General Poetry posted March 18, 2013

This work has reached the exceptional level
Reserved for the aging, it summons all other emotions.

Nostalgia (haibun style)



Unlike all other emotions, you slipped in through the back door: Unannounced you pounced. You are the only emotion wearing a time stamp. A warped wonderer. Youth has no use for you. You cramp their style. They are too busy living their lives in the precious present. Your power is not for the faint of heart. It ebbs and flows. One moment a gentle soothing lap plants a smile. The next, a tidal wave of loss. The taste of salt streaming down my weathered cheek.

Like a coin. Life flips you randomly: AAh the heavenly scent of a fresh picked rose caresses me. And I'm wrapped in the fragrance of a wafting moment of joy. The sight of the same majestic mountain that we once climbed together... Still in its proper place, reaching to touch the morning sun... Just as it did those many moons ago. It is the things that never change that comfort me.

You have the power to persuade me to tears and launch me to laughter. Days turn into weeks, weeks slip into months and months disappear into another year. You remain tried and true. Holding my hand on this journey called life, as I slide across the borders of time. One foot in the now, the other in yesterday.

the virgin path
spirals and shifts- it leads
I know not where.

Emotions contest entry


Thanks to Corrinas Creations for the art work.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by corrinas creations at

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