FanStory wrote to ScarBundy: My Cat From Hell finished first in the contest "I used to _____ (fill in the blank)" |
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ScarBundy: Everyone, PLEASE stop voting for or giving five star reviews to your friends. Even in blind entries, you can usually tell someone's writing based on their personal style, especially if they're your friend. Stop reviewing based on subject matter alone. If the construction is poor, the author needs to know. Not to be mean to them, but to help them improve! A contest WINNER'S piece should not be riddled with mistakes. Stop rewarding mediocrity!!! |
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I was once in a senryu contest where the entry that wound up winning was hardly a senryu at all. Who knows what prompts members into voting as they do. If any of us had an inside track to that sort of information, we'd be winning every contest we entered. Just write it off to human nature and forget about it. ~Dean - | ||
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ScarBundy: I am seriously annoyed. How can someone be a "top ranked author" when their writing is so scattered, grammatically incorrect, and littered with spelling mistakes!? I joined FS to write and receive feedback on my writing. But I read some of the ratings people give on other writers' works and I wonder if they know how to actually critique. |
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Critiquing is not a high priority on the site. It is more like feedback, and in a lot of quarters 'cheerleading'. There are some excellent reviewers out there if you can attract them to your work, but of course, people also have to be open to it as well... another skill that is frequently in demand. - | ||
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ScarBundy: I just need to get this off my chest. I don't agree with leaving 4, 5, or 6 star ratings for things that have numerous spelling and grammatical errors. Regardless of how much you like the subject matter, if a piece of writing has a lot of errors, it is not worthy of a high rating. Giving those high ratings to poorly constructed writings is going to cause the author to think they're writing well. That's enabling that person to continue writing without striving for improvement. I fully support novice writers getting experience. But just because you enjoyed the subject of the story/chapter/poem doesn't mean it is without errors. I'd like to see more reviews begin given based on the actual composition of the work, rather than just because it was written about horses and you love horses. Rant over. |
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FanStory wrote to ScarBundy: Siberian Husky finished third in the contest "Witty animal 5-7-5 contest" |
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