Reviews from

No Roots

Poem about family

4 total reviews 
Comment from rhonnie69
This work has reached the exceptional level

CIAO POET: I thank you for sharing this recounting with us. I've imagined that there are more of us than me...who feels that you certainly "DO," have roots. You have been reaped from noble seed. Is that your parents (roots)in your picture above? If so...honor them both...(dead or alive) that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. They are your roots. They are underground...where roots belong. Look...see the admirable flower (daughter) that they have growing in the light above them. Therefore...never think that you have no roots...BECAUSE YOU CERTAINLY DO." God bless you, poet. CIAO: rhonnie69.

 Comment Written 29-May-2019

reply by the author on 29-May-2019
    Yes those were my parents Franco and Andrea ( called Thea at home) .

    When I chose the title "No Roots" I meant that I didn't have a family when I was growing up ..not that my parents disowned me .

    I saw my parents only during the Summer holidays , less that two months a year until I was 22.

    So we were like"strangers" was very awkward at first ..we made progress but then they decided to go to Spain so we were apart again cause I stayed in our home in Italy with the pets.

    They are gone now both .my mamma in Dec. 2006 and my papa ' in Sept.2017.

    I miss them and I'm sorry we spent 2/3 of our lives apart.

    Thanks for the insightful review.. I understand what you were trying to say.

    You are alway generous voting .thank you for the support.

    Ciao Rhonnie!

Comment from Patty Palmer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your poem. It was written from the heart! The rhythm and rhyme was perfect! I'm sorry you didn't get a normal childhood (who's to say what is normal) but although sad that your mother passed away, I'm glad for the time you and your dad to spend together Good luck

 Comment Written 28-May-2019

reply by the author on 28-May-2019
    Thank you for the kind review ...

    I often worried that something would happen to them when I was in boarding school ( age 6 an 1/2 to 21) ..that I would lose them in a plane crash or at sea ..but that didn't happen luckily.

    When they finally stopped their tour business my mother began to paint and sculpture .... She had a fatal heart attack and that "saved" her from a long and painful death ...she was having some tests done at the time. Her lungs had been compromised due to the fine ceramic dust she inhaled while working.

    Her felt loss gave me the opportunity to have time to know my papa '. We had 10 years together. He passed away in sept, 2017.

    I had a different childhood ... not a tragic / abusive one like we read far too often in the newspaper these days.

    Glad you liked the poem .
Comment from heavenempress
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, excellent piece of poetry work. A beautiful subject to write about. I enjoyed the well -structured stanzas and there was a need of a relevant attractive image. Great English command and rich vocabulary too. All the best.

 Comment Written 28-May-2019

reply by the author on 28-May-2019
    Thank you very much for the enthusiastic review...I gave it some thought and then as you suggested I added a pic of my parents.

    I happy you enjoyed my poem.
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem tells about your brief rootless family life, you lost mamma early, father taught you live alone, learnt carpentry skills, you are grateful to your nomad parents; well said, well done. Write to inspire, change -- DR ALCREATOR

 Comment Written 28-May-2019

reply by the author on 28-May-2019
    I spent 2/3 of my life without my parents but I'm glad I had 10 years with my father before he passed away ....I got to know him and yes he taught me a lot about working with wood. We did some projects for the house together and that was fun...

    Thank you for reviewing my poem