Reviews from

Fairy Dust


59 total reviews 
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Although I'm not a big fan of fairies or their glittering dust (it creates such a bloody mess everywhere!), I felt this poem was beautifully composed, and wonderfully written, w.j.debi. It seems all that glitters is gold -- or golden -- on the FanStory front pages these days, based upon the many posted poems I've read of late which allude to it.
Your snappy rhythm -- done in what appears to me to be Iambic Tetrameter -- flows smoothly, and it helps carry your readers (and hopefully their imaginations, if they're fortunate enough to possess one) along into a magical land full of mystery and mystique. A deep, dark wood, where fairies toil endlessly protecting the forests they inhabit, and everything within them. This type of poetry is what fairy tales are made of.

Beautifully done, Debi. Magical... ~Dean

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 21-May-2015
    You don't hang out with the right fairy folk, Dean. I know the mess you want is the blood not the glitter. When I think fairies, I think Tolken--orcs and dark elves, changelings and evil wizards. True, we've made fairies into harmless little pixies for children's tales, but the original fairy tales can be quite frightening, creepy and violent. They were meant to scare, not so much entertain.

    You are spot on with the analysis for the iambic tetrameter for a Kyrielle. I always worry that I get those iambs right. Also, I wrote this after reading Jax's challenge last night to write something that went with that golden book so that's why the gold. I went a different way than Jax or Tab did, but it gave me a bit of fun for the evening.

    Thank you for the kind words about the writing. I appreciate the encouragement. Now watch out for ancient fairies. They aren't so nice and would give any werewolf a run for his money. Debi
reply by Dean Kuch on 21-May-2015
    Hah-ha, I'm sure they would, Debi!
    You're very welcome, my friend. :)
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The repeating line is wonderful, with its evenly spaced alliteration and perfect rhythm. It acts like an incantation inviting us into dusty tomes and the realms of faerie. A lovely poem!

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 25-May-2015
    Thank you for the gracious comments about the writing. I especially like your remark, "It acts like an incantation inviting us into dusty tomes and the reams of faerie." Thank you for the delightful review. It has me smiling. Debi
Comment from Gaye Hemsley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a delightful poem. Nothing like magic and imagination. The rhyming is perfect and your poem is a pleasure to read. Happy dreams Gaye

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 25-May-2015
    Hi Gaye,
    I am so pleased you enjoyed this poem. Yes, magic and imagination are wonderful gifts. Thank you for stopping by to read and review. Happy dreams to you, too. Debi
Comment from Cass Carlton
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very good. the repeated line has an element of a spell being invoked which goes well with the theme of the poem ..One query .third verse first line. Should there be an apostrophe on creatures. To my reading there should be. remember that creatures is a plural noun so watch where the apostrophe goes. Lovely poem, imagery is perfect, rhythm and rhyme is spot on . Well done cheersCass

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 24-May-2015
    Thank you for the wonderful review and six stars. I did check out the line in question. I could take out the ending "s" completely. I meant it as a descriptive phrase not a possessive. I do welcome suggestions and appreciate you taking the time to point out alternate possibilities. Thank you for taking time to read and review. I appreciate the encouragement.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice picture. Poem well written. Smooth flowing action. Easy to follow story line. Descriptive language well used and holds reader's interest throughout.

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 25-May-2015
    Thank you for the encouraging review. I appreciate the comments about the action, story line and descriptive language. Debi
Comment from CR Delport
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I sure can use some fairy dust :) As a child growing up, I spent a lot of time in my own imagination. I think I still do, hence being a writer :) This is well done.
Take care.

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 25-May-2015
    Hi Christelle,
    Yes, imagination is a wonderful thing. Good point about being a writer; we need it. I appreciate the great comments. Here's sending a packet a fairy dust your way. Debi
Comment from dmt1967
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love the fairy dust theme and the picture is magical. This is a well written poem. I was enthralled and a warm glow came over me as I read further into the life of the dust. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 25-May-2015
    Thank you for the wonderful review. I especially appreciate your comment about being entrharlled and haveing a warm glow. I am pleased you like the fairy dust. Thank you for the encouragement. Debi
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Debi....

- Great feel good fairytale with dust and magic and myths of long ago.
- Beautiful artwork, and formatted for a super presentation.
- An enjoyable read, my friend.

Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*:*)

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 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 23-May-2015
    Thank you, Jax. I am pleased you enjoyed the read. Thank you for the kind comments about how it made you feel. I appreciate the encouragement. Debi
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautifully written. The narrative rolls off the tongue, the theme has a little enigma to it. The slightly mysterious is great, it creates an illusion to it that makes for fascination. Nice even writing, it has a silky smoothness to it that captivates. The aabb couplet rhyming works nicely in this fine spun work. Well done, blessings, Roy.

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 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 25-May-2015
    Wow, so many nice comments. I am pleased that you found the poem slightly mysterious, and I appreciate the encouraging remarks about the writing. You have me smiling. Thank you. Debi
reply by royowen on 25-May-2015
    Most welcome