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CD Richards

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Rank:  460

RE: Stop the Steal
Gloria, I've known of your dislike for Biden for some time now, and also the fact that you are a political conservative. So I'm glad to see you can put your personal feelings aside and recognise the results he and his party have achieved. An alarming number of people can't do that.

I have to admit that when Biden became the nominated Democrat Presidential candidate before the 2020 election, I had misgivings. To be honest, he comes across as appearing to be "doddery" from time to time, and I do wish the Democrats had a candidate who was younger, more energetic and projected a more confident appearance. That said, he is streets ahead of his rival in almost every important quality people might look for in a President.

I'm guessing his success is due to several factors, including:

* His long experience in the political arena. Unlike his opponent, who entered the race with zero relevant experience, he has been around long enough to know how it works, and to work within the system to achieve his government's goals.

* His humility. I don't know for certain that he is less arrogant and self-promoting than most politicians, but there is daylight between him and his megalomaniacal adversary. Whereas Trump doesn't listen to anyone, I suspect Biden has the nouse to pay heed to those who are in a position to give good advice.

If you don't read or listen to only right-wing propaganda spruikers posing as media outlets, it's pretty easy to see the Biden administration gets a glowing report card on both social and economic fronts.

Meanwhile, his opponent is looking increasingly to be in deep doo-doo. A situation for which he can blame no one but himself.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  100

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Rank:  22

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Rank:  4

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Rank:  69

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Alright that's enough. You guys crack me up. Please, on November 6 2024 after you vote your guy back into office. Let me know how your celebration goes. and how much better your lives and taxes become.


Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  45

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Review Stars
Rank:  113

RE: Stop the Steal
Actually, Lance, since none of us will be directly affected, we will be celebrating YOUR win!

In the real disaster that would be an unexpected Trump re-election you will soon see the error of your ways. Trump himself is an incompetent fool, but he is surrounded by a vicious gang of thugs only too willing to hustle into effect those plans they have been so happy to publicly espouse.

Detention camps anyone? Mass deportations of anyone brown? 50% tariffs on anything from China? Immediate criminal trials for everyone on Trump's hate-list? Military in the streets? Mass exodus of citizens surpassing that from Germany in the 1930s Exit from NATO Huge disarray in the geopolitical scene...

Good thing for you and the world that it will never happen. Even without a deserved conviction next week, the American people have too much common sense to vote for any of that!

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  100

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Rank:  22

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Script Rating
Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  69

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Long time no hear, Kiwi. I was impressed with your great poetry win. Great work.

I saw this today. I thought I would share it with you, so you can see this not me. I think this shows what Americans, not just Republicans feel. I know you guys outside don't agree, and I guess that is just the way it is. But, watch this and listen to what people here feel, if that means anything to you.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  460

RE: Stop the Steal
Love the way you take an interview of three people, pulled from a sea of MAGA hat wearers and claim "this is how Americans feel".

What a lot of rubbish. What the video does show is the intelligence of your average Trump voter. Like the second interviewee who said he was voting for Trump because he was a Christian. LMAO. This misogynistic, megalomaniacal, lying, adulterous, racist criminal, who never attends church unless there's a photo opportunity involved, is a Christian? And Biden, who attends church every week and is open about his religious convictions, is not? Yep, that's the kind of smarts it takes to be a Trump voter.

I cannot believe that come November the majority of Americans will be stupid enough to fall for his lies again.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  100

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Rank:  22

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Script Rating
Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  69

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

CD, with respect, all that is how you feel. How you and those who hate Trump sees him: A racist, adulterer, misogynist, megalomaniac, lying, blah, blah, blah. What I trying to explain is that people have been calling him and everyone who disagrees with them those things for the last ten plus years hear. You're a straight man who refuses to date a transgender, then you're a transphobe. You're a lesbian who doesn't want to date a transwoman with a penis, you're a transphobic, terf, bigot. If you say you don't want to see color and just treat everyone the same, then you're a racist. If you don't believe a four-year-old boy should decide to cut off his penis and call himself a girl, then you're a bigot. The above isn't a joke. This is happening and being supported by democrats (at least publicly). Half the country are tired of it. (maybe more), so slapping those labels on Trump doesn't mean anything anymore. And it's not just me. Listen to this:


Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  45

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Review Stars
Rank:  113

RE: Stop the Steal
What a weird segue to an assault on trans people.

Craig was merely stating facts. It is not what we feel, it is what is obvious and becoming more obvious by the day.

Here's a question, by way of a little clue...

Why did Trump fight to not have his latest court date in New York? New York, the place where he and his criminal grifter father spent the vast majority of their business lives?

Answer: Because the people of New York know him best. They knew him for a conman and a racist and a fraudster for years before he made the tragic mistake of running for political office, opening up his life for an examination that poor old dull-brain somehow never anticipated.

You never answered any of my points about Project 25 Is that really how you want your country to be run?

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  20

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Rank:  101

RE: Stop the Steal
The first tape at Trump's Bronx rally looks like standard political astroturfing to me. Astroturfing defined as: "the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public." The only thing I noted was Trump's disappointment at the modest turnout. So, he bigly inflated the head count from the actual 5,000 to 25,000.

