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2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  100

Short Works Rating

Rank:  22

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  68

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Look, guy who seems to care more about America, a country he doesn't live in, more than his own. From grades k thru 12, we stood in the morning before our class at school and recited the pledge of allegiance.

Let me recite it for you:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

Every School kid in America learns this form six years old and onward.

The current push today to reclassify America as a Democracy is to benefit one political party over another. Why? Because Democracy is similar to Democrat, and Republic is similar to republicans.

You cannot argue Trump is a threat to our democracy (the current slogan) if America isn't a democracy.

As an outsider you are falling into the media and political narrative trap. YOU ARE NOT HERE.

Do we have problems? Yes, and we are dealing with them. Why not fix your own house before throwing stones at ours?

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

Look, guy who alters reality to suit his weird political proclivities, how many times do you have to be told, the fact it is a republic doesn't mean it cannot be, and isn't, a democracy? The "current" political push is for democracy? Who was it who said, "Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people"? In terms of American politics, you can't get a whole lot LESS current than that. And btw, of which party was he a member? As an insider, you'd do best not to swallow the absurd political narrative you embrace. And your country would be far better off getting a few politicians who cared about people rather than ideologies and their own massive egos and wallets. Why don't I get involved in my own nation's political bickering? I do. Why don't I shut up about yours? Because I don't want to.

Here's a fun question for you. According to you, your country is, to the exclusion of everything else, even where there is no mutual exclusivity, a republic... because the Pledge says so. The Pledge also says, in the very next phrase, "one nation under God". So, that is your unshakeable belief too, is it?

Your absurd desire to distance your country from democracy is almost as if you've said to yourself, "Republicans good, Democrats bad", and decided that must mean "republic good, democracy bad". If that's the case, there may be no help for you.

2016, 2018 and 2020 Script Writer of the Year

Poet Rating
Rank:  21

Short Works Rating

Rank:  4

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  1

Review Stars

Rank:  61

#4 Ranked Author

#1 Ranked Script Writer!

RE: Stop the Steal
I just had to chime in on this discussion. I don't know if you've read Mrs. KT's short piece about someone who wanted to head a Department of Fearmongering. I think we already have one, with people tied up in knots about what Trump will do if he's president. I don't think he meant his comment about being a dictator seriously (and he added for a day). Black people will not be put in chains, the republic will not be doomed. Things couldn't get worse than they are under Biden. Higher prices, increased crime, out-of-control border, tensions rising in several foreign countries, etc. Biden has cheerfully ignored those problems in his efforts to get re-elected. As a supporter of Israel, I don't like his wishy-washy way of handling the Israeli-Hamas situation. Is he a friend of Israel, or Hamas? If Trump is elected, the main problem the country will face is the hatred from the Democrats, who will continue to make Trump's life miserable at every turn. I am not a fan of Trump, by any means, so it will be a tough decision for me as a voter. But look at Biden's record. It is lacking in achievement, and he wants the opportunity to finish the job. judi

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

Poet Rating
Rank:  100

Short Works Rating

Rank:  22

Novel Rating

Script Rating
Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  68

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
I think you're correct, Judi. I shouldn't have gone off topic. I am not a Trump supporter but as an American, living, working, and providing for my family here. I vividly recall all the fearmongering before Trump's first term.
Now, we are seeing and hearing the same things. I wish, just one time, those people giving dire warning would explain why none of those terrible and horrible predictions came about during Trump's first term.

If they simply don't like him as a person. Fine. There are many things about him personally I dislike, but... running the country is different. I don't have to like him, as long as he does his job effectively.
And I do not vote for the US President to run the world, just the federal government as our Constitution calls for.

Julie Helms

Poet Rating
Rank:  25

Short Works Rating

Rank:  9

Novel Rating
Rank:  21

Review Stars
Rank:  21

#9 Ranked Author

RE: Stop the Steal
I wish these messages had the ability to hit a 'like' button
So to Lancellot...your message is "liked".
I'm glad there is someone here willing to engage this nonsense. Thank you.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

Ah yes, fearmongering. How positively stupid of anyone to think Trump poses any threat whatsoever. So tell me:

  • Why did ex-President Trump just today post, and then remove, a video on his Truth Social site promising a "Unified Reich" if he wins in 2024?

  • Prior to Jan 6, 2021, when is the last time the Capitol was invaded by murderous thugs in an attempt to prevent a joint session of Congress counting the Electoral College votes to formalize the victory of a new President?

  • When is the last time a US President encouraged an insurrection to prevent the democratic process of installing a new Government from taking place?

  • When is the last time a former US President faced not one, but four criminal trials, as well as having lost countless civil cases, including those for sexual abuse and fraud?

