Reviews from

Apologies for FanStory Use

For those rare occasions when you need to say sorry

62 total reviews 
Comment from judester
This work has reached the exceptional level

I really enjoyed this honest and true insight. Very funny approach on misguided wrath, also the art and cunning of a sarcastic apology. Funny guy, cheers judester

 Comment Written 28-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 28-Apr-2015
    Thanks, that was a fun write...therapeutic to a degree as well...Dennis
Comment from padumachitta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi. Funny but biting. As I have said many times there is a difference between being criticized and critiqued. I can take quite a bit of hammering at my work. But, I also need encouragement. The trick is the balance. As over the top as this piece sounds, I have had the experience of an American completely berating my British spelling. It was an ugly exchange. Luckily not on this site.
Ciao, happy reviewing

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2013

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2013
    Yes, the pompous do wander about, pompousing away. Just tune them out and keep writing. Thanks for commenting.
Comment from cheyennewy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Dennis,

You have out-done yourself with this commentary. You make some valid points and do it with humor and aplomb. I hate to admit I know the actress in your picture and the movie...don't tell anyone I'm that old. One must remember not to get in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Well done, chey

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2013
    You don't have to worry about me pulling out the age card! I can't read it without my glasses and I know her too! :) Thanks for reading and commenting. You are sweet. Dennis
reply by cheyennewy on 23-Jan-2013
    Thank heaves, glad you don't use the age card!!
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2013
    :) I forgot where I put it...
reply by cheyennewy on 23-Jan-2013
    Haaa Haaa
Comment from kcross11
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was my favorite line- you are at relational rock bottom and it's time to reconsider your reactions.

A beautiful, sarcastic piece. I love and appreciate sarcasm. I was also grateful you pointed out your run-on-sentence yourself, so I didn't have to.

Good use of metaphors and similes. Those are new, impressive and I've never heard them before. Job well done.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2013
    Thank you so much. Reviewers have been picking out certain lines as you did, as their favorites.But no one has yet chosen my favorite:
    "I suggest a major improvement will be achieved by the simple abandonment of all your original points."

    Thank you for reading a rather long piece. I appreciate it and get great joy that you liked it. Best to you, Dennis
Comment from snowflakes77
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really enjoyed your apology letter. Very interesting indeed. I wasn't sure what to expect and was definitely pleasantly surprised :) Thank you so much for sharing this because it's so hard for all of us to review and get reviews sometimes :) Randa

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 23-Jan-2013
    Hi Randa, I know what you mean. I've been on here I think about a year and I feel like I'm just beginning to understand how the system works. There is a commercial side to this site that, frankly, I resented at first. But that's dumb on my part because no one is going to put up a site like this for free. Duh. So you have to "go with the flow". Read other peoples stuff, review, be kind. Look for what they are really trying to say FIRST. Then critique gently and in small doses. Fan people and follow through as a fan ... in other words, read their stuff at least once a week. I hope this helps! I'm going to read a few of yours and possibly fan you if I like the genre you have chosen. Dennis
reply by snowflakes77 on 23-Jan-2013
    Hi Dennis, Yes you are right about reviewing and critiquing others. You have to use kid gloves that's for sure because you're dealing with peoples very hearts and souls, as well as their experiences and pain. When that starts getting reviewed the gloves can obviously can come off.

    I used to try to "Make" other reviewers see my point of view by explaining to them why I write the way I do. However, I found that no one will understand your writing unless they understand. Does that make sense? lol
    Anyhow, thank you for putting up with my rambling. Randa :)
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2013
    Hi Randa, I think I do understand. I also think we need to take a stand for our writing. It is ours, after all. Some would rewrite our writing for us. Don't let that happen. Also, there's a whole bunch of people here who know a few things but even the experts as in any field disagree. So take what helps you make your writing clear but don't surrender your soul which is in your writing. Best to you, Dennis
reply by snowflakes77 on 23-Jan-2013
    Hi Dennis, I wish we could stand up for our writing. However, it's interesting that you say "rewrite our writing for us" because I had someone try to rewrite and make additions to my writing lately....which I just could not allow. I just graciously told them "Thank you for the insight."
    I also appreciate yours as well Dennis :) Randa
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2013
    I think you handled that like a pro!
Comment from christianpowers
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi D,

Awesome post. Been there (on both sides of such) and done that. Wish I had your letter as a templet at the time (when I was ther reviewer - definitely NOT the review'ee').

Your graciousness and selfless devotion to a fellow writer's ego knows no bounds... or rather... no scruples.

