Reviews from

What a Horrible Weekend!

Trouble down at Hedgerow Village.

27 total reviews 
Comment from IndianaIrish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story is so adorable, Sandra. You bring out the emotion of the characters so well and you tell a story most kids can relate to and understand why it would be a horrible weekend. Very enjoyable
Karyn : )

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    Thank you, Karyn, so much. I think it must be my childish brain! LOL. I am so pleased you liked it as well. xsx sandra
Comment from Janie King
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'vw only read this version and I thought it was just fine. Everything flowed smoothing and reminded me of when I was in second grade and almost everyone had the chicken pox during spring break. God loves you and so do I.

 Comment Written 23-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    It's funny how some things stick in your mind, isn't it. Most of my stories come from little memories. Thank you for reading and for the nice review of my story. Bless you too! xsx sandra
Comment from DonandVicki
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have a good knowledge for character development and maintaining hold of the readers attention all the way through your work. Nice story book art work to enhance your work. Don

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    Thank you! That is so nice of you to say so. I am so pleased you enjoyed this story. :) xsx sandra
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

and saw Mrs. Squirrel came - come
Mrs. Squirrel peddled away - pedaled
I remember the good old days when chicken pox spread through schools and neighborhoods like wild fire. Good dialogue that shows the emotions of your characters well. Brooke

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    Thank you, Brooke. Now that you have pointed it out, I can see the spelling was wrong, peddled is for 'selling' isn't it? I have changed both mistakes, thank you so much for finding them! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :) Sandra xsx
Comment from Just Pete
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another wonderful and wonderfully told children's story. It put me in mid of those oold "Peter Rabbit" books I had as a child. I didn't get to read the "What are all thos spots?", but I doubt it could better this one. You have a lovely child-like imagination as well as the skill of a story teller.

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    My mum always said I never grew up! I took after her, LOL, bless her. Thank you so much, Pete, for another wonderful review and for another 6 stars. You are so good to me, thank you! xsx sandra
Comment from amanda98653
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely write, Sandra. I haven't read the poetry but I will certainly do that:)

Some suggestions to keep in mind:

1. the two brothers looked down the lane and saw Mrs Squirrel (coming) along on her bicycle

2. You can come and play with Cyril when his spots (are) all gone.



 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, Amanda, for this lovely and most helpful review. I have made those changes, thank you for the advice. :) You might have to go down my portfolio a couple of pages to find the rhyming versions, there are 11 that have been published, and another 12 or so that will be soon. If you do look for it, perhaps you could tell me which version you prefer, if you have a preference. :) Sandra. xsx
reply by amanda98653 on 23-Feb-2014
    Okie! I'm gonna go find it!

Comment from Rosalyne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Sandra.
This is a great addition to your book. Chicken Pox is certainly a contagious childhood illness, and one that can be alarming for some children. You did a wonderful job with the characters, Timmy and Tommy mouse, frustrated that they couldn't play with their friends. Your ending tied the story together very well.
Rosalyne :)

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, Rosalyne. I am really delighted you enjoyed my story, thank you for reading it. :) Sandra xsx
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awwww! If this isn't the sweetest story, Sandra, I don't know what is. Now I don't remember reading this one in poetry, but I do love the story. :)

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    Dear Dawn, another lovely review. I am in the process of catching up on my reviewing, I got so far behind. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. And a big thank you for your lovely words. :) xsx Sandra
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's the picture in the book. Sandra both are very well done and fun but you know me and rhyme. The question is what would the children like the most. I would say rhyme. Which do your Grandchildren prefer? No six on Saturday. Well done my friend.

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    I know. I prefer to write in rhyme, but I have been asked to do this after the success of my Christmas story book. It sold over 800 copies last December. So I thought I would give it a try. I am using those illustration because they are basically the same story, but lengthened in prose. I want to get a feel of them before I get the second rhyming book out there. Very complicated doing it this way, does my brain in. I will still be doing my children's story poems. I haven't asked my grandchildren yet, I will though. Thank you for giving me your honest opinion, Nancy, I appreciate that. :) Sandra xsx
reply by nancy_e_davis on 22-Feb-2014
    WOW! 800 copies! You go girl! Nancy
reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    I know, I was totally gobsmacked! It was a wonderful feeling, and the one thing I was grateful for, was my Mum was here to see it happen. xxx
Comment from Liz Dunbee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh dear, chicken pox. I remember my four boys catching it all at the same time. I wish I could have told them this charming story all those years ago. I enjoyed this delightful tale. I am out of sixes but you have a virtual one from me.

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2014
    Thank you so very much, Liz, what a lovely review, I am delighted you enjoyed it. :) xsx sandra