Reviews from


unanswered questions and observations

46 total reviews 
Comment from Rondeno
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this well-written prose piece. I, too, have often yearned to know the exact basis on which rankings are calculated. Would it hurt to inform us? Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 06-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 06-Mar-2014
    Any business can set their parameters and customers can choose yay or nay, but that's my point. Tell me how this works.
Comment from comanalbert
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wish i could give you a sixer,not only that i too am a texas hold'em mad fan, no matter it'll be disregarded towards rank, but mostly for sticking a finger into the wound openly.
I joined recently and i've learned that i can be an awesome writer on site if I have the right number of fans-and in real life my work is not wothy to be shown on the walls of a public toilet. Also i've learned that a member contest can be won if using Facebook or similar to get help from friends in voting....and so know better.

What i truly respect and appreciate is that, after I made a group of honest friends, I receive not only best quality feedback, but true advices, no matter my dollar's worth. I've been accused not all my posts pay- a few slipped, true. I've answered that I am even willing to pay myself just to read the work of my friends, not to get paid and they will do the same. Other stars than sixers are a polite illusion, ranking is just a caress of the ego, but the learning process from friends is worth more than gold in the outside writing world.
But you knew all that, I felt good reading and reviewing( "and thanks for the dough"-said he guilty smiling...)

 Comment Written 06-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 06-Mar-2014
    Ha, ha, ha...I didn't know the Facebook trick, but then I'm one of the rare specimen's in the world that doesn't use that site, nor do I twitter or text.

    Your second paragraph says it all. Though this essay was brought on my a flippant answer from management while I was questioning the nominee process, my appreciation for the group that invested in me and is willing to edit and tell me like it is, is the principal reason I appreciate the site. The rest gets on my nerves. I want to know the rules. Transparency is not too much to ask.
reply by comanalbert on 06-Mar-2014
    FS stands for friendship stories...They will offer us transparency on their knees once we become famous and rich...and do not need it
Comment from Selina Stambi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi SE,

I don't think we've bumped into each other before. This was a really great write - had me nodding my head with many, many ah ha moments.

It does feel, sometimes, that there is elitism on this site and some favouritism as well. Oh, well, this is just a pretend world.

I'd love to know about those Visa cards ...:)

Nice to meet you. Well done. Hope you get your answers - do pass them on to me if you do!!

Sonali :)

 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    Well, hello, so nice o meet you. It has been confirmed that the $100 winning gift cards are paid.

    I have (from members) learned that to qualify for the story/poem/book of the month a post has to receive 35% of their reviews as six with 65% as fives. The computer spits out this number, there is no 'honour.' The number of review counts for nothing, except that it can dilute the ratio for qualification. no one can yet tell me how rank is calculated.

    You can read a lot of interesting responses and stories in my reviews that you can access.

    We'll see each other again. ingrid
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
This work has reached the exceptional level

I totally get with the posting things Sunday or Monday because people have six stars then. I can't count the count the times people have said this deserves a six star but I just don't have it because it's so late in the week. I found it frustrating today that they worked on the site all day all day no one could read my promoted work yet they won't extend my certificate. It's so irritating. It takes me so long to build up my member dollars and I want them to be used to the full extent. Instead I buy them and use them only to find out that people still can't read it because the site is down and they won't give me the time back that they took from me. You may not have ranted but I just did. I hope someone read this that can change thing. Let me tell you how the rankings go: If you can promote to lots of member dollars many times a week you will be in the top ten. Review every piece of this, even if it the same review copy and pasted (Yes, I seen someone review probably 30 or more poems/stories with the same review), they didn't read any of them. But because they reviewed all of those poems they will move up in rankings. THEY DIDN'T READ THEM! Look at the reviews! It shouldn't have counted, but I'm sure it did. I love this site but I think we all have those things that irk us all

 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    I can't believe they won't give you the time back! That's awful. Some others told me how they choose SOM--it's a ratio, must have 33% of reviews as sixes, but I still don't understand how they count reviews...but they should make this info available. FYI they were down for 5 hours. Love the stars.

reply by ExperiencingLiphe on 05-Mar-2014
    It was done from 9-4 at my house that I know of. Not sure what time they went down this morning. But I discovered it at 9 this morning and couldn't get on at all until 4. I'm still kind of irritated about the entire situation. It's not my fault the site was down yet I get penalized as if it was.
reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    Try asking for a credit to your FS $ acct so you can pay for the extension yourself. I can understand if they can't reset the computer, but surely...and if not, welcome to the rude, lack of customer service.
reply by ExperiencingLiphe on 05-Mar-2014
    Yeah, I would understand if I did something but I didn't do it. I thought about responding but I just can't right now without being super mean. I just wish I would have had notice. I would have waited a day to post.
Comment from Paddywack
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Spiritual Echo. What an eloquent, passionate, interesting writer you ate! I haven't been on the site long enough to become as frustrated by the bureaucracy, the system and the processes as you have, although I do have the same questions, so it's only a matter of time. Living in Oz, the site goes down every night from 7.30 to around 8.00 (give or take a minute). It's more annoying than anything, but I'm used to it. You clearly have a lot of support. Perhaps it's time to raise the flag and man the barricades. There's a revolution in the air!
I've given you 6 stars even though it's Thursday, not only for the discussion you have generated, but for the superb quality of your writing in putting forward the issues.


