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60 total reviews 
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't care what the NRA says, it doesn't take a machine gun to hunt ducks.

I agree. My hubby and I have guns, and he has a concealed carry permit. But they are for defense. No one needs anything bigger than a handgun for that. :)

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from EMB
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well said. Unfortunately, thought doesn't enter this conversation AT ALL. Period. Incidentally, facts and figures such as these are usually absent from conversations as well. Most who don't want to hear what you're saying truly don't believe that the stats would ever hit close to home.

Well, I don't need it to hit close to home to feel the anguish and pain our laws caue. I have an imagination that works well beyond the ability to create stories.

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have never understood why a normal, sensible, rational, decent human being would want to own a gun. I looked at your stats above, and thank God I live in the UK. We have our share of murders, but not as many as most other countries. A good slanging match is the best way to sort out arguments, once you bring out the gun, that's it. Temper and anger make you do things on impulse, and once done, you can't undo it. Whereas, after you've called your friend, bother, whoever, a low-down sneaky wotsit, you can buy him/her a drink and have a laugh afterwards. I think you have done a good thing writing this, Mikey. Well done, my friend. xsx Sandra

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from RPSaxena
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Michaelcahill,
Guns! - An Essay - timely and thought-provoking!!
Wording is simple as well as impressive.
Smooth and captivating flow from the beginning to the end.
Statistics and the analysis enhance beauty of the essay.
The most striking part is its bottom line:
" I condemn the policies in this country contributing to the shootings of 17,499 children per year. At this point, the opposition is welcome to state their reasons for defending these policies."
Laudable Attempt!

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Damn... based on the total suicide rates on your chart, I can only surmise one important thing to take away from this entire statistic laden post, Michael.
Don't move to Belgium!

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yep, terrific non-fiction story, Mav. The only suggestion I have is to introduce a line or two at the start indicated firmly your stance on guns as without the charts we really wouldn't know what you were referring to exactly.

It's amazing the amount of opposition there is to reducing in every country actually. We've had some near uprisings in Canada too, particularly in Saskatchewan when the farmers though the government might be sticking their noses in where they don't belong. That is really what the issue is all about. I figure if you're gonna control alcohol consumption, might as well put guns in that category too because as my good buddy musician said, a good idea for a country song is:

If I'da shot you sooner I'd be out of jail by now.

But all kidding aside, let's hope some fruitful discussion happens this time.

Terrific essay Mav. You pulled this off with great aplomb.


 Comment Written 12-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Hi, Ange I can't really believe I'm this far behind, but well ... I did as you suggested and added to the beginning, good tip. I'd take Canada's stance on guns any day over our absurd policies. In fact, I'd just as soon the Canadian Government took charge here. That would rock, eh? A heavily positive response, so I don't get why nothing happens. Money talks I guess. :)) Mav
Comment from Fridayauthor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

While most of the reviews of this piece seem mostly in support of your position, this is a writing site more than a forum for opinions so I'll stick to the construction of your posting. It is very well presented and reads in a logical sequence.

The fact I agree with most of what you said is beside the point. I would have commented anyway.

Good work!

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from Kooky Clown
This work has reached the exceptional level

I have awarded a six as I applaud whet you have said and I am so glad that I do not live in the USA, I have visited many times and been warned whilst driving through certain areas that it was dangerous. Like you I agree why can't the regulations be changed to exclude ownership of certain types of guns.Good Luck to ypou and others of similar mind.

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thorough and raw - you tell it in no uncertain terms - using stat lists is brilliant. I will be posting my third poem on the topic in just a few minutes, Mikey - I am worn out, drained, but so, so driven to address this growing problem. Gun crime was never an issue in Canada - one, maybe two shootings in the whole, broad country a YEAR - thousands of miles. Now it's that many in Toronto alone!

Yep, you're probably going to get flak for this one - too damn bad, I say, 'cause you're right on the money.

(re: "machine guns" = automatic weapons covers it)

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
reply by Dawn Munro on 15-Aug-2016
    No worries. *smile* You're very welcome.
Comment from Word Junkie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael,

My 84 y/o father refers to all these deaths as "population control". I know this is a blithe, insensitive reaction to unnecessary bloodshed, but I think Dad and many others have become desensitized to the constant news stories filling the airwaves at an escalating rate. It never seems to end, and it always seems to happen to someone else, until it happens to us.

I agree with your observations. Why should anyone have access to a weapon designed to kill a maximum number of human beings in a minimum amount of time? Do we really anticipate a Walking Dead scenario in the United States? If the aliens land, will our assault rifles make short work of them?

When someone purchases an assault rifle, they're probably not envisoning zombies or aliens, but a friend, neighbor or family member who already owns--or wishes to own--a similar weapon.

This whole issue is very confusing. The problem, in the U.S. and elsewhere, is not weapons, but a trend toward violence. When you have time, take a look at this page:

I believe it goes even deeper than that. Many people no longer view life of any kind as sacred. Is this due to overpopulation? The media? The dissolution of the traditional family unit? I don't know, but I believe we'll never solve this problem by trying to limit gun ownership.

Your thoughtful and thought-provoking essay is written well, Michael. I enjoyed reading it.


 Comment Written 11-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
    Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey