Biographical Poetry posted September 17, 2016 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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Oh! The joy of a new spring on Earth!
A chapter in the book Challenge, Change, and New Life



I must emerge today
It is getting too comfortable to stay
Nestled in my black hole
My time at the crossroads
My time waiting to be heard
To gain the clarification I need
Clarification I see others have sought before
And seemingly given up
Not receiving the answer to their call
Or new light on the road at all!

But I am not the easy giving up kind!
New growth, change, transcendence, I have in mind!
This time!
Emerging from the crossroads to my second FanStory year
Choosing to journey with confidence, clarity, love and cheers
Not fear!
Fear of the next fall!
Fear of my next need to call
Only to be told, I am not understood at all!

Four, five, six times, I have called
Struggled, fought, to cross the void
But then, as uncontrollable as the weather
The clouds have past
With the rain
And miraculously I flower again
Above the pain
No light in the dark
No learning spark
Illuminating a definite way!

Illuminating a definite way!
FanStory's roads are upgraded each day!

What a job!
What a job in our quickening world of opportunity, choice and change!
What a job when increasing numbers strive to extend their own range!
What a job when our world flowers so multi-dimensionally!
And, each co-creative human being adds love's individuality!

Maybe a job not in the original plan
When around our new millennium FanStory began
And yes!
I've been so truly blest
By such expertise, learning, enterprise
Daily sharing, new growth, spring's surprises
Fabulous new flowering and summer exuberance
Autumnal bronzing with philosophical magnificence
And winter's challenges of spiritual significance!

Stuck in the close of my first FanStory year
Though I hoped to be unfurling with my destiny dear
I've grown with the challenges of spiritual significance
Ready to walk again, feel I can make a difference!

And fulfill my purpose in this God gifted life
Walking co-creatively with the love of our Christ!
Christ of our world on Earth at this time
Christ co-creating through each precious lifeline!

For we are the Christ-masses, God's love gifted birth
Embodying the Knowledge Tree of our dear Mother Earth
Transcending life's crosses with love through each day
Making and marking creative change on our Way!

Our Way as humanity in this crucible of time
Past our Golden Harvest, mankind in its prime
Regenerating and nourishing all life here on Earth
We'll realise our potential, God's gift of human birth
The gift of free choice, language and Words
Co-creating as One God Gifted Uni-Verse!

Such are my thoughts as I emerge anew today
Embracing love's blessings on my FanStory Way
Hoping for new light, a clear road map ahead
Raising confidence no traveller will be left ridiculed instead
Of gaining support, expertise, knowledge, and care
Enlightening FanStory's Ways as we lovingly share!
Share wisdom unfurling with the radiance of spring
Regenerating all life with new love in each spring!

Maureen Garrett: 18.9.2016

A feature of a black hole is that no light can escape. So, it is said, by those seeking from the outer with a scientific eye! Yet, not only did my cry get out, minus light or understanding, but light poured in - straight into my heart and soul, opening many precious nourishing channels to our God blest whole. And so, as the phoenix from the fire, a miracle of Christ, and a new spring of life, I emerge, blest by the fertility of the rich, deep soil, love, and God gifted zest for co-creativity, transcendence, and flowering of new life and joy through each day on Earth. Thank you all for nourishing such wonder, Maureen 18.9.2016
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