Reviews from

Fanstory Crisis: It Is Us


53 total reviews 
Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent rant, dear Mikey. I skimmed through the reviews of this too and I agree that you could run for FS president! I'm glad to see you taking action on this issue, yet saddened to hear of the current state of things.

One spag:

The sight has become infested with liars and thieves.

site not sight

Also, I recommend candy coating this statement by acknowledging the good people still here, so the truth of this can be digested without people feeling defensive. Example:

Though I believe there are still many active and authentic members participating here, the site has become infested with liars and thieves.

One further suggestion:

This relates directly to reviewing, the life's blood of what we do here.

life blood instead of life's blood

I didn't notice any other nits. This has GREAT intensity in voicing, and delivery style with supportive examples to illustrate the point and bolster the thesis. Good essay-rant. Well paced and full of verve and nerve!

*I sure as hell am(,) and I know others who are to

One more suggestion to consider...perhaps add to the list of actions members can take that they can SET A PRIME EXAMPLE in the way they review.

Another thing I want to mention is that those people who need to hear this the most might listen better if you use diplomatic pronoun choices. For example, when referring to US, it's best to use WE subsequently, instead of you. like here, for example:

What can "US" do? You can stop thanking people for bogus reviews and rewarding them.

You can report people who give you bogus reviews and mute them.


What can "US" do? We can stop thanking people for bogus reviews and rewarding them.

We can report people who give us bogus reviews and mute them.


 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    Hi, R.D. I didn't realize I had to open EACH piece to Standards. LOL
    All figured out now. I went back and fixed the rest of them. I know you'll want to spend a day in my portfolio. HAHAHA!
    Great points, thank you. I did make those changes. It's crazy lately.
    We have people now who don't even bother to read the work. They just make up any old thing to put into the review box, take the money and run. Since the "reviews" are all over the top praise, no one says a word. As a result these liars and thieves shoot up the rankings. Plus they are praised and even nominated for awards. The newbies come in looking for role models and of course look towards the top where these fools are. Yep, their role models are these thieves. Whew! Crazy.
    Well, we'll do what we can. Thanks for all you help as always.
    We're trying to make this a nice place to visit. LOL
    Hugs back, mikey
reply by rama devi on 11-May-2016
    Thanks for your enthusiastic response, dear Mikey, and for opening your portfolio. I'll certainly visit when I visit. Hope the site improves on that front. There are still many great people here. Love, rd
Comment from closetpoetjester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yeah I get pissed too mikey when I see people that win reviewer of the month with generic fluff that I could shit out by the second.
To be perfectly honest, the ratings are a wank, most of the good and excellent poets have left in disgust and what's remaining is a power hungry mix of egos and lack luster talent all clawing for some invisible status at the top. Fluff reviews don't help, no one likes them and yet...they are still thriving like ever. I agree that the only way to fix this is to not stand for it. And while we're on topic, we should also REVIEW accordingly and stop padding people with 5s that need a goddamned 4 instead. I'm sick to the back teeth of taking flak because I awarded a fucking 4. Deal with it, shithead!
In this world you'll always get those prepared to put in and those who just want to come along and skim the cream or gravy off the top and not put in the effort.
I've come to the conclusion that you ONLY get out of something what you're prepared to put into it but it bloody fucking well irks me when I see member buck greedy FUCKS here with generic reviews one after the other after the other. I've reported a few. One was even a fan. Oooh shock fucking horror. Too bad. I'll call a spade a spade, shit I'll call him a damn shovel as well.
Christ mikey, you got me started.

I'm heading over.
LOVED YOUR RANT...I gets so sick of most of what I see here these days with the exception of a handful of poets I still read and a few I've picked up on recently.
I don't have time to read bullshit and I don't have time to invest in fluffy comments.

I've NOW decided I won't be thanking ANY generic reviews at all and I'll certainly continue to drop anyone's name to Tom who I feel is breaching the laws of FS. I challenge anyone to read any one review of mine and call it generic fluff. Christ, I've read more shit and avoided commenting on it than thought possible due to my scruples. I appreciate all forms of writing but I'm not gonna grease anyones chain OR run in, take their promo bucks without at least giving them the courtesy of reading their piece.

Great going...I'll be over.

