watergirl: Ok so one buys a ISBN for a book that is to be published; what about barcodes; how does all this work ??? |
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watergirl: hello all.!! I am doing a charity ride for homeless youth. The web page is https://give.everydayhero.com/au/hoofbeats-for-homes Please donate. !!! Thankyou. Watergirl. |
watergirl: Hi all you groovy fanstory people. I am turning to fanstory at all times of the day and night at the moment - am in crisis with my life, just trying to hold it all together. I am emboldened about life by the wise and heartfelt writings of fanstory poets and story writers. I have a plan which is doable, so am not destitute or anything, so there is definitely light there to be seen ahead. Any tips or scraps of wisdom are welcome right now. Bless you all. Watergirl. |
Jesus is holding your right hand - always. Hang in there:) You got friends here. Personal message me anytime. I'm a good listener. - | ||
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watergirl: the barriers that divide, the bigotry and the classes; the divisions of peoples based on......race, strata, economics, language, belief, gender, orientation, sexual dress or decoration........did you know we all end up in the vast space of the afterlife? See it how you like.....in heaven or hell......in limbo or however your religion paints the picture............we all end up having to look over the decisions we made.........no turning away now...so be gracious and kind to your neighbour, helpful to any who ask and loving to your family. Love heals all and also is an elevator for your soul, a rocket ship to the stars. I have the next ticket on the next departure. Hopefully. Grant me Grace, grant me love and may the connections I make with humanity serve as my transport. |
watergirl: The wonderful cartoonist Michael Leunig writes of spring. Spring Love Song. Life is just a little branch we land on; a tiny perch to stand on as we fall down from the sky; a springy twig, a flower we hadn't planned on. To love with sweet abandon while we live and as we die. |
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watergirl: Hi I don't say much of a personal nature usually but am in an awful situation. People close to me have damaged me by telling public lies. It is very difficult to cope with when one has been set up. I guess I am feeling like I have no-one to talk to now. Love fanstory and the wonderful people here. I really didn't deserve this. I do mean in my personal life, not a fanstory issue. Raving, as one does under stress. The thought of is there anyone out there? comes to mind. Small country town bigotry. Small thinking. Closed minds. Hmm.. |
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watergirl: A poem from the delightful Leunig. Song. I am a gruntled fellow with a shirt of gruntled yellow and I play a gruntled cello to a mean disgruntled world. And they boo me and they hiss me they insult me and dismiss me yet the parrots like to kiss me in this mean disgruntled world. It's disgruntled, it's disgruntled it's full frontally disgruntled Yet still the parrots kiss me in this mean disgruntled world. End. He sits there surrounded by coloured parrots whilst playing the cello. Beautiful. |