A Family Tradition
Notes from Poppy Puppy
Notes from Poppy Puppy
Poppy Puppy felt it necessary to share an experience.
from 6 reviews.
Fantasy Fiction -
An Unknown Miracle
An Unknown Miracle
When she died, we discovered her real beauty.
from 8 reviews.
General Non-Fiction
Magpiemazy.: Since last I wrote for FanStory, my life has changed dramatically. My husband died after suffering the effects of a massive stroke for three years. We moved from Florida to Pennsylvania hoping to get additional medical help only to discover we would receive only six weeks assist. We spent all to get him here by medical transport and to rent a home, thus losing our beautiful place in Florida as well as our friends. We discovered in the fields of Pennsylvania, there are people who are always by our side in time of need, but the transition sunk all of us into Depression. That could not be allowed to stand and, as always, writing became my fortress in times of trouble. From the ashes, a new personality was born. There is a new cat in town - The Gentleman Tom Cat and he's writing a blog "The Gentleman Tom Cat Diary" giving a cat's view of his world and the humans with whom he lives. Sometimes he's quite serious and sometimes, without attempting to be, he makes the reader chuckle. Is he seeing the world though rose colored glasses or with a warped sense of humor? He survives dark times as well as good and nothing will stop him from surviving. I believe if he can, then his humans can do the same. Check him out at http://gentlemantomcat.com/ My daughter and I will be returning to our home in Florida to find a new house and new lives since Bru's passing. It won't be easy, but it will be another adventure for us. It seems settling down in our beloved Florida was not to last. My brother became ill with kidney disease and had no one to help him out. We moved once more from the Sunshine State to Small Town, Alabama - a town I left over forty years ago and never thought would be my home again. Our move came barely two years after leaving Pennsylvania. Life here has an amazing amount of nothing to do, especially after living in Sarasota where there was a touch of everything to widen one's life. Five years after returning to Alabama, my brother suffered a heart attack while in the hospital and died. His namesake, my daughter Jaimie, followed him less than three years later. She began with sinus problems that rapidly developed into viral pneumonia. With that nasty disease, she lost the use of arms and legs. When we thought she might, at last win the battle, her huge loving heart gave out. She went to her heavenly home January 30, 2022. Left of our small family are my son, David, his lovely wife, Karen, and me, a mother who sinks once more into writing, praying to life the dark curtain that settled over my life. |
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