Hugs P

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    I'm a thousand percent with you point by point, P.
    It's a fuckin' joke and always has been. But now it's at a whole new level.
    We have a new group who don't even bother to read the work. They just make up any old thing to put in the review box, take the money and run. They "review" dozens of pieces at a time. Then as a result they shoot up to the top of the rankings. They are praised because the offer nothing but off the chain compliments to everyone. Plus the are even nominated for awards and the like. Fuck me! PLUS, that makes them the role models for the newbies coming in. Where are newbies going to look for role models? At the top, yes? Well, there the are, the biggest fuckin' liars and thieves this place has ever seen.
    Well, that's our little problem. LOL
    You're right, most of us huddle together with a few cool kids and let the rest of the morons get bent. What else can we do?
    But it's just too far out of hand. So, we'll try and do something.
    We're writer's. We can all give some kind of courteous review without pissing someone off. If they're that sensitive, well, tough. I couldn't possibly be nicer. HAHAHA!
    I'll keep you posted. I know I can count on you. You're major coolness. :)) Thanks so much. mikey
Comment from nor84
This work has reached the exceptional level

I agree with every word, as you knew I would. I've got to say, even though I knew reviews can be seen by the membership, that the Site guidelines have no teeth in them. They aren't policy, they're guidelines. Rarely will Tom do anything about an individual complaint unless it's egregious. What works is for someone to go through the reviewer's comments (in his or her portfolio)and send Tom a REPORT full of details. Is this reviewer giving one star because she doesn't like swearing? Prove it.

Takes time and effort, but sometimes it's effective.

Bottom line, if it's not a personal attack, Administration doesn't act. They should.

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    The guidelines don't have tooth one that's for sure. But it can't be policy that a reviewer can write a review without even reading the piece. That's what is taking place by more than one reviewer. This isn't the usual rogue reviewer passing out some unfair reviews. This is someone or several someones writing dozens of reviews at a time without reading a word, collecting the money and running. On top of that they are shooting up the rankings and being rewarded with praise and even being nominated for awards.
    A newbie upon entering the site looks at the leaders on the board as examples of how to be successful. This is what they now see as role models. It's a far cry from Brooke Baldwin.
    Well, we will do what we can do. We'll document as best we can as you suggest. I can't just turn my head. It's off the hook crazy. mikey
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I got one of those two or three star reviews last week on the little story that you and Dean kicked my butt with in the contest. I even went as far as contacting Tom. The review turned out to be from someone who had never posted or reviewed, according to their page. And they may not of even been trying to be nasty. Of course, from now on I will have everyone but premier members blocked from reviewing my posts. I understand that there are many skill levels on this site, and as reviewers we need to be careful to take that into consideration as we give our reviews. I mean, that when I first came here, two years ago, I didn't much more than know a noun from a verb. If people had given me twos and threes, I surely deserved, I would have given up and quit, and I almost did many times for that very reason. Fortunately, there were a few people who gave me two pages of suggestions, which in themselves was daunting and made me almost give up every day. However, knowing I was a beginner they would always give me encouragement and seldom less than a four, leaving me with some hope. When people write well, or better than me, I might make a suggestion here and there, but most of the time I just let them know if I like it or not, or found any mistakes. Usually asking if they would rather I make notes for them or just let them know about the spag so they can fix it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we are all here to help one another get better and have an enjoyable fellowship with our fellow writers, who are also here to improve their skills and craft. And some, only want to have somewhere to go, something to do, and someone who will take time to talk or be nice to them. We shouldn't be here if we aren't here for the betterment of every person on this site, and not once should we ever say or do anything to discourage or hurt anyone's feelings, for any reason. It's bad enough to write what we think is a good post and find out there are three or four mistakes in every sentence. I know, I did it daily, and sometimes still do. Fan Story isn't about winning contests, feeling superior to others, or being the big dog on mean street. Thanks for speaking up. It's time we all did.

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    I wish I had my original post to this site. I actually edited it and cleaned it up. But, my friend, it was a damn sight to behold, unlike anything you've ever seen posted here. Three thousand words single spaced with maybe three paragraphs. I knew zero punctuation and I was ten times as wordy as I am now. I had sentences without end. BUT, some of the folks here and you know the type, worked with me and actually taught me some stuff and made a halfway decent writer out of me. HAHAHA! They must've been nutty as loons. LOL. I got some threes and got thrashed a bit, but never without help and how to going with it. After awhile, I had some friends and after another while I had more friends.
    So, we just need to keep it that way for the next dudes like us. We're on the same page and I know that no one in their right mind would like to meet the two of us in an alley. HAAAAAHAHAHA! Notice is served. mikey
reply by Ric Myworld on 12-May-2016
    Yes, Mikey, there's no doubt in my mind that you're right, and being stuck in a dark alley against us would probably make the Alamo look like a kiddie show. Just like we wouldn't go swimming in a swamp to look for gators. As mere tots we learned not to play other people's games. And smart people shouldn't play ours. :-)
reply by Ric Myworld on 12-May-2016
    I got a kick out of your remarks, knowing that only those of us who have been there have the certain intuitiveness it takes to spot those who share the abilities. Anyway, it brought to mind something that happened to me last football season at a game. A dude from the old neighborhood recognized me forty years later. We never liked each other, and him always being a punk, I was ready for whatever might come. He walked up and said, "Remember me." Of course I did, but I wasn't going to tell him.

