Fantasy Fiction posted March 16, 2019 Chapters:  ...29 30 -31- 32... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Dyster (the blue dragon) meets his mother in battle.

A chapter in the book GULBRANDR- God's Sword

Are You My Mother?

by Roxanna Andrews

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

A champion is fortold who would save his people. The battle between the horde and Joshua's army has begun.
Three blasts on the rams horn called the slave warriors to battle. The men came out of the tents and stood waiting for weapons to be handed out. Most had no wish to fight, but knew if they did not they would die. Many a man who didn't join in the fighting had been run through or beheaded, their bodies burned. All were made to watch this spectacle and the sight was not soon forgotten. However reluctant they felt to fight the memory of their fate, if they did not, was enough to motivate them.

There was no time for the men to paint their faces and hair blue as they normally did. They had to fight as they were and they somehow felt naked. The blue paint hid their faces and covered the shame many felt being slaves and made to fight another man's war. They stood in the cold air, shivering. It was not usual for them to do battle in the winter and though they wore fur, it was thread barren and did little to keep them warm.

Not all the enemy warriors were slaves, many had joined the fight willingly. They dance around wildly, their minds having left them long ago, excited for the battle to begin, the cold having no affect on them. 

Joshua heard the horn blasts and looked to his horse captain, Cedric. He nodded and Cedric gave the order to mount up. Breastplates were fastened to the horses, the sturdy Friesian danced with anticipation, eager for what lay ahead. Days of inactivity had made them restless, and it took all the men's strength to hold them back.

The Nubian archers took their place in front of the horse soldiers, their quivers filled with arrows, extra quivers slung around their necks. The swordsmen lined up behind them.

The dragon riders loaded the huge mountain cats onto their dragons, then climbed aboard, each with an archer. They waited for Joshua to check the ranks and give last minute intructions. He sat on the back of his magnificent blue dragon, Dyster, giving encouragement. The clouds parted and a sliver of light shown down on man and beast. Duster iridescent scales shown in the light, casting a halo of color. The men and women listen with rapt attention.

"We will defeat this enemy and put an end to them. I am called for just this purpose, to rid the world of this scourge. Leave none alive. Do not be afraid, fight bravely and be rewarded. God be with you all."

A wild cheer went up from the warriors as Joshua hoisted his Nubian archer onto Dyster's back and they took to the skies.

Lyse flew to Joshua's right. They made eye contact once, the look saying all they could not say. They nodded, then put their minds on the task at hand.

Joshua looked below him and saw the horse soldiers moving out, they were in full gallop as the horses were eager to run, but they soon slowed. They knew Lucas's army would meet them soon enough, no need to hurry. In the distance Joshua could see the black outline of the enemy dragons. He spurred Dyster to a faster speed and the other dragon riders followed.

They were upon the black dragons before long, the beasts already spitting fire, but the flames were small, the cold air preventing them from expelling the ferocious flames they usually did.

The Nubian archers sent their arrows flying, many finding their mark, killing the rider or causing him to fall to his death. If unable to unseat or kill the rider, they let loose the cats. They would leap to the enemy dragon, killing the rider. Many riders brought the dragons low and would roll to the ground to save their lives. The cat would jump after the rider, pursuing him to his death. 

The dragons, without a rider to guide them, flew off, landing in a tree grove below. Joshua knew they had to be destroyed or they would terrorize the county side. He brought Dyster down close and the archer shot arrows, but most bounced off the scale covered hides.

Joshua landed Dyster and set the huge mountain cat loose. Riddare ran and leaped on the nearest dragon, biting and clawing at the back of the beast's neck. The dragon reared back screaming, throwing his head from side to side trying to rid himself of the cat. Riddare dug in his claws and held on. He climbed up the neck to the beast's head and began to claw out its eyes, his long, sharp claws dug in and tore flesh and eyeballs from their sockets. The beast fell to its side, blind and terrified. Dyster ended its misery by crushing its neck. The beast fell dead, blood soaking the snow where it lay.

