Biographical Poetry posted June 19, 2017

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Smoke signals didn't cut it...

And Then Came Radio

by Ogden

We aged can tell of "good old days” enjoyed in different decades,
the times we would want to revisit, but good was my good old

When I was a kid, not only some phones were dumb phones.
Uninvented were laptops, and, ditto, was the PC.
Believe it or not, it was before TV!

Radio was in it’s infancy, no interest to infant me,   
But when I grew up a bit, I couldn't stay away from it. 
North and south, east and west, radio dominated millions of living rooms,
Overshadowing even Bingo, "broadcasting" became the biggest of booms.  

Families gathered to listen to programs only the very old recall.  
”The Bickersons”, "Easy Aces,” ”Can You Top This?”,  pre-”Lucy” Lucille Ball.  
If you know them not, my fond old shows, you’re just a youth in comparison.
(You might not even remember young Julie Andrews and Rex Harrison.)  

Each generation, of course, venerates its own heroes and stars; 
I can hear future grandpas lauding those lads who colonized Mars. 

The Good Old Days writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about "the good old days" as you remember them. Any type, at least six lines
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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