A highly enjoyable read. Thanks for the laughs... especially this one... >>> ...there to be dispersed into merciful obscurity. <<< It was a lot better than my blunt and witless rejoinder used in a similar situation that went something like this... '..because your writing is crap.'

Have a great day.


 Comment Written 22-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2013
    Thanks! I know it's bad form to laugh at your own stuff but I have found if something I write causes me to laugh out loud, then there are probably other crazy people out there who will laugh too.

    But I learned it all from you. Take one part acid from CP, add 50 parts of subtlety to 50 parts of memories of making the same stupid errors and you have my essay! Thanks for your part! (There is NO remuneration implied in any of this acknowledgement of indebtedness to CP! Hope u R doing good; did you get a new job? Dennis
reply by christianpowers on 22-Jan-2013
    No... still unemployed, but happy. I'm waiting for a BIG check to come within the next few weeks (due from a settlement) and then I'll buy/start a business. I'm thinking 'PIZZA'. lol
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2013
    Hey lemme no! I'll be your first customer: assuming it's RI. D
Comment from Benjamin Valencia
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Deniz22. Thank you so much for your letter and so sorry that people are giving you a hard time for your honest reviews. I haven't had that happen to me yet. I liked the way you said how things escalate like the national debt..hah hah. I probably will never have to use your letter, but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks Deniz. Have a great Fanstory day. Cheers.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Thanks! I appreciate your reading and commenting. You might want to read a little more about why I wrote "Apologies". No obligation of course. Thanks again.

    Iâ??ve gotten more responses from this essay (accidently labeled poetry by me) than any other I have submitted here on this literary playground known as FS. So, although I will add a personal note to each reviewer, I thought Iâ??d offer an extension of the usual authorâ??s notes accompanying our writings. Here goes: Although much of this piece really reflects my own, sometimes painful learning experience in using electronic words to communicate, it was MEANT to be funny. So I was astounded to find some took it seriously. Herein, another example of the often huge gap between a writerâ??s ideas written out and the perception of his readers. I donâ??t think itâ??s all my fault, since humor and pain are often intermingled, used to sketch out an idea for all to see by their very contrasts of black and white. . Anyone who disagrees with this hypothesis will receive a nasty response from me almost immediately! (KIDDING)

    Let me also admit, confess, be chagrined, and own up to being the bad guy in some of these exchanges that get out of hand. With the wisdom of years, both good and bad experience and some still fresh wounds, I look forward to an increasing maturity while it can still make a difference in our collective lives. Letâ??s cut the other guy some slack and laugh at our own foibles, admitting with Pogo, â??We have met the enemy and he is us.â??.

    Still, these kinds of battles, on one level, may have some redeeming value, in that at least a few folks are informed about other ideas, even against their will. This can be a good thing. Read the history of learning sanitation in the field of medicine for a true life example of this principal.. Thanks for reading and reviewing my work. I appreciate anyone taking time out from writing their own masterpieces to read my stuff.

    Sincerely, Dennis

Comment from snemes
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have been astounded by some of the replies that I have read on this site. I thought such egos only existed in Hollywood. No wonder most publishers will no longer accept unsolicited manuscripts. They have left the agents to deal with writers who are sure they have written the next bestseller.
I believe this is why the site limits how many six star ratings we can award every week. If they were unlimited, some writers would throw tantrums for not getting a six for everything they write. That you have been subjected to such ugliness and still have your sense of humor is impressive.
You are a braver soul than I. I'm a terrible reviewer, because I only review things I think are good. Never have been able to deal with conflict.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Yes, I can agree with much of what you say here. It seems the nature of the publishing world is rapidly changing too. The availability of electronic publication which excludes the need to print a 1000 book run makes it easier for everyone. But the real deal is having a way to publicize your book, it seems. Get on Oprah, and become a best seller even though your actual material is lighter than some fluff you see on here.

    About ten years ago, I went to a writer's conference where the speaker was a hot-shot agent. He was a tad annoying as he strode around the platform, but I think he mostly knew what he was talking about to us wannabes. He said, "Grab me on your first page or don't bother sending me your material. I don't have time to find your "grabber" in chapter two, because I have to look at hundred's of manuscripts."

    He also clued us in that every writer of books should be thinking "movie" beyond their written story.
    I'm willing to talk with you more on this if you like, but I don't want to bore you as you may know more than I do on this subject. Or any other subject for that matter! LOL I'm going to give you what I gave all the other reviewers just in case you might like to read it. Don't feel obligated, of course.

