elated to have my entry be nominated for Poem of the Month. This has, as they say, blown me away. I feel as though I have come home to a place where my writing can be developed and nurtured, with the best outcome being the content will appeal and resonate to readers. I have far to travel and I look forward to a wonderful journey. Diane Merchant

  • FanStory sponsored a contest to write a novel in two months. I completed it February 29 of this year. Last night I signed a contract with a publisher. Thanks so much to the people who read "Melinda Heads West" and helped me by reviewing and sending tips my way. I'm over the moon! I've said this before, I'm saying it again.... I LOVE FANSTORY! Thanks for all you do! –Robyn Corum

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A man falls apart
The Broken Man
by Pamusart

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Kansans poem - Potlatch Club
True Friend
by dragonpoet

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Dancing together is Divine.
Slow Dance With You.
by Barry Penfold

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A quatern for the God in Your Life Club
The Holy Spirit Keeps me Strong
by Debi Pick Marquette

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Monkeys can get quite attached to their humans

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Speaking out to defend others is how I follow Jesus.

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love is what it is
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In Memory of Ginger
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Love Fellowman
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Love Conquers All . . .
Thank You.
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A man falls apart
The Broken Man
by Pamusart

from 24 reviews.

four line poem for the contest

from 14 reviews.

Love Fellowman
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A Limerick
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by Dolly'sPoems

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A 57577 poem

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One of the joys in life.

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The Ogre
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A Story About Having to Move
The Next Move.
by Harry Craft

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a 50-word story
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by Bill Schott

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Nonfiction good news story for the club

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#1  lancellot
#2  Bill Schott
#3  MCLII1987

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