Gift of Hay House, World Summit 2017
Gift of Hay House, World Summit 2017
Free! 100 audio lessons plus!
from 8 reviews.
Biographical Poetry -
Greetings from Calm Seas
My Garden
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: This time last year I was gifted Christmas poems of gratitude, spirit, and hopes for my second year with FanStory. But, the initial long glorious summer brought its Golden Harvest; and a new generation of life flowering and focus. And, many a little surrendering, new effort, hope and joy, now empowering me to pause at the base camp of NEVER-REST and venture with God. Therefore, I thank you all for the wonder of your creativity, inspiration, wisdom, sharing, growing friendships and unique recognition, respect and empowerment of my weekly Human Becoming. And so, I know it is all divinely planned and orchestrated for me to say goodbye. Thank you and God bless each one of you today; and through into a New Year of success, love, peace, joy and all you desire and help make to be, regenerating all as our One Earth Christ-Massing Tree and all we can Be. Thank you all. And I thank God for connecting into this precious FanStory family; for returning to this beginning, along with my initial profile anchoring me on FanStory, I see the Word gifted by God who steers my writing for: WORLD AWAKENING AND POSITIVE CHANGE, HUMANITY, CO-CREATIVE, SPIRITUALITY, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY So that is the base camp, energy, hope and spirit inspiring this temporary or permanent goobye; and climb into the unknown with God alone; knowing if in the New Year, or ever after, the gifts of FanStory know will always gift inspire me forward in the love and orchestration of our Earth known GOOD-GOD! Christmas blessings, Maureen*&* |
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Darren - | ||
A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: A special thanks to all you precious ones who are persistently nurturing my personal deep growth and new folding of life with oft the repeated gentle nurturing, love and insight in Living Word of God we embody to nourish our great Knowledge and Life Tree on Earth with increasing cosmic, and I think, cosmopolitan love, laughter, delight and blessings of life. Maureen*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Hi Everyone! How great to greet the FanStory world after wintering at the cross roads of my first year! Thank you all who reached out and gifted inspiration and thoughts to nourish and empower what became significant and precious reflective space for me. And so With my new profile I say my new hello! FANSTORY FOR ME 11.9.2016 God's creative Word is life for me And writing the precious pearl I see Unfolding me My changing sense of self and purpose as daily I grow Nurtured and empowered as FanStory bestows Sharing, thoughts and friendships Inspiring each day Bonding all that is Christ leading love's Way! |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Wow! What a special year that is unfolding me and life so quickly. Thank you all for the precious gifts on the way! |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Happy New Year everyone. It is great to be back! I woke intending to write more here but am happy to say a new poem inspired my morning. And, now reviews and new possibilities, perhaps for this space tomorrow! |
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thanks liberty justice - | ||
A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Good day, all, as they called yesterday in such an Aussie way from the Henry Lawson poetry reading, I enjoyed yesterday, followed by a wonderful concert. Both I'm content to say must end a long holidaying chapter for me. I'm truly pleased to reorganise and settle back with time at home. Also, to catch up and take a new step or two on FanStory, before in five weeks, I plan a complete Christmas break. So here's hoping to gain confidence with advanced editor and, perhaps learn something of how to go about putting my poems in a selection of albums on FanStory, generally enhancing the originals most are plucked from. My blessings to all sharing, inspiring, empowering and delighting in the FanStory journey. |
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~Dean Kuch - | ||
A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Just had the most fabulous weekend, and now I'm about to start towards NSW and my grand family. And, I feel this is a lovely time to slow, and review my FanStory ride, and do a little catch up. In doing so, I will let go of many fans, in so far as receiving notifications of every new post. Instead, I will trust I will still connect with those I am privileged to have gotten to know a little and every so often browse your folio for new fruits. And, this will empower me to connect with my new reviewers deeply too. And, also enjoy the wide field offered through bonus reviews. Thank you all so much for this fantastic journey. I wish great writing, reading and joy to all! Blessings Maureen*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Looking forward to a holiday, I'm not sure how FanStory will go. Interesting? I still feel I'm fumbling my way forwards at times. Like this morning, it took numerous, long winded goes to load a photo - one I eventually cancelled - taken in the same sequence, the second took several goes. I have no idea why - but it has happened a number of times! So will be glad of suggestions, or feedback. Also, again this morning, I chose to post as a poem, but following the first picture success, it came as a story. As I couldn't find a way to cancel I return to post a poem, took three more attempts to get my picture, but I still seemed to be in story mode - no centring, no colour. Yet, that appeared after it arrived in my portfolio for edit. I decided that perhaps the subject suited black and white with no centring at that stage, however. But I still wonder, if it is classed a poem or my first short story. And as I wish to post it's sequel, I would love some clarity. For any help, thanks. FanStory is a great climb for me, but prefer daylight*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Lots and lots of computer issues! So another slow down with FanStory, and I being able to fully focus. However, here's hoping I can send a birthday poem from