Four black dragons lay dead in a short time, Riddare and Dyster working together, put an end to their lives. Blood turned the pristine snow bright red.

Joshua felt an impact tremor and turned to see a huge black dragon come out of the woods, a full grown adult, mother of the young dragons. When she saw her dead children, she let out a roar and fire burst from her throat. Dyster fell back as the burning flame licked his side. Standing over the bodies of the dead, she nudged them with her snout. When there was no movement, she lifted her head, her gleaming red eyes focused on Dyster. Breathing heavily from her nostrils she filled the air with clouds of white fog, then opening her mouth let out a tremendous scream, causing Joshua to cover his ears. Bringing her head back, then thrusting it forward, she shoot out a flame so hot is was white.

Joshua pulled Dyster back, but the flame managed to once again lick his side. He bellowed and moved away, singed but unharmed, his thick scales protecting him. He showed no fear as he lowered his head and clawed the ground, ready for the fight.

Joshua slipped from his back and readied his sword. He knew why the young dragons had landed here, they had come home to mother. 

Dyster still knew the scent of his mother after so many years. The same dragon who had thrown him from the cave he'd been born in. Who had screamed upon seeing green eyes rather than red, and a blue body, not the raven black of his siblings. She had tossed him from the cave, just a hatch-ling, not even fully emerged from his shell.

Dyster never hesitated upon recognizing the smell of his mother. She was the enemy and he would kill her as he had his siblings who now lay lifeless, their crimson blood soaking into the snow.

The fully grown female circled around Dyster looking for a weakness. They were matched in size and Dyster showed no fear. He spread his huge wings and hovered off the ground. Bringing his back legs forward, he delivered a mighty blow to the black dragon's chest. Dyster's quick reflexes caught her unaware. She was not prepared and fell backward, but she quickly recovered and shot out her white hot flame. Dyster rose above it and gave her another powerful kick, this time she screamed, sliding along the icy snow. She was on her feet in short time and charging Dyster. The two mammoth beasts rolled in the snow, each trying to pin the other to the ground and deliver a death bite to the throat. Brush was flattened and young trees felled as the two beasts rolled into the woods.

Joshua and his archer watched, fascinated, never having seen dragons locked in battle. Above them more black dragons circled and screamed. They flew off and Joshua knew they would be after the horse soldiers. He needed to rejoin the fight.

Hot breath caused the two giants to expel a huge white vapor cloud into the cold air. The beasts stood tall on their back legs and with long necks entangled, bit and clawed at one another. Blood flew, but neither was wounded to the point of conceding the fight. Dyster saw his moment and went for his mother's throat, but her powerful legs pushed him off and she managed to put some distance between them. With a scream and one last shot of white hot flame, she took to the sky. Dyster followed her as Joshua called after him, but he paid no heed.

I have read this over a million times, made a ton of changes and am driving myself crazy so going to post it. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to point out all the errors. =}

A very tiny thumbnail of the book.

Joshua was born to Nyla an outcast from Wahaland. The baby was taken from her when her husband died and brought to Wahaland to be raised by his Uncles. At 16 Joshua discovered he was to become the leader of his people and deliver them from the horde. He is taken by Augdon, captian of the champions who lived and trained to defeat the horde. Joshua is trained as a warrior and given a magnificent blue dragon to ride. He falls in love with and marries Augdon's adopted daughter Lyse. He is reunited with his mother Nyla who joins the warriors in their quest to put an end to the horde.

Joshua-The Chosen One
Drake & Eric- Joshua's Uncles
Augdon-Trained Joshua as a warrior. Lyse's father
Jarle-Augdon and Cedric's father.
Cedric-Augdons brother, Lyse's uncle. Captain of the horsemen
Lyse-Joshua's wife
Nyla-Joshua's mother
Lucas-Leader of the Hoard
Lydia-Lucas' wife
Hamish-Wahaland Spiritual leader and trouble maker, also Lucas' brother.
Dyster- Huge blue dragon reserved for Joshua.
Riddare-Mountain cat, Dyster's companion.
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