Reviews from

One Smiling Word

a poem

45 total reviews 
Comment from Lulube
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

maintain normalcy. what is normal? maintaining sanity is the trick. lol
Unique style of writing, no better way. I'm not partial to the strict meters, or counted lines. Free verse has become my favorite style, ramble on!!
enjoyed your poem


 Comment Written 09-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2020
    Thank you, Lulube, for a wonderful surprise of a great review of my latest poem. I don't favor restricted formats, either, for my writing outlet of poetry. I am glad you enjoyed this, and found it unique. I appreciate the thoughtful review and excellent rating.
    Take care, Jesse
reply by Lulube on 09-Jan-2020

reply by Lulube on 09-Jan-2020

Comment from Maria Barci
This work has reached the exceptional level to savor for sure. I read this sparse, elegiac gem several times and with each, gleaned something new. As I savored it, I felt I was floating soundlessly in a galaxy afar.

At one point, it even transported me beyond words.


Thank you.


 Comment Written 06-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 06-Jan-2020
    Thank you, Maria, for your articulate and eloquent review. I loved what you said, and how you said it. I like the phrase "beyond words." Also, "floating soundlessly," these phrases suit the poem I wrote very well. It's almost as if I used them in my piece. Thank you for this wonderful review and the exceptional rating. Have a great week.
    Take care, Jesse
reply by Maria Barci on 06-Jan-2020
    You are very welcome. Well deserved.
Comment from Susan Morritt
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a very unique poem. You juxtaposed words with imagery and the result is quite thought provoking. I especially enjoyed the lines, "Read one scripted face" and "My thoughts overheard
In public space".
So nice to see something so different.


 Comment Written 01-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    Wow, Susan. What a pleasant surprise to receive an exceptional rating at the start of my day. I love that you noticed and liked the juxtaposed words with imagery. Nobody else mentioned that. Thank you for pointing out the phrases you especially enjoyed. It is very helpful to receive positive feedback like this. I am happy you liked the difference in the poem. I appreciate very much your kind comments. Thank you for this wonderful review and the six star rating. You have made this day even more special than it already is. Best of wishes for a peaceful and prosperous new year.
    Take care, Jesse
Comment from Thomas Bowling
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

maintain normalcy

When I first met the girl that would become my wife, she said, "Life with me will not be normal or boring."

Sometimes I wish for normal.

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    Ha, ha. Good one, Thomas. Thanks for a humorous review. I needed one this late evening. The fireworks are starting and my kitty is scared. She's sitting right next to me. You keep searching for 'normal'. When you find it, let all the rest of us know your secret.
    Thanks for the fun review, and for the excellent rating.
    Have a happy new year.
    Take care, Jesse
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such is the challenge for any self-possessed individual, any thinking man or woman, I believe, and I absolutely love how this poem expresses it, Jesse -- superb, profound, well-done!

Happy New Year, my friend.

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2019

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    Thank you very much, Dawn. I like your term, "self-possessed individual". It gives a positive notion that we control our own destiny. I am thrilled by your high regard for this poem. Thank you for the kind words.
    Best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous new year.
    Take care, Jesse
reply by Dawn Munro on 31-Dec-2019
    It was my pleasure.
reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    As it was mine to meet you.
reply by Dawn Munro on 31-Dec-2019
    Ah, I am wounded. (LOL) We've met many times in the time I have been a member (almost 8 years). :))
reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    My sincerest apologies, Dawn. My memory isn't what it used to be.
reply by Dawn Munro on 31-Dec-2019
    :)) Neither is mine -- no worries at all.
reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    Thanks for your gracious response. Have a happy new year.
    Take care, Jesse
Comment from JudyE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your well-penned poem calls to mind young people in particular who strive to be different yet end up following the latest trends and ending up just like all their peers.

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2019

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    Thank you, Judy, for yet another unique interpretation of how this poem shows a perspective that resonates with you, the reader. Each person's review, speaks of what this means in a different light. I appreciate your view of young people who try to be different, yet flow with the trends. It is a horse of a different color when one can't prevent themselves from being seen as "different." As they learn to see themselves that way, they try to find the answer in how to belong, without losing their unique self. This is where many people, of all ages, accustom themselves to finding the fine line between the two.
    Thank you for your kind words and the excellent rating.
    Have a fun new year's eve celebration.
    Take care, Jesse
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jesse. This is excellent. I think that most people feel this way, especially in new situations. We want to fit in with "normal." Sometimes it's hard to break that barrier between being outside and being inside. Great job here. Marilyn

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2019

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    Hello Marilyn. Thank you for your insightful review. Breaking the barrier is truly something that most experience in some time or another when in a new situation. I appreciate your kind comments. Thank you for this excellent review, and for the excellent rating.
    Have a great new year.
    Take care, Jesse
reply by BeasPeas on 02-Jan-2020
    Happy New Year to you, too, Jesse.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We sometimes need our privacy and time on our own too, but still we want to be part of the community and have a feeling of belonging, much enjoyed, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2019

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    Thank you, Dolly, for your interestingly positive view of what this poem meant to you. I am glad you enjoyed this. Thank you for your review and excellent rating.
    Take care, Jesse
Comment from Blue Hendrix
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great entry for the contest. Wonderful flow and the imagery was vivid. Word choices were also spot on. I really enjoyed reading this piece and I'm sure you will do great in the contest.

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2019

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    Thank you for your encouraging review. Thanks for the kind comments, and I'm glad you enjoyed reading this. I appreciate your review and the excellent rating.
    Take care, Jesse
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sometimes it is hard to find that one smiling face in the crowd. Maybe you'll find it if you start by smiling at someone else. Then they smile back and then it spreads and normalcy returns
Well written tercets
Keep writing
Happy New Year.

 Comment Written 31-Dec-2019

reply by the author on 31-Dec-2019
    Hello Joan. It is "one smiling word" which, in meaning, is something quite different. The simplicity with you see this, is not in tandem with what it was meant to say. Thank you for your kind words, and I will surely keep writing. Thank you for the excellent rating. Best wishes for a peaceful new year.
    Take care, Jesse
reply by dragonpoet on 01-Jan-2020
    You're welcome.
    Happy New Year
reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    Have a happy new year, too, Joan.