    So, I said, "Nope, should I." He just stood and stared down on me, trying to intimidate me with his evil look, square six-foot-five inch frame, and fit three-twenty.

    Then, he said, "I'm Bobby Rich, we grew up together . . . I never did like you."

    I just laughed and said, "Whoopee shit. Who cares after all these years? But, just for the record, you were a stupid-ass punk back then, and I'm sure you still are."

    Bobby said, "I always wanted to beat your ass . . . just wasn't quite sure about trying it back then. But now, seeing you aren't as big, fit, and tough as you once were, I could probably stomp your ass."

    I just laughed again, right in his freaking face, and said, "I think you probably would have had a better chance back then.

    "And why is that?" Bobby said, "You look like a half-crippled-up old man to me these days."

    With a shit-eaten grin on my face, I said, "Because back then I would have fought you . . . these days, I'd just pump your guts full of lead." He stood for a minute, but then thought better of it, and walked off. He was a sissy punk back then, and as the old saying goes, "Leopard's don't change their spots."

    In truth, I would still have beaten him like a baby, and it was all I could do to keep from punching him, but I didn't want to embarrass myself at the game. Damn times sure have changed. I just thought you might get a kick out a few minutes of true life. I didn't have a gun on me, but the two cats behind him did, and never missed a move. :-)
Comment from krys123
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Mikey;
-I just hope you building and earthquake proof house on sandy soil for you made few allocations in your essay. Maybe I have to be enlightened but I haven't seen any cheating and if there was my eyes aren't open to it. There have always been bogus reviews as far as I know some people look at the money and not the review and isn't that the unique capitalistic way. I'm sorry to say is true but what can we do? Of course there have been many great poets that have left in time from time I even considered leaving and concentrate on my music.
- to past this is maybe been the essay I've read considering what you wrote in the past three years and nothing is changed from then as there is from now. I'm not a defeatist but there's always going to be certain people doing certain things.
- I have noticed an increase in sexual writings and intense vulgar language I just refuse to read them.
- good luck in your crusade my friend and thank you for sharing and posting and may the Lord be with you always.

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    We have a couple folks writing tons of reviews without reading a single word. Look way up at the top ranked reviewers and you'll find them. They're reviews are distinguished by lavish praise and not a single word about your piece. Of course, they didn't read it. LOL
    Of course, there's plenty of decent honest people here to hang out with and that's what we do for the most part. These few need to be stopped though. mikey
reply by krys123 on 12-May-2016
    I never took the chance to really investigate maybe I should.
reply by the author on 12-May-2016
    Well, sometimes it isn't even worth the headache, Alex. It seems nothing gets done anyway. But it is a pain and you know, anytime you see something unfair, it just bothers you. Thanks again, mikey
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was going to crank out a BS review as a joke, but lost my nerve. On the one hand, we want reviews to make us shape up and grow. On the other,
we like to be complimented. On no hand do we want to pay for BS. I'll do as you suggest when the occasion arises. Well said.

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    I would've loved it. HAHAHA! But you never know.
    It's a pain. I think we're all on the same page for the most part. Just a handful of morons to deal with. mikey
Comment from Joy Graham
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Mikey,

I've been in a funk lately after a situation I talked to you about. I'm totally disillusioned (did I spell that right?) I reported it and as far as I could tell nothing was done about it. To top it all off I got a reply thanking me for a wonderful review. Oy vay. I give up. I took a much needed break to set my priorities and re-evaluate what I'm doing here. I try to review, but my heart just isn't in it anymore.

I'm reminded of a situation I was in that Brooke talked me through a while ago. She kept me writing to work my way through it. I always remind myself of something a neighbor once told me - don't stoop to their level. I just finished watching the silly movie, Life of Brian where they sand, "Always look on the bright side of life..." I will be back to writing in my own style when I'm ready. Life goes on. I will compliment good behaviour.

I don't do confrontations - just like the dinosaur in Toy Story. I do know how to roar, just for your information lol!

I nominate you to be the confrontation voice on my behalf :) Go get 'em tiger - rrrrrrroooooaaarrrrr!

