
Contest Vote For My Muse

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

12 votes The Darkness All Around Within by Fleedleflump
7 votes My Husband, My Muse by Connie C
2 votes The Great Inspirer by fairydancer
No Votes Senyru (inspiration) by writer c

Comments For The Darkness All Around Within by Fleedleflump

Excellent portrayal of a dark muse.

An exceptional poem that perfectly answers the question in the writing prompt.

All, were wonderful, but not only did this one fulfill the requirements, but I chose it for the flow and meter.

Cleverly thought out, well written

Comments For My Husband, My Muse by Connie C

This is my favorite - so sweet!

My Husband, My Muse is my choice. All the poems were very good.

Sweet and to the point, easy to follow.

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