 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    Thank you so much, both for the kind words and the bouquet of stars. I don't know how it goes down for a half hour in OZ and 2-3 hours in NA. I can almost forgive that if they'd explain. Surely it can't go on forever--it's been 2 months. your generousity is greatly appreciated.
Comment from Donald O. Cassidy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My feedback to your Open Letter will avoid specifics and be classified as general.

Many of your questions and suggestions have crossed my mind. In several ways I can identify with your frustrations.
I suppose this remark is one specific thing and that applies to Tom Ens. His answers are prompt and seem personal. Sometimes he is too brief and fails to cover all I asked. But he never ignores my problem.
So It never occurred to me his name might be a front for a computer-generated answer.

Anyway, I enjoyed your long letter. I read every word.

One thing I think it proves is that FanStory is objective in printing letters of complaint.

 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    No, they also allow violence and profanity, and likely don't read anything. I wish they would. I don't think the computer answers--whoever is on staff that day or night. Yes a one line answer comes through promptly, but the questions I posed were answered in generalities with no clear answer. Thanks for weighing in.
Comment from bob cullen
This work has reached the exceptional level

Here, here.

I endorse every comment you make. As an Aussie we lose access to the site for maintenance all too regularly, today around 7 am.

I too have no knowledge how the rating system works. About three weeks ago I had a poem, I think it was called Farmer's Life and while I admit I'm no poet it received 7 reviews from 9 views, 2 sixers and 5 fives. It was then considered to have received its mandatory 3 - 5 reviews. Those views were allotted within thirty minutes of posting. I thought that sort of response would have seen it listed on today's well received poems. It didn't. What then does one have to do to be listed as well received.

Like you, I truly value Fanstory, but I think it's value could be improved if all writers received the same treatment.

A really great write, and I hope someone takes notice. Hope you haven't received too much flak for this honest assessment.

 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    I know you can reach recognized status in prose with five reviews (five star or better) but I think the number is much higher for poetry.

    A top ranked poet told me she received 200 reviews and of those 50 were 6 star, but when she made enquiries why she was not in the Poem of the month was told her ratios were not high enough. The total reviews for contests of this sort is more important than widespread enjoyment. 33% of total reviews have to be 6 stars.

    Thanks so very much for your feedback and all those generous stars.
Comment from vapros
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a well-worded missive, and I have no doubt that you have represented your own feelings clearly. I must make a couple of my own observations here. For one thing, you and I are here for different reasons, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your concerns about status and rankings are not the same as mine.

Also, I have one of the stories that is under consideration for Story of the Month, and I believe you made reference to it, without naming it. That's fine. We both know that the lack of impressive numbers of views or reviews indicates primarily a lack of the needed promotion. No one was more surprised than I, to find that my piece was nominated. At the same time, I am greatly gratified by the nomination, as it was one of the few examples to be found here that a bit of writing can find some success without extravagant promotion. I can't tell you how encouraging that was, to me.

I may never be so honored again, as modest promotion will continue to be my habit, but that's okay. On a commercial site that uses its own unique money for its own commerce, I have seen the management step across boundaries to make an appreciated gesture.

I hope you don't find any ill-feeling here, as none was intended. Kindest regards,


 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    Vapros, I read your story. It was very good and I made that comment in my review.

    I looked at two other nominees, not for the quality of the work, but to look at the number of six star reviews and total reviews.

    Since writing this essay, I have been informed by other members that the nominees are chosen by computer based entirely by a ratio of six star reviews vs five star reviews, with the expectation that stories receiving approx. 35% of their revues as six star reviews.

    A top poet on this site told me a story that she wrote a poem that received 200 reviews of which 50 were six star reviews. When she questioned why she was not included in poem of the month she was told her ratios did not meet their standard criteria for this contest. She only scored 25%

    I don't mean to burst your bubble, but management did not read your story. You were chosen by the computer, entirely based on numbers.

