alphonsus murgatroyd: Greetings writers, For a couple of days my laptop will be in for repairs, so I will not have access to the Fanstory website for what I hope will be only a short while. Apologies in advance to any reviewers or correspondents, I haven't left the building, I will just be incommunicado until my laptop is repaired. Meantime, keep writing! Cheers AM |
alphonsus murgatroyd: Hello FanStory writers As I and so many others have watched in horror the news stories coming out from Paris, I have wondered - what is it about a person with a head full of ideas, a pen in hand, and a blank sheet of paper to doodle on that provokes such murderous hatred in the hearts of some fundamentalist believers? If it is fear, what are they afraid of? Why are they so implacably opposed to any world view that differs from their own simplistic understanding of reality? I don't pretend to have answers to these questions, but I have learned something from the events of the last few days - fear and death will not silence the voices nor still the pens of those who see it as both their right and their responsibility to scrutinize, satirize and cut down to size pompous and stupid ideas. As a human being, I feel a strong sense of outrage at what has happened in Paris. And as a writer, I also acknowledge with pride the bravery and the solidarity of all those who have said, as I do now, 'Je suis Charlie.' |
Respect is a two way street. But the French have consistantly forgot that. A awful crime but you reap what you Sow. - | ||
What about the tens of thousands of Muslims being targeted and killed in their own countries for practicing the wrong sect of Islam? What gross offense have any of these victims caused? What actions of theirs have been so disrespectful that they should reap such harsh and final actions? I respectfully must disagree with the posters response. Of course respect is a two-way street. But violence and death must not be part of any equation. It is only being used as a tool to intimidate and terrorize, by a small faction of individuals who choose to take offense with any, and everything, that is in some way opposed to a very skewed ideology they hold. - | ||
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alphonsus murgatroyd: Hello FanStory. I chanced upon this site via Winning Writers and it looks really good. Strange - I always seem to have plenty of ideas about what I want to write, until I sit down to do the writing! Do others have this happen to them? I'm hoping that the prompts will help here. |
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