Reviews from

Sins of Chaos

Viewing comments for Chapter 34 "Escape Plan/Part Two"
A Novel of the Breedline series

7 total reviews 
Comment from rwilliam
This work has reached the exceptional level

Now THAT is an eye catching photo. Very cool!

Abbey stretched her shaggy limbs, feeling the inhuman strength and power in them. She never felt so free . . . and so deadly. --I LOVED this line!

Lena reached over to squeeze Abbey's hand. "Oh Abbey," she said in a weak voice. "I'm so happy for you. And I have to say . . . for five-foot-two, you've got lady balls of steel."--That made me laugh! Good writing. :)

Very good chapter. I"m behind...sorry. Been sick for 14 days since we got home from Christmas.

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2019
    Awww... Thanks so much girlfriend! :)

    Sorry you've been sick. That stinks! Hope you get better. I wondered why I haven't heard from you since you came home. I figured you were exhausted from traveling.

    This chapter was so fun to write. You know me ... I'm a sucker for fight scenes, especially if it's a female kicking a male's butt! Haha!
    As you can see, looks like the Breedline have a few babies coming in the future. Even though they live in a supernatural secret world, the characters still experience every day life events. I hope that makes them more real.

    Thanks again for taking the time to read my chapter. I know it's tough to get back to normal stuff when you don't feel good. So far, I've been lucky and haven't caught any sicknesses this year, except for my tummy issues. That never changes. Ugh!

    Always your fan,
    Shana :)
Comment from Ricky1024
This work has reached the exceptional level

I like the Strength and Knowledge in these Breed Writings.
I believe there are Writers...
I believe there are writers who love to write...
And, I believe there are writers who do these things in their Own Special Way.
These few are rare with a Gift.
You my Dear, are one.
Enjoy this Gift..
Share it..

Learn from it...
And lastly?
Appreciate it.
Doctor Ricky 1024
Still Preaching the Choir here at FanStory.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 03-Jan-2019
    Thank you so much! :)

    Your words give me goose bumps all over my arms. Wow... I am speechless. This is so motivating. I needed to hear this today. I'm so blessed you enjoyed.

    Shana :)
Comment from ngage
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ms. Shana, you have managed to dazzle me with another fantastic chapter! The story gets more and more exciting each time.
The part where Abbey turns into her wolf was believable and captivating at the same time. Great imagination!
I also enjoy the bantering and closeness your characters act out. You make them very realistic my friend.
Looking forward to more!

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2018
    Thank you Nate :)

    I'm so happy you enjoyed the action. It was fun to create! My favorite part was when Abbey shifted and took care of Mr. Decker. Haha! I love it when the good guy finally wins.

    As always, thanks for your support!
    Shana :)
Comment from apky
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thanks for this wonderful read, precious Shana. My heart pounded from start to finish, when I finally sighed with relief. Pure adrenaline here. You did another brilliant job with this chapter, lady!

Unbeknown(st) of(to) what was transpiring nearby,

But since this is a bit awkward in the sense you've used it, I'd discard unbeknown and use "Unaware of"

which made the back of Cole's nape rise ~ the nape wouldn't rise, strictly speaking; the hair at the nape of his neck would rise

Steven rushed over with Roman on(at) his heels,

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2018
    Thank you dear friend! :)

    I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter. I had a blast creating it! I love it when the "good guy" (girl) wins in the end. Your feedback motivates my writing. It means the world to hear you were entertained. That is the greatest reward.

    I see what you pointed out with the word I used. Your advice does make sense. You're such a big help! Thank you for that girl.

    I hope you and your family has a safe and wonder holiday.
    Always your fan,
    Shana :)
Comment from royowen
This work has reached the exceptional level

So now with Cole Decker and Valkin Steele taken care of, and Abbey turning Lupa and disposing of Decker, killing him, and rescuing Lena in the process. But meanwhile it's up to the covenant to help capture Appollyonm Beautifully written dear Shana. The story was a sheer delight dear girl, such satisfaction. Well done. Dear Shana, blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2018
    Thank you, Roy :)

    Yes, we have 'most' of the bad guys out of the way. Now, the Breedline have to deal with the Fury. Get ready for a big battle. I think they may find themselves in a pickle when they confront Apollyon. Maybe they will have help from someone above. Hmmm... stay tuned.

    I always love to hear your feedback. Your opinion is important to me my dear friend. You encourage me each time.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy Christmas!
    Always your fan,
    Shana :)
reply by royowen on 20-Dec-2018
    You too Shana, all the best the season will bring you and you're, Elaine and we all,
Comment from Liz O'Neill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This reads so professionally. Your characters are very solid, your setting makes your suspenseful plot possible. The complications in your characters and their actions make this a multi-dimensional. I so often keep notes on my characters. My mother always did too. Your annotated notes avoid any cumbersome note-taking on the reader's part. Which means we can just read along without readying ourselves with pen and notebook. I like your ending image. His brow creased with worry. If he's worried, we're worried. Well written.

 Comment Written 17-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2018
    Thank you, Liz :)

    Wow! Your feedback is so motivating. I sure appreciate it! My biggest reward is hearing that I have entertained the reader. That fills my heart with joy.
    I do think it's important to place notes for terms and characters in each chapter so new readers will not get lost. This is the fourth series and a lot has happened. Plus, like you said, keeping character notes does help. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that. I do have a lot of them to keep up with. But I think like most writers, we all love each character almost as if they were real. I think there is a part of me in each one. Well... maybe not the bad guys. LOL!

    Thanks again!
    Shana :)
reply by Liz O'Neill on 20-Dec-2018
    My Native American historical fiction has sometimes 3 tribes with each tribe having at least 5 or 6 characters and then some of them interact with someone else in other tribes, so I have to note that. One kind of funny thing that happened one time is I had begun to orange highlight them as they were killed. Shortly into the story, all but one was not oranged out.
reply by the author on 27-Dec-2018
    It is hard to keep up with characters when they tend to build up. I always look to my notes when it comes to a new character. My originals are like my family. I know them like the back of my hand. LOL!

    Hope you had a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year!

    Shana :)

Comment from fm wright
This work has reached the exceptional level

A very powerful start and a very satisfying ending. It stayed on course with great action and dialogue. The whole chapter flowed smoothly and kept to point. Also you have set up well the lead in to the next chapter. Thank you for the read!

 Comment Written 17-Dec-2018

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2018
    Awww... thank you! :)

    I'm so happy you were pleased with this chapter. I worry sometimes readers might find some of the chapters too violent. I want to make it believable so you can see it as you read along, but not give too much graphics.
    This chapter was another fun one to create. I love it when the 'good guys' finally win and everyone has that happy feeling. But ... stay tuned because the Breedline must now deal with the Fury.

    Thanks again!
    Shana :)
reply by fm wright on 20-Dec-2018
    That I'm sure will be quite some chapter indeed! Considering the characters in the book one has to expect some violence. You do a great job in how you handle it.
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2018
    Thank you so much! :)
reply by fm wright on 20-Dec-2018
    You are so welcome!