a public space. So on a gorgeous early spring day in Victoria, honoring the gift of technology, and its impetus for growth, as well as its complexity, have a great week all, and happy writing. Blessings, Maureen*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: Busy, busy week, following such a great family weekend, and such great hopes for, and spirit of our flowering humanity! So, it has been both a great privilege to sit in the continuing commission hoping to find new answers to the family violence crisis; and an extreme and stirring sadness, at the increasing hopeless band-aiding, and criminalisation, whilst less and less actually empowers and resources ever human and families best endeavours! So, only two postings before I got stuck attempting to up load a photo from my computer. However, some very gifting poetry reviewed, and more wonderful connections. Thank you everyone and FanStory. Blessings on a grey Saturday from Melbourne, Australia |
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Wishing you love and laughter, Cat - | ||
Thanks! I love your offer and will hold it happily with your love, laughter, and welcoming spirit. Blessings to you, Maureen*&* - | ||
A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: What a great weekend, I had, taking part in a baby shower event for my niece, Tess, my expectant sister becoming first-time grandparent! I even spent two hours in the comfort of a sleeping house Saturday morning with FanStory. Then, a total luxury; breakfast in bed, before the fun began. And, unfolded so many precious steps throughout a lovely day. No gym, this Sunday morning; so again the luxury of a little time to catch up on FanStory. Then, a hive of activity and travel back to the city. All fine until the hassles of Melbourne trains. My afternoon nap was long and refreshing; and then FanStory, again! Time to write up my profile! I enjoyed that! But then, I notice my photo, only recently applied has disappeared! OK! I tried to download again, but that tells me, I must cancel it first. So, I will hope time will solve this next mystery. For, I am looking forward to another posting after tea And, hopefully some reviewing, before reveling in the Australian classic - Storm Boy - and South Australian memories so fine. Blessings and thanks fellow souls, enjoy a great week, Maureen*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: SORRY! Obviously it is time for me to slow down and catch up - at least with where I stand - even if it is seemingly in the black hole - noted in my second support request this am. Thanks to all of you who have reviewed my latest works, I did respond and obviously all plunged into mystery from Australian Soil or my New World on. What can it mean? I am going away for the weekend - but, precious ones, if needed will respond and adventure from there again. Luckily from earlier ratings, it is obvious that responses and book casing the gifts of those I am so thrilled to get to know is actually the icing on the cake of my exhilarating ride! And maybe, after my weekend, in Horsham, near where I slept under the amazing southern skies on my second night in OZ 1967! So many precious memories! Even a poem there! Meantime, I hope the mystery clears, and look forward to focussing on my profile, and all the lovely thoughts i have just discovered, and definitely not responded to. So me thinks - God is the mystery - putting the reins on for me! Blessings all, Maureen*&* Me again - second time this morning here when I should be at gym, but getting concerned. Looking back at my portfolio it seems up to my posting of On Australian Soil - my lengthy replies, and oft a follow up comment is well recorded, i.e. five on this peak for me! Next poem posted, A Cry ti My MP also has two replies and a second comment recorded. This was important as I am exploring how and hopefully why this poetry of an earlier time of my journey resonates. However, then there is a disturbing problem, for I received such wonderful reviews for A New world - two out of four replies in ratings. Worse still, none of my replies to Ringing in Our New Millennium, or Goodbye Byron Bay - each of which got such encouraging reviews are to be seen. I am so sorry for all those lovely people, and myself for it seems having fallen into a big black hole. How best to move forward is my question? Please help! Maureen*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: What an exhilarating journey, so much wonder, so much learning. Thank you FanStory and all. At the close of two fabulous weeks, I spent a gorgeous sunny, but frosty spring day taking photos, some of which I hope will complement future work. Blessings all for the journey ahead. Maureen*&* |
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A.A.A.EXHILARATING RIDE: What an exhilarating journey, so much wonder, so much learning. Thank you FanStory and all. At the close of two fabulous weeks, I spent a gorgeous sunny, but frosty spring day taking photos, some of which I hope will complement future work. Blessings all for the journey ahead. Maureen*&* |
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This is Angelheart from Fanartreview.I can also be found here at Fanstory because some members became a fan of my artwork.I was shocked to see that not one person has responded to your profile thoughts.It is just not like them.Even though I am an artist and not a writer,let me take the time to welcome you to this site.I do hope that you enjoy your time here as you sound so happy to have found the site.You are welcome to use any of my artwork,any time. Enjoy yourself and I hope you find what you are looking for. Angelheart from Fanartreview!! - | ||
I have been on Fanstory for several years, but my time is so scattered, I just can't spend too much here. I also have some artwork on FanArtReview.com and a few songs on FanMusic.com. I have my own website and several others that I try to submit things to. Please don't allow my lack of reviews to say anything other than, "Loyd is too busy." I will try to review your posts and I trust that your experience here will be a blessing to you and your writing. If you ever have any post that you would like to have me look at in particular, just send me a personal message. If I could be of any help, please do the same. God bless, Loyd - | ||