Loved Maher's opening joke in the second tape:

"The Republicans have been showing up at the trial dressed like Trump. (laughter)

"It's all funny until it's the law." (more laughter)

"Vivek Ramaswammy was there, Matt Gaetz, Tommy Tupperville and even Mike Johnson. No wonder Trump falls asleep at the trial, he's counting his sheep." (mega laughter)

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  460

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

Lancelott: with respect, none of that is about how I feel. I deal in facts, and if words have any meaning, then every one of those deliberately chosen words is fact.

Misogyny (hatred for or disrespect of women)

  • Remember the infamous 2005 conversation about grabbing women by the pussy?

  • Describing Megyn Kelly as “having blood coming out of her wherever” because he didn’t like her questions, and calling her a bimbo.

  • Rosie O’Donnell comes in for special treatment, being variously referred to as “a pig”, “fat” and “slob”.

  • Arianna Huffington is a “dog”, according to Trump.

  • Trump’s pet name for Stormy Daniels is “horseface”.

  • Designates MSNBC co-host Mika Brzezinski as “low I.Q. Crazy Mika.” Also, “psycho”.

  • Suggested Rep. Maxine Waters has a “low I.Q.”.


As of January, The Washington Post had recorded 30573 false or misleading statements made by Donald Trump. A few of the absolute crack-ups:

  • The whole “stolen election” farce.

  • His claim that Joe Biden sent the FBI in to assassinate him during the Mar-a-Lago raid.

  • The ridiculous claim that the judge’s “gag order” in the current hush money trial meant he wasn’t able to testify.


  • Trump’s adultery is a matter of public record, and something he hasn’t even tried to hide. He has cheated on every one of his wives with multiple people.

  • He boasted about it when he was married to Ivana. 

  • No fewer than 26 women have accused him of sexual misconduct.

  • And, of course, there’s Stormy.


  • In 1973, Trump signed an agreement not to discriminate against renters of colour, because the DOJ, under NIXON’s (of all people) administration found he had refused black tenants and lied to them about availability of apartments.

  • In the Central Park Five case, Trump called for the death penalty for four black teenagers and a Latino teenager accused of raping a jogger. Even after DNA evidence cleared them, Trump still said he believed they were guilty.

  • According to John O’Donnell, Trump criticised a black accountant, saying “…laziness is a trait in blacks”. Trump later said, “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true”.

  • Trump characterised Mexican immigrants as rapists who are bringing crime and drugs into the country.

  • Trump suggested a judge overseeing the Trump University lawsuit should recuse himself because of his Mexican heritage and membership of a Latino lawyers association.

  • Who can forget Trump referring to Haiti and other African nations as “shithole countries”?

  • Trump suggested several black and brown members of Congress should “go back” to their own countries, in spite of the fact three of the four were born in the US.

There are many more to choose from.


Here’s just a few to give everyone a huge chuckle:

  • “The largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period.”

  • “I’m a very stable genius.”

  • “I’m the most successful person to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody’s ever been more successful than me. I’m the most successful person ever to run.”

  • "I look very much forward to showing my financials, because they are huge."

  • "Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it!”

  • “Frankly, I wouldn't mind if there were an anti-Viagra, something with the opposite effect. I'm not bragging. I'm just lucky. I don't need it."

  • "All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected."

  • "I'm intelligent. Some people would say I'm very, very, very intelligent."

  • "I say, not in a braggadocios way, I've made billions and billions of dollars dealing with people all around the world."

  • “My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.”

  • "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

  • “My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.”

  • “Part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”

There is no “opinion” in the above, just the man in his own words. I can understand this man’s appeal to you, Lancelott. He hasn’t got a religious bone in his body (not a criticism), he is devoid of compassion and empathy, and he doesn’t care who gets trampled in the pursuit of wealth and fame.

What I cannot understand, or rather, understand but am repulsed by, is the way the religious right has adopted this hypocrite as a sort of new Messiah figure. He stands against pretty much everything they pretend to believe in, but that seems to count for nothing when it comes to his empty promises.

2016, 2018 and 2020 Script Writer of the Year

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Rank:  21

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Rank:  4

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Rank:  1

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Rank:  61

#4 Ranked Author

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

RE: Stop the Steal
I'm enjoying reading the back-and-forth discussion here. It is interesting that you cite numerous statements from Trump that are whoppers, but what about Biden's claim his uncle was eaten by cannibals, or his statement that he was vice-president when COVID began? He may not be arrogant, but Biden often has to be shown which way to exit. He reads his responses to reporters' questions from a paper instead of being able to speak off the cuff, as Trump is able to do. I'm not a big Trump fan, as I've stated, but I can see why voters in the Bronx are turning to him. Like Americans who live day-to-day, they understand higher prices, they know when certain people (like the migrants) go to the head of the line when it comes to getting their needs taken care of. Biden probably didn't help himself with black voters when he gave his commencement address. Instead of making the graduates feel proud of their achievement he made it sound as if they were still living in the days of segregation. Democrats suffer from elitism, and they're out of touch with what average Americans are going through. They try to stigmatize Trump supporters by claiming they are ignorant and low-class. That is unfair and untrue. I fear for what Biden supporters might do if Trump wins the election. They will be so consumed with hate, they will make things miserable for Trump and his administration. I don't believe people are consumed with hate for Biden. They just aren't satisfied with his performance in office and worry about his ability to carry out the job.

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