Reviews from

Poor Prose Writers, You Still Here?

A Rambling Essay or Something Like That

100 total reviews 
Comment from Shirley B
This work has reached the exceptional level

I so agree with you dear friend. It is hard to write a long prose, essay and get 3 reviews. Then when I write a haiku I get 30. I guess it is human nature. As for me personally, when I read, it is hard for me to read very long post without losing my train of thought. I don't know if it my seizure medications or the epilepsy itself but my attention span is very low. :) I am guilty of skipping over works that are probably excellent just because it is too long. Great rant. Shirley

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from --Turtle.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think the main problem for reviewing prose verse poetry, is commitment. I think poems are easier to praise without feeling so dirty about it. Oh, this poem was funny ... sad ... insert feeling here... so one doesn't have to think about the effectiveness so much, either it is or it isn't. If it does, boom something to say, fast and easy.

Prose requires thought, and a reader has a harder time treating it like word modern art, (where the display case can sometimes be mistaken for the art, because ... well, modern art) Where as prose, a person can tell when it's just bad, and then you have to think about why. Then you have to say why. And then you get yelled at for saying that things aren't working, and rules are being broken ineffectively. And not doing so feels dirty. So, why go there when you can just fly through some poems.

And a novel, you have to remember plot... at least, if you are reading something seriously, or just a page. You have to get to know characters, and suffer bad dialog.... give me a bad rhyme, but bad dialog, uhg.

Anyway. I read through this prose. It contained a pleasing amount of syllables and imagery. :p

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from Drew Delaney
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This deserves a six for starters, but I don't have any left. I'm a big spender. I totally agree with you in all manners. I'm new here and I don't want to get kicked out yet. But I think something does need to be done to make it fair. How about we sign a petition to FanStory declaring a change of some kind. Maybe someone has a great idea under his or her belt. Not everyone can spend the time it takes to review stories and chapters, but if the income would increase, the more willing one would be to read. Just a thought!

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from LucaFen4
This work has reached the exceptional level

I completely agree. I think the problem goes deeper than that however. I'm relatively new to the site & therefore have little equity to promote my writing. Which means, less reviews because I cannot afford to promote my work to the 1st page.

The site is basically a popularity contest to a large extent. With a majority of fluffy 5 star reviews even when they hate your work. But I'm digressing into what should be my own rambling rant.

Poetry & prose should not be given the same points or $$ amounts. Something needs to give. Those who comment the prose is too long are the one's that are there to make money, rather than really review your work. Prose should be giving double the money, especially if it's a full short story or a long chapter. This site discourages a longer short story. Imagine a 23 000 word short story posted. You would receive few if any reviews, even if it were written with the skill of Edgar Allen Poe.

I applaud you for your post, now to promote this further to the keepers of this site who can actually make wholesale changes to it's layout. As you can tell by my review, I read your post in full. :) I'm new here, but thank you. This complaint is long overdue.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from Roblac
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your work and especially like taking the 1.03 and 10 points for this ramble.

You make some good points.

Great work and I think I will move onto poetry now for value for money.

All jokes aside it is an excellent piece.

All the best.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from livelylinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

michaelcahill: oh, there you are, you were hiding in the garden of prose. Personally, I don't like prose. They sound like a badly written poem or the outline for an essay/story/book. They are jerky and make me nervous and I find no satisfaction in reading them at all. As far as inequalities on this site, there are many. Take them or leave them. I was on Writing.Com for five years and left because of their inequalities. I must be getting old because I just don't care any more. There are worse inequalities in this horrid world which make ours seem piddly. Write on, my friend, and I hope to see you on the poetic side more often. livelylinda

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from Rosalyne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Mikey.
You've brought up a great discussion. I am a prose writer, and review mostly prose due to my lack of knowledge in poetry. Many educators recommend that people read what they like to write. Sure, prose takes longer to read, but you can delve into the imaginary world created by the author. Poetry too provides such imaginative imagery. This is really a personal taste. Most importantly, whatever someone is going to read, take the time to do so, rather than look at only the monetary reward. Great post.
Rosalyne :)

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from Acquired Taste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Am not a fan of free verse poetry, but I love a good rambling rant.

I could not agree more with your tome. Your catch phrase is: The money is all the same, so I can't imagine why someone would choose to read a twenty-five hundred word contest entry paying fifty-two cents over a seventeen syllable haiku that pays the same.

I can't imagine why either. Perhaps some sort of sliding scale differing between poetry and prose. That might be fair.

I am guilty as well of reading more poetry for the simple reason that the funny money is a requirement regardless if the post is 25 syllables or 2500 words.

If the scale were different and you could expect perhaps double for reviewing say 300+ words that might make it more appealing. The cost to post, as you pointed out is the same for a haiku or a chapter from a novel.

Is this something we should bring to managements attention in separate messages? Perhaps start a Forum thread? Am also open to any ideas that might level the 'reading field.'


 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from granny goes viral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

No, I totally agree with you, I am totally guilty as charged. Started with a bit of a following...slowly posting my prose...interspersed with poetry, throw in a few "mature" helps. ain't real money.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014

Comment from ravenblack
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I know there is no chance in hell of it happening, but what if for prose, the pumps went up in increments of 4 cents rather than 2 cents like poetry? Good rant. Great flow of words. I really enjoyed it. Good luck in the contest (yes, I know it is not in a contest. Just riffing on formulaic reviews).

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2014