JustInMyThoughts: Judge me... Please judge me... Ive been tortured and destroyed by my own emotions Felt empty inside because of one mistake I have made Cried to people I never thought would see me cry And broken myself so far down I could taste the dirt beneath my own feet Judge me... Please judge me... Ive been told that my pursuit is hopepless That Im a fool with a dream That I lost what I want the most and cant have it back That Im never going to get what makes me happy Judge me... Please judge me... I lost the one girl who made me happy Ended something amazing Hurt what I hold most dear And cant see the light of forgiveness Judge me... Please judge me.... Ive written poem after poem Listened to sad song after sad song Starved myself of happiness And destroyed my own mental state Judge me... Please judge me... But in the wake of almost certain failure I still hold hope Struggle on with every ounce of my being Still fighting for something I believe in Judge me... Please judge me... Do you know the true worth of my goal? Do you see the happiness I see? Can you glimpse into the future so clear to my eyes? Do you become your happiest in her presence? Judge me... Please judge me... Some ridicule me for fighting Say im weak and stupid Say I feel to much But what do you feel...? Judge me... Please judge me... I fight for what and who I love Family or friends or that one girl that can make me smile when no other can This feeling keeps me alive It coarses through my veins knowing that it seeks true happiness... Judge me... Please judge me... You live in fear of others What they may say or think But who do you live for? Who are you to question me? Judge me, oh please, judge me... At the end of the day Win or lose my battle At least I had a battle that was worth something And at least I fight for what or who I love.... Judge me, oh please, judge me... As long as my lungs can still breathe I will continue to fight Despite anyones negative words For my goal is true... Judge me... oh please, judge me... She says she doesnt know Has no clue what the future holds Let me help you to take that blindfold off And let you borrow my vision Judge me... oh please, judge me... Two paths are hazily seen before our eyes Hand in hand we must choose our own ways But once the fog of doubt is lifted Only one true path remains Judge me... oh please, judge me... Walk with me along this path Let my blood and tear shed not be in vein But if it must be so All will know I fought until the end... Judge me... please oh please... Judge me... Do you think your words affect me...? Affect the outcome of my battle... Your words are only my fuel Your hate my motivation For I see how you are Unhappy and untrue I will fight until I die For everything that is still true to me For everything that has real purpose For I am who I am You cannot change this You cannot sway my attention from my goal I am unwavering And you judgemental people are the corruption in my soul So If you must go against me Then you will become apart of my battle And I will break you... So pass your judgement But in the end... Your judgement, will become your destruction... Judge me... And show the world your weakness... |