    I did not use your story as an example, but the two I investigated received a total of five reviews and made it on the list because 60%--three readers--awarded a six star review to the work. The calculation of review vs read was not part of this formula. In one case, the writer received 31 hits/reads and only received 5 reviews. A one in six response to the story. In my story that I used as an example, I had 100 people read the story and I had 50 reviews--of which only two were six star responses, all others were five. It wouldn't have mattered if all 100 people gave me a five star review, without that ratio I wouldn't qualify for recognition. Now, I'm not harping about my story or status, I'm saying out loud that no one knows how these numbers are calculated.

    Did you know you were being honoured by a computer?

    One of the main reasons I wrote about this was to simply ask for transparency--tell us the rules. No one knows how they got nominated for SOM, let alone their rank. Because my rank is right at the top of the list, I have no axe to grind, and people have been thanking me for raising questions that they have also asked and given vague answers or none at all.

    If a story appears at the top of the home page that has been paid for, either by real money, or member pumps. I know of one writer who has a FS bank account with $600 in credits. That indicates she spends a lot of time reviewing others and has earned those dollars by investing in other writers. She rarely uses enough to push it under the 'Featured Stories' and only does so when she feels she's written something terrific, but she's entitled to do so, it's not something dirty.

    The 'Well Received' category at the bottom of the page is the actual tribute to good writing. Stories that receive 5 reviews with 5 stars or higher will get up to 24 hours in that highly visible page. Believe me, I've earned my rank entirely by response and hit 'Well Received' often based on acceptance by the readers, not by Am/EX.

    I don't understand your comment about our reasons for FS being different as you really do emphasize quality. I work very hard to produce quality stories and essays. I have not paid for my ranking, the reviewers have put me there.

    I have no ill feeling, whatsoever, but wanting to know what criteria is at play is not a sin.

    Since I have given you the ratio as to how to reach SOM status, my suggestion to you is to always post your stories on a Sunday when stars are restored and you will likely get more 6 star reviews and only post your best stories a day or to before Story of the Month deadline looms in order to ensure you'll have the highest ratio to qualify.

    Good luck in the contest, it still relies on member votes. Only committee, site sponsored contest entries are read outside this site.
reply by vapros on 05-Mar-2014
    Thanks for your good response. If the other members have explained how the qualifying system works, then I have no doubt that's how it is. And if so, then I have learned that my story's inclusion was mechanical - or rather, electronic. I am disappointed, but not much. If we have learned any secrets, I suppose that we know now to post on Sunday mornings. I hope that will be a help to you. I will probably continue to put my stuff up when it is ready.

    I, too, have more than $600 in my FanStory bank, and that would finance a number of hefty promotions, but I probably won't spend it that way, or at least, not very often. Being schizoid, and I am, I am reluctant to offer too many FS dollars with my posts. I don't like the idea of hiring people to review my work - and that is definitely not intended as a cheap shot at your own policy, or that of any other member. I'm aware that this is what makes this little world go around, and that it has worked for quite a while. That's fine - I would not like to see anything happen to the site.

    I hope that your questions will get you the answers you await; I really do. For me, I will continue to plod forward, as that has been my method of locomotion for a great many years. I travel like the duck - if it don't rain, I'll walk!

    Best regards, Bill

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    I've known about the Sunday posting for years, but pay no attention.

    If you choose not to use your promo dollars, be aware that you can gift them to other--no not me--I'd return them, but if there are writers you'd like to support and allow them to have the funds to enter contests, it's an option. At your usage level, you'll never use them up. You can do this on their profile.
Comment from Aiona
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm #4 scriptwriter at the moment, and I had no idea why. I guess there are not many scriptwriters. No offense to anyone else, but I looked at some of the others and .... well... honestly, I'm not any better or worse than some of them. I can only chalk it up to frequency? Some of them haven't posted in a very long while. As for myself, I am here because I cannot get enough critique from my current writing group in my town, because they only meet weekly. At that rate, I will finally review my entire story with them in TWO YEARS. I want people to critique my writing. Stars.... a lovely added bonus.

 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    You are getting the feedback you want and need. I'm certainly in the same boat. Vey few would deny the benefits of the site, it's the quirks that creep in that can be annoying.
Comment from Ekim777
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A refreshingly frank and insightful piece. I think all your wisdom centers around the opening paragraph. I feel like a maverick and maybe arrogant but with every review I write I feel I am putting my ego and my authenticity on the line. I suppose this what the maturing process is all about. I hope my own posts back me up. I can only know by the several, intelligent responses given me by the reviewers. Their words are invaluable. Some of the choices and priorities of the organization, remain a mystery to me but let me hasten to add that I have gained in no small measure by my belonging to Fan Story.

 Comment Written 05-Mar-2014

reply by the author on 05-Mar-2014
    The friendships we gain by sharing a common interest and a respect for one another's work is invaluable. Thanks for weighing in.