  • Apart from Trump, which other US Presidents have employed the military and police as their own personal enforcers, in order to prevent peaceful protests?

  • Why is it that the Supreme Court is currently considering the scope of Presidential immunity, and Trump and his attorneys are seeking virtually limitless powers, including immunity from prosecution for murdering a political opponent?

  • When is the last time a President sought to defraud election results, while simultaneously accusing innocent people of doing exactly that?

  • When is the last time a US President heaped high praise upon miscreants like Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin, while setting himself against allied leaders from friendly countries?

There's some fearmongering for you to consider. What could possibly go wrong?  If you elect for more of the same, then I hope you get what you deserve. But please, leave the rest of the world out of whatever you bring down upon your own heads.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Julie Helms,

Feel free to throw in your two cents worth. I'd love for you to explain exactly which bits you consider nonsense. Or maybe we could just chat about your favourite Christian champion. We could start with his attitude towards women, if you like smiley

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

Speaking of fearmongering, it is amazing to see so many people who appear to be under the impression the US is going to hell in a handbasket under the Biden administration. Yet, apart from the Trump-loving hard-right-wing media (which includes Fox), the reports are very different. For example, this from the centrist

Health care

  • The number of uninsured Americans hit an all-time low of 7.2% in the second quarter of 2023.

  • When the ACA passed in 2010, 22.3% of working-age people were uninsured compared with just 10.4% now.


  • Salary increases are outpacing inflation.

  • Job growth in Biden’s first three years outperformed any previous president.

Cost of living

  • The cost of living is going down.

  • The rapid disinflation under Biden is unmatched in modern history.


  • Families are richer than ever.

  • Net worth has climbed under Biden.

Worker equality

  • Inequality is narrowing.

  • Low-income workers have received a rise in real wages, helping to bridge the gap.

Financial markets

  • The dollar has strengthened against most major global currencies over the past three years.

  • The equity market is soaring.


  • Violent crimes, especially homicides, have fallen.

  • Biden has encouraged states to use stimulus money on law enforcement.

In many respects, the current government has outperformed every previous administration. Even concerning immigration and border control, while results have been poor, citizens can largely thank the belligerence of the Republicans, who refuse to adopt a bipartisan approach to working on the problem. It’s interesting to note complaints about Biden’s “wishy-washy” handling of the situation in Gaza, particularly because pro-Palestinian groups have labeled him “Genocide Joe” for his support of Israel:


What the militant Israeli supporters fail to recognize is that it was not Palestinians who initiated the current round of hostilities with Israel, but Hamas. Israel has been brutal in exacting revenge on civilian Palestinians who have no part in the atrocities committed by Hamas. There is no innocent side in this conflict. Any intelligent person recognizes that.

I would suggest that anyone who looks at the Biden administration and judges them to be doing a terrible job looks at where their information, and their perspectives, are coming from.

Lancelott: I look forward to hearing, yet again, from you how I only ever say awful things about your country and am constantly attacking it.


Poet Rating

Short Works Rating

Novel Rating

Review Stars
Rank:  222

RE: Stop the Steal
I WISH THIS POEM WERE POSTED EVERYWHERE - INCLUDING WINDSHIELDS AND TELEPHONE POLES STORE WINDOWS AND ANY OTHER PUBLIC PLACE SO EVERYONE WOULD HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO READ IT. The words are true and our freedom as Americans -- especially as American women -- if Trump elected is set to go backwards..

His policies as they existed in his first term could be discussed from a pro and con perspective. He didn't have time to put it all together and he was attempting to act in a way he thought he could re-elected. He did whatever he thought was necessary to win the election in order to finish his plans. When he didn't, he yelled 'foul'- I was cheated (all time he had been cheating others himself in a way he thought would help him). Now he wants another chance to complete his plan --hoping to eliminate the laws that limit him to 2 terms.

Regardless of what policies are or were, I do not want my country to be lead by a mean, lying, cheating, SOB who cares about no one other than himself. I want the Statue of Liberty to continue to stand for something. I want the constitution to mean something. I want military service to mean something. It nauseated me to him say about McCain - not a hero to him, he likes his heroes bit captured or killed While Trump sells Bibles, he apparently does not read or believe in them --- which is okay with me - non-belief, but not the lying about the non-belief.

I want a leader who is compassionate, honest and willing to stand up for the little guy. Trump is the antithesis of that person. His life and how he has lived it proves he is not qualified to work in a position as powerful as President of the United States -he cheats; he hates, he lies, and he has an inability to empathize with another human being. We will sign our own death certificate for the United States we live in if we elect him again.


CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Well said, Ann, and welcome to the party. That goes for Judi and Julie, too. Nice to see some new faces around here.

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