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CD Richards

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Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
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Trump couldn't give a damn about America. There is only one thing Trump cares about, and that is Trump. That's why he seeks to destroy America's democracy to save his own arse.

As for why the whole world has let it get to a point where the US calls all the shots... only God knows. More the suckers us. Of course, in the case of my little backwater, there's the fact that we have a population well under one-tenth the population of the land of the free and the home of the brave. There's also the fact we're not interested in spending absolutely obscene amounts of money finding and building ways to kill people.

But yeah, you're right. We in the rest of the advanced world don't really need America for trade. Particularly in this neck of the woods, China provides a massive amount of it. So you're probably right. It's time the rest of us fell in line with Trump and told the US to suck eggs. Of course, trade is a means by which good relations are built between countries, and can help keep other types of self-interest at bay. But that is a little nuanced for some.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
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yes, America doesn't need trading partners. Nor does many other nations. Let's be honest. Many nations, especially the NATO and NATO affiliated ones, are only concerned about America because of defense. We all know some powerful nations, with evil hearted rulers will do what humans have always done. Conquar the weak. no amount of trade or good will can stop this. Ask Ukraine. 



2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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RE: Stop the Steal
In response to your statement that has since been edited, I can think of a few things Trump did during his term and after that have rigorously eroded the checks and balances within the US political system. While there are many more examples here are some notables:

Immediately following his inauguration he began an intensive campaign to disparage the US intelligence agencies. One year later at a news conference in Helsinki, on the world stage Trump sided with Putin above his own people regarding election interference thereby undermining their credibility and weakening the moral authority of their leaders.

Trump began appointing acting directors of agencies and cabinet secretaries which allowed him to bypass the Senate's role in vetting nominees thereby undermining the constitutional rights of a coequal branch of government. It also enabled him to appoint Trump loyalists even with no experience and dis-appoint them just as easily.

Trump's relentless attacks on the Department of Justice, a coequal branch of government are well noted. Just last week top ranking Congressional Republicans went to a courthouse to attack the rule of New York State law in a show of support for Trump. And speaking of legalities, what has happened to the SCOTUS? While the Supreme Court isn't part of the DOJ it is the highest court in the land and is specifically required by the Constitution, that pesky document that Trump suggested could be terminated to reinstate him as president.

Trump made unilateral decisions on major issues, such as withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear deal, and the Paris Agreement. In the process he deliberately undermined the balance of power between the executive branch and congress.

Trump used the Department of Homeland Security for political gain, rather than prioritizing public safety. Department of Homeland Security officials reported distorting intelligence to align with Trump's statements and misrepresenting data on suspected terrorists crossing the southern border claiming thousands when there were almost none.

The US is both a constitutional republic and a democracy and with Trump's, Stop the Steal campaign he has as the president, and a private citizen, methodically eroded one of the bedrocks of democracy: voting.

Trump is a dangerous man as he proved with his involvement leading up to, and actions on, January 6th. And now that he knows where all the levers of government are, he will start pulling them on day one. And you might find out that the checks and balances you thought were in place, aren't as unshakeable as you thought.

Moreover, the manner with which he dispatched his loyal servant Michael Cohen should put everyone on notice. Even if you have done everything Trump wanted done and put yourself in serious jeopardy in the process, he will still throw you under the bus and he will have a whole army of like-minded acolytes to do his bidding.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
I also noticed the mysteriously disappearing denial of America being a democracy. Either someone found a dictionary, or they decided they were tipping their hand by their eagerness to divorce themselves from the word.

In any case, the threat that Trump poses to his nation and the democratic world has been demonstrated here many times over a long period. Don't hold your breath waiting for anyone to stop commenting until he is gone and forgotten, rotting in a prison somewhere.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
yes, I edited it, because I didn't want to go off into the woods from what the thread was meant for.

And NO. since you brought it up again. The USA is NOT a Democracy. You can look that wherever you wish. For the last time. We are a Republic. A constitutional republic to be specific.

Again. Trump says many things and criticized many aspects of our government and its agencies publicly.
And though some may not like, even me. Trump has the Constitutional rights to say those things, just as I do. Even a President has 1st Amendment rights to criticize his government. And he isn't the only President or Government rep. to do so.

As far as pulling out of an international treaty. (Again, some may not like it.) He had that authority as President, All President do. Obama did it too. Remember the treaty to protect Ukraine if invaded or attack. Russia took Crimea, and Obama ignored the treaty (so did the UK) and refused to fight.

Again, all you guys are saying is known and not illegal here. Trump was President, the people knew who he was when they elected him. They know now. Many Americans liked his international stance. Many still do.

You can fear monger about our elections from your nations if that makes you happy, but like I keep pointing out. If you're right or wrong, it doesn't matter to you. It does matter to us, as we are the ones with skin in the game, we are ones who vote, we are the ones who live here and experience things.

Also, have you ever noticed how little the American members write for or against other world leaders or other nations politics? Most American members never disparage foreign members nations, political parties or leaders. We almost never tell you guys who to vote for or how bad your choices are. We almost never insult anyone or aspect of your nations or governments or people for their political choices.

Is that something?

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  20

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Rank:  100

RE: Stop the Steal
Have you ever noticed that a very small number of members post on the political forum. Regarding the rest, two threads were started on FanStory in the political forum about the Freedom Convoy in Canada, and one was the largest thread I've ever read here with something over 100 replies. The movement was sparked by a vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border, implemented by Trudeau's administration.

Fox News produced extensive inflammatory coverage of the Canadian convoy which was sympathetic to the protesters and anti-Trudeau. The Russian propaganda outlet RT produced a high volume of convoy-related coverage as a broader effort to amplify social divisions in Canada. That was copied and pasted on this site by American members.

Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News following Dominion Voting Systems' award of almost $800 million in damages from Fox for their defamation claims (primarily Carlson) that the company's voting machines had been rigged to steal the election from Trump.

Prior to being let go, Carlson created a documentary titled O, Canada; a video that posed the question of whether the United States should "liberate Canada from (dictator) Trudeau," showing pictures of the PM standing alongside authoritarian figures and drawing parallels to US military interventions in other countries. Again this was brought to our attention on this site by Americans.

So it simply isn't true that American members don't write for or against other world leaders or other nations' politics or never disparage foreign members' nations, political parties or leaders. Moreover you elected a reality TV star as your president. I watched and commented on every episode of Trump's Celebrity Apprentice, why would I stop watching and commenting when he is in the White House.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

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#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Gloria, you're proving my point. I didn't say we never discuss other nations. I said most, and then is not even close to the level of political discussion or attacks against, not just Trump, but US Republican politicians. Come on, be honest. Even you, Gloria, speak more about US politics than your own. If not for you Bio, most would've assumed you lived in the US.

Also, do you know the words to the US Pledge of Allegiance?

Again, I am not a Trump supporter. I am an America supporter. And America is not treated fairly or like other nations in the forums.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

"The USA is not a democracy"

For what I am sure will not be the last time, yes, it is. You fall into the common trap of dualism, of creating a false dichotomy. It’s both a democracy and a republic.  That’s why the term democratic republic exists.

Democracy n.

A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. From the Greek demos (people) and "kratos" (rule) i.e. "rule by the people".

"You can look that wherever you wish"

OK, let’s do that:


Franklin D. Roosevelt:

  • "Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education."

John F. Kennedy:

  • "The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all."

Barack Obama:

  • "In the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it. That's what we’ve seen happen in America. In our own history, we've seen it happen over and over again. And so we know that as a democracy, we are greater together than we are on our own."

Jimmy Carter:

  • "The experience of democracy is like the experience of life itself—always changing, infinite in its variety, sometimes turbulent and all the more valuable for having been tested by adversity."

Abraham Lincoln:

  • "Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people."

Bill Clinton:

  • "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. And that is the spirit of democracy."

"Also, have you ever noticed how little the American members write for or against other world leaders or other nations politics? Most American members never disparage foreign members nations, political parties or leaders. We almost never tell you guys who to vote for or how bad your choices are. We almost never insult anyone or aspect of your nations or governments or people for their political choices. Is that something?"

No, it’s not. At least not what you try to make out.

Why don’t you? This is a political forum, after all. If you don’t like something about our countries’ politics, or politicians, why not air your opinion? It’s not our fault that many Americans know nothing about Australia other than that it provided a great setting for The Sound of Music. Even your ex Head of State doesn’t know the difference between England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. But he knows kings are bad, very bad, unbelievably bad. How many Fanstory writers do you think could state the difference? Do they know which side of the road Canadians drive on? (Hint: trick question). It’s not because they are too “polite” that they don't discuss other countries’ politics, it’s that they wouldn’t know the first thing about them.

How many times have Steve, Emma, Gloria or myself brought up something about a political issue close to home for us, only to be met with deafening silence? The only reason you try to make out we are being bullies is because you don’t like what we have to say. If we agreed with you, you wouldn’t have an issue.

Autocracy n.

A system of government in which all power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group, with little to no checks and balances to limit their authority.

Theocracy n.

A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. An autocracy is what Donald Trump seeks to establish, where all power is vested in him. His unlikely bedfellows, the right-wing Christian fundamentalists, seek to produce a theocracy. The religious right know that even though Trump doesn’t give a crap about their religion (he used to mock them before it suited him to brown-nose to them), he needs their votes to fulfil his aim of being President. Without it, he’s history, relegated forever to the boondocks. And knowing that, they can use him to achieve their aim of controlling the population and assuring their poisoned morality can be inflicted upon everyone.

At present, in spite of its flaws, the US is a democracy. If Trump, or anyone like him, wins power again, watch how fast it becomes an autocracy and a theocracy, from which it may never recover.

2021 Script Writer of the Year

Level 1 Pro

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Rank:  100

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Rank:  22

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Rank:  4

Review Stars
Rank:  68

#4 Ranked Script Writer

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

Look person who lives in another country. America is NOT a democracy. It is a Republic, Constitutional Republic. No where in the Constitution will you find the word Democracy. Does it have elements on a democracy? Yes, but it not a true democracy as defined. It was not formed as a democracy. Some call it a Democratic Republic because our representatives are democratically chosen. A Democracy means majority rules. We, the USA is not such a government. Look, we do not even elect our President by majority vote (democratic vote). If we were a democracy, H. Clinton would have been President. But she wasn't. But this is getting ridiculous. In your other country, believe whatever makes you happy. Hate out presidential choices if it makes you happy.


For those who truely want to understand:


CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  470

RE: Stop the Steal
Message edited:

The US constitution doesn't contain the word "Jesus" either, but try convincing your evangelical brethren America isn't a Christian country. I quoted 6 former presidents who clearly viewed America as a democracy, and could quote more. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will. It's not "getting ridiculous", it's been ridiculous since the first time you denied the obvious, years ago.

I'll be happy when the US is no longer considering inflicting an ignorant, traitorous, self-serving megalomaniac on its own people, and on the rest of the world. America might or might not be the most powerful country in the world. But in spite of its incredible self-belief, going forward, even the mighty USA not going to be able to stand up to Russia, China and North Korea alone once it has pissed off every friend it's got. That appears to be the agenda of Donald Trump, and it appears to be yours.

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