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    I have to laugh since I'm a terrible speller. LOL
    I have to type words into Google constantly and that would be one of them. Google says yes! We need to try to focus on ourselves too and it's difficult. I get down and don't want to do a thing too. It does nag and drag at you.
    Brooke had the right idea. Just write what you write and review how you review. The real people of which most of us are all approve. We're only talking about a few idiots. We can't let them run our lives.
    I accept your nomination. I look most cool in armour and ride a mean white stallion. :)) mikey
Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

mikey, I couldn't agree with you more. I came here to learn and become a better writer. I occasionally get a review that I know the reviewer hasn't even given the work a cursory glance, but compared to others, I have been very fortunate to have loyal, respectful, and helpful reviewers, at least so far. I hope I don't jinx it by saying so. I also do my best to return the favor to those I review, although I know after hours of reviewing my brain resembles overcooked spaghetti. I will keep it in mind to be more proactive when I do run across those reviewers who don't bother to even try to write a review based on the work. There are times when the subject matter I choose is offensive to some and I need to again be proactive in reminding them they chose to read it and should evaluate the writing, not only the content. Thanks for being a voice in trying to remedy this problem, and I will try a bit harder to do my part. Take care, my friend~Debbie

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 12-May-2016
    Hi, Debbie. I'm not at all surprised that we're on the same page. We agree word for word across the board. I think if we all follow these little steps, the improvement will be obvious.
    Thanks a million, mikey
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha, I don't know which is worse, incorrect ratings based on faulty information or false praise that is delivered almost word for word exactly the same to everyone. I mean if everyone is a genius, rock star, then how can you be, right? LOL.

I think it is important to note this one line, hit and run reviewing practice involves very few of the site's members and those reviewers who are NOT reading work before they rate and comment should be called out.

I think it's also of some importance that reviewers realize there are two parts to a review:

PART ONE, is the star that is used to rate a write's architecture, things like spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors, and things of that nature. Of course the more stars docked the more explanation and examples need to be provided by the reviewer. I personally think the two and one stars should be eliminated. They serve no purpose but as a sledge hammer.

PART TWO the comments part of the review. There is where suggestions and opinions can be stated wisely and with integrity. It's never an opportunity to beat a writer up because his/her philosophy isn't in agreement with your own.

Anyway I like your spirited response to a very small but divisive faction. I think for the most part reviewers are doing their very best and are doing a fine job of it.

We should be more alert for the subtler manipulation of false praise which is offered primarily to serve the interest of the person offering it.

As always love your writing.

Ange. :))

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    As always, Angel, you are on point with your comments.
    Indeed, I am a genius rock star. The rest of the site is going to have to come to terms with it and deal with it as best they can. So true, not everyone can be one, there's only one.
    Great synopsis on reviewing. It can't be used for leverage and especially not as a weapon to wield power.
    False praise seems to be awfully effective I'm sorry to say. How embarrassing for the site that such is so.
    I think we're on track. You're help is invaluable. I'm not worth a dime without you. Thanks so much and for the kind words.

    Maverick :))
Comment from PoemsOfDD
This work has reached the exceptional level

Michael, I hear every word you say. You have highlighted a growing problem. I'm not an old timer but I've had frustrations about certain aspects of FS since my joining. I do remember receiving a very nice and friendly personal email from a member to welcome me and she gave me a couple of tips to reviewing. Not that I was doing anything wrong as it was attached to another subject. However, I' was quick to pick up the ball and have rolled with it ever since. There seems to be some members that aren't very 'athletic ' in the field of reviewing and will never be a good sport.

I sometimes think it has something to do with the pump rewards system that are hard to accumulate in order to review. Hence, some reviewers having to review nonsensically to accumulate visual funds. Not all reviewers want to spend real cash to buy pumps to promote. Possible the pump system needs to be revamped - rewarding with pumps after so many nominations.

Sometimes, when I hand out good reviews with suggestions, some people can't see an improvement if it slaps them on the face - or - they take the suggestion without so much as a nomination. That is frustrating given the time spent on writing the review.

I have muted reviewers that I thought unworthy of reading my stuff because of their ignorant reviews but FS only allow you to do that six times. I'm practically out of playing that card.

I know we can write these 'complaining' posts but this is not the first time it has been aired. Doesn't FS look at these things? Surely they are aware and monitoring these type situations given the number of complaints? Perhaps they should set up another division manned by someone other then Tom. Someone who can check these things out as I fear Tom can't do everything.

Yes Michael, I'm on your side and thank you for being honest and not fearsome of receiving bad reviews from it. I like that in a person. I'm with you in the march to fairness and honesty. What now? ~DD

 Comment Written 10-May-2016

reply by the author on 11-May-2016
    Hi, DD. Congrats on your big day!
    What wonderful well thought out comments. Usually you can unmute the oldest to add the most current. The oldest has either forgotten about you or turned over a new leaf. :))
    Fanstory is Tom. So, no, he doesn't look at all of this.
    To get things done we have to do our homework and present him with a factual well documented case.
    He does listen. The last thing we proposed was the CEC to monitor contests. Some loud mouth came up with that and Tom approved. HAHAHA! The posting of contest winners is something we've been pushing for as long as I've been here.
    So, we keep our eyes open and garner as much info as possible and then present our case. I'm so pleased you're on board. I'll keep you posted. mikey