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2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  100

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Rank:  22

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Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  69

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

The debate is over. . There's no point. We will all know on November 6 2024 what the voters of America thinks.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  460

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:


Yes, I've already conceded that Biden gets unsteady and confused. Age can do that to people. It happens to people younger than him. Reagan was the same, and I doubt you had a bad word to say about him. Biden's gaffes and misstatements don't hold a candle to Trump's in audacity or frequency. It's like chalk and cheese.

Also, you mention Trump's ability to speak "off the cuff". But it's when he opens his mouth without the aid of a teleprompter he gets himself into so much trouble. He has no one to fact-check those speeches before he invents his own reality.

Finally, you say you are scared what Biden supporters might do if Trump wins the election. Really? You've already seen what Trump did when he lost an election. He invented a whole universe of lies about fraud. He tried to persuade someone to "find" him votes. He and his supporters launched 62 lawsuits to try and overturn the election result, and lost every single one. He pulled every dirty trick in the book.

As for his supporters, does January 6, 2021 ring any bells? Have the Democrats or their supporters ever threatened violence if they lose?

This is from a Time Magazine article:

In an exclusive interview with TIME, former President Donald Trump raised the specter of potential political violence if he loses the 2024 election. "I think we're going to win," he says on April 27 when asked about the prospect of political violence tied to November's elections. "And if we don't win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election."

We have already seen that in Trump's eyes, any election he loses is an unfair one. Win or lose in November, if Trump is not shut down (i.e. locked away for his crimes), Americans should be very scared.

2016, 2018 and 2020 Script Writer of the Year

Poet Rating
Rank:  21

Short Works Rating

Rank:  4

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Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars

Rank:  61

#4 Ranked Author

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

RE: Stop the Steal
It does matter that Biden appears confused and uncertain when he's speaking. Other old people aren't the leader of the free world. When Biden presents himself on the world stage, he comes off as weak, and other countries like Iran will take notice. We already have several hot spots in the world.

January 6th was not a bright spot in America's history. It was quickly stopped and not repeated in other parts of the country. Several of the perpetrators have been sentenced, some to a greater extent than their actions warranted. There have been far worse "insurrections" going on in the country, specifically the student attempts to take over university campus buildings.

When I referred to what might happen if Trump wins, I was mostly thinking of protests, media response, inability to get things done because of progressive members of Congress. It doesn't have to be physical violence.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  460

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

I wouldn't worry about what "other world leaders" might think of Joe Biden. The fact is, Donald Trump is the laughingstock of the world, outside the US. Of course, as far as leaders go, it's not exactly etiquette for them to publicly mock him, as he does to others. Other world leaders have a sense of diplomacy he severely lacks. But you might remember when he cut short his NATO visit in 2019 because a hot mic caught several Heads of Government having a right old joke at his expense. And that was before he fully revealed the extent to which he is unhinged. 

As far as Democrats being pig-headed, do you mean like the Republicans blocked a bipartisan border security bill just this week? I don't see Democrats being that obstinate.

I'd be far more concerned about a President whose legal team seeks to establish his right to murder political opponents with impunity, and who has posted about setting up a "unified Reich", if I were you. By the way, have you seen the response Trump got from the Libertarians? Enlightening.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  460

RE: Stop the Steal
Just thought I should add, in case it's not clear. I don't think Joe Biden is a brilliant and inspiring option for President. I wish the Democrats offered a better option. Nevertheless, his track record on economic and social issues since his election has far outperformed that of his opponent.

The choice comes down to someone who is a bit doddery and vague, or someone who is a stark-raving lunatic. Not a fantastic choice to have to make, but I know which is more worrying as far as I'm concerned.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  20

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  101

RE: Stop the Steal


MAGA supporters schooled at the Libertarian Convention. MAGA equals Socialism, well who knew? 

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  20

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars

Rank:  101

RE: Stop the Steal
Jobs, jobs, jobs.

President Biden has the strongest record of any recent president on increasing manufacturing jobs. Data shows that manufacturing jobs have grown by 6.5% since Biden took office. Under Trump manufacturing jobs grew by 3.4%.

Biden's Infrastructure Investment: Passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to improve bridges, roads, airports, public transportation, broadband, and energy systems.

Trump's infrastructure investment: His proposed infrastructure plan was marked by over-hype and under-delivery. While Trump proposed significant infrastructure investments, his $1 trillion plan never materialized even when Republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House.

Approximately 17% of voters in battleground states believe that President Biden is responsible for ending the constitutional right to abortion, despite the fact that he supports abortion rights and that his opponent, Donald Trump, appointed three Supreme Court justices who made it possible to overturn Roe v. Wade. It was Trump who was responsible for overturning the settled law, not Biden.

And that is not the whole story regarding a woman's reproductive rights. During an interview, Trump mentioned being open to supporting regulations on contraception and suggested that his administration might consider imposing mandates or supporting state restrictions on access to birth control.

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