A Life
Gift of Love
A Better World
happykat4: I know I have not been on sight for a long time. I do miss many and hope to get back on task after my surgery. I am writing for a magazine called Women Inc. out of Burt Iowa. Some of my poetry has been published here. I am working with an illustrator for a couple my children's books and once this surgery is over hope to self-publish them. I also plan on putting a book of poetry together and publish. I have done public readings of my poetry and was well received. Once again, I thank everyone for reviewing my writing. I have learned so much, and loved reading and reviewing your work!! Thanks to all of you!!!! |
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happykat4: our prayers are very, very, powerful. I have been released and am back home. After many tests and trays, the doctors have found a arthritis in my right hip. I was given a shot of steroids directly in the groin spot where the pain was worse. I was told with all my other issues, bone on bone of both knees (knee replacemens MUST be done) my left shoulder injury, (physical therapy for rotator cuff) in addition to the Parkinson's disease progression, my body was reacting to the pain etc. I will be setting up an MRI for hip, going to physical therapy for hip, shoulder and Parkinson's. My neurologist here will be coordinating with Mayo in Rochester to request an earlier surgery date and or to fill any spots that open up because someone decided not to go forward. I know this happens and if a spot opens there y will call and I can take it and get in sooner. I am truly blessed and so very grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life..each one of you are so very kind and know that your words, prayers and actions are truly appreciated. Love each of you. Keep your.prayers going. :)!!!! |
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happykat4: I would like to update all of my friends and ask for your prayers. I am in the hospital in Mankato. I have wonderful people trying to find the causes of increased pain, muscle spasms, etc. As I have posted DBS is not scheduled until January (mid month. I ask for your prayers for a slower progression of the disease and improvement. If possible I ask for prayers to move up the date of my surgery in Rochester. All of what I am asking you to pray about are miracles only God can provide. Thank you for your love, caring and prayers. |
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happykat4: Hello all. I promised to keep many in the loop regarding my health. For anyone who is not aware, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2009-10. Medications were very effectively until eight or nine months ago. I began to experience 'off times' and they have been increasing. I decided to look at deep brain stimulation a surgical procedure that places sensors deep in the brain ( the area where dopamine is made). I have been evaluated by neurologists, (including movement specialists), psychiatrists, speech therapists, at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. This took place in the last three months. All the reports were reviewed by the deep brain stimulation committee members and I have been approved. I have decided to have the operation and am scheduled to have surgery in January. The second surgery follows two weeks later is day surgery to implant the battery under the skin near my collarbone. There are follow-up visits to tweek the sensors and optimum results take about six months. Yes, there are some risks and side affects but the quality of my life will be much better. I want to thank each one of you for your prayers and support, I am deeply touched and feel so very blessed. Your continued prayers for my health care team, their skills and my health and healing will be appreciated more than I can say. It is exciting and a little frightening. :). Kathy |
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happykat4: I want to thank all of you for teaching me so much in the last year and half. I have not been writing due to some health reasons. I will be undergoing a couple surgeries in the next few months, (knee replacement - both. ) At my neurologist appointment, the decision to do them back to back instead of both at one surgery was made. I have also had to change my diet in the hopes the Parkinson's symptoms would decrease. This seems to be working somewhat. Although I will continue to write I won't be posting. I will try to keep up on many of your writings, but make no promises. Blessings to all. Kathy |
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happykat4: Hi. Thought I would try to update you on my health. My drug regiment is going to change somewhat. The have added a slow release from of my current drug and have instructed me to take one pill before bed and increase it to another depending on my reaction. I have also begun complimentary medical treatment of acupuncture. They though it was worth trying. Apparently some people have positive results from it. Please pray this helps, I hate the side affects from the drugs, so I would like to take as few as possible. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. Kathy |
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I will be praying for you. Remember, GOD is in the business of miracles and I am absolutely sure one is on its way just for you. Take all the meds and follow everything the Docs say to do and then do one more difficult thing. Thank GOD continually for your healing every single day without fail or ceasing no matter what the outside physical circumstance says DO NOT GIVE UP and DO NOT QUIT FOR ANY REASON PERIOD. Your in a fight to the finish. You will win it too. There will be people you have never even heard of praying for you. SO take strength from that knowledge and have confidence that JESUS paid the price for your healing with the stripe HE took for each one of us for our healing it is a matter of faith believing to receive that healing. But everything depends on 1st accepting JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR if you have done this, then GOD will care of the rest it is HIS given promise and HE gave us HIS word that it would be so. Therefore it is, it is as simple as that. JESUS didn't take all those stripes for nothing, HE did it for YOU, for your healing. You do everything in your power to get well that is your action of faith. Then put the rest before GOD and thank HIM and praise HIM for the result BEFORE it shows up physically even when it is difficult and things look very bad Keep on praising HIM and HE WILL bring you through all of it and you will have a wonderful testimony to boot.Then Continue to praise HIM after HE brings these miracles into your life. I would like it if you would keep me informed about what GOD does in your life and the results of my prayers for you. Just remember to think when things get hard that you have your friend K River praying for you and GOD is there so your going to be OK. GOD bless you. Best regards, K River - | ||
"I'm sick today Lord, what can I do? You're the only one who can help me, that's why I come to you. God Bless!!!!! - | ||
happykat4: I wish everyone a very Happy New Year! I am so thrilled to be part of this group of talented individuals. I have read some wonderful poems and excellent novels. (My favorite are mysteries.) I also want to thank the reviewers this past year. I am grateful for the constructive criticism given to improve my writings. I am still learning and could not have better teachers! |
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happykat4: I will be absent for a while. I am dealing with a change in my health. I am working closely with my health team. Keep writing and I will read and check in when I can. Blessings to all. Kathy |
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happykat4: Just had a DaTscan done the past week. Diagnosis of Parkinson's confirmed. Appears medicines are doing the job for now. Dr stated a new med is in final test stage which halts the progression. Dr thought it could be available in a year or two and said if the progression continues in a slow manner I would be a candidate to receive it. There will be times when the meds will be off, but we hope at a minimum. That's the news from this side. I am so grateful that the progression is slower and I pray it slows even more. I will be back soon. |
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happykat4: FYI I have been away from FanStory for a month. I had some of my family staying with me. I certainly missed your stories and poems. It is good to be back and reading wonderful stories and poems from so many talented people. Thank you for sharing this website with writers from all stages -beginner to seasoned professionals. |
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happykat4: I love listening to music, going to the theater, and watching my grandchildren grow and change. I believe that positive energy attracts positive energy. Spirituality is important in my life. For the past thirty plus years, I worked in the Financial services industry. Now I am going to use the other side of the brain. I hope I become more creative and eventually good enough to be published. |
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happykat4: It has been many years since I have written anything creative. I retired on. Dec. 31st. I have finished writing a children's book, but l have not interviewed a publisher. This is such a learning experience. I am in a slight hurry. A little ove r 3 yrs ago,, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. However I tell people that James Bond and I are very close...shakin not stired. Writing has kept me focused. My faith has grown stronger. |
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Gotta keep on keeping on, that's all we can do..Without our Faith where would we be... Stay Strong, here's a Hug for you... - | ||
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