    I've gotten more responses from this essay (accidently labeled poetry by me) than any other I have submitted here on this literary playground known as FS. So, although I will add a personal note to each reviewer, I thought Iâ??d offer an extension of the usual authorâ??s notes accompanying our writings. Here goes: Although much of this piece really reflects my own, sometimes painful learning experience in using electronic words to communicate, it was MEANT to be funny.

    So I was astounded to find some took it seriously. Herein, another example of the often huge gap between a writerâ??s projected ideas and the perception of his readers. I donâ??t think itâ??s all my fault, since humor and pain are often intermingled, used to sketch out an idea for all to see by their very contrasts of black and white. . Anyone who disagrees with this hypothesis will receive a nasty response from me almost immediately! (KIDDING)

    Let me also admit, confess, be chagrined, and own up to being the bad guy in some of these exchanges that get out of hand. With the wisdom of years, both good and bad experience and some still fresh wounds, I look forward to an increasing maturity while it can still make a difference in our collective lives. Letâ??s cut the other guy some slack and laugh at our own foibles, admitting with Pogo, â??We have met the enemy and he is us.â??.

    Still, these kinds of battles, on one level, may have some redeeming value, in that at least a few folks are informed about other ideas, even against their will. This can be a good thing. Read the history of learning sanitation in the field of medicine for a true life example of this principal.. Thanks for reading and reviewing my work. I appreciate anyone taking time out from writing their own masterpieces to read my stuff.

    Sincerely, Dennis

reply by snemes on 24-Jan-2013
    Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. No, I don't know very much about these things, and much of what I do know is outdated. I used to read Writer's Digest, but that was many years ago.
    I did recently check out literary agents and was dismayed to find out that you have to send everything electronically now. Some want the first 10 pages, some only 5 pages and a query. I'm not at that stage yet, but I have a lot to learn.
Comment from EMB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Why is this listed as poetry? This is pretty good advice that basically advises us of how we can easily diffuse certain "situations" on this site. Great advice.

But again, why is this listed as poetry? LOL

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Here you go;

    I've gotten more responses from this essay (accidently labeled poetry by me) than any other I have submitted here on this literary playground known as FS. So, although I will add a personal note to each reviewer, I thought Iâ??d offer an extension of the usual authorâ??s notes accompanying our writings. Here goes: Although much of this piece really reflects my own, sometimes painful learning experience in using electronic words to communicate, it was MEANT to be funny. So I was astounded to find some took it seriously. Herein, another example of the often huge gap between a writerâ??s projected ideas and the perception of his readers. I donâ??t think itâ??s all my fault, since humor and pain are often intermingled, used to sketch out an idea for all to see by their very contrasts of black and white. . Anyone who disagrees with this hypothesis will receive a nasty response from me almost immediately! (KIDDING)

    Let me also admit, confess, be chagrined, and own up to being the bad guy in some of these exchanges that get out of hand. With the wisdom of years, both good and bad experience and some still fresh wounds, I look forward to an increasing maturity while it can still make a difference in our collective lives. Letâ??s cut the other guy some slack and laugh at our own foibles, admitting with Pogo, â??We have met the enemy and he is us.â??.

    Still, these kinds of battles, on one level, may have some redeeming value, in that at least a few folks are informed about other ideas, even against their will. This can be a good thing. Read the history of learning sanitation in the field of medicine for a true life example of this principal.. Thanks for reading and reviewing my work. I appreciate anyone taking time out from writing their own masterpieces to read my stuff.

    Sincerely, Dennis
Comment from janalma
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is funny. What a letter. If I had an apology like that, what in the world could I do but laugh, even if I was madder than hell. Loved this.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Thanks, janalma, glad you loved it. It was fun to write and now it's even more fun to know you enjoyed it. Here's some extended author's notes should you care to read them.

    I've gotten more responses from this essay (accidently labeled poetry by me) than any other I have submitted here on this literary playground known as FS. So, although I will add a personal note to each reviewer, I thought Iâ??d offer an extension of the usual authorâ??s notes accompanying our writings. Here goes: Although much of this piece really reflects my own, sometimes painful learning experience in using electronic words to communicate, it was MEANT to be funny. So I was astounded to find some took it seriously. Herein, another example of the often huge gap between a writerâ??s projected ideas and the perception of his readers. I donâ??t think itâ??s all my fault, since humor and pain are often intermingled, used to sketch out an idea for all to see by their very contrasts of black and white. . Anyone who disagrees with this hypothesis will receive a nasty response from me almost immediately! (KIDDING)

    Let me also admit, confess, be chagrined, and own up to being the bad guy in some of these exchanges that get out of hand. With the wisdom of years, both good and bad experience and some still fresh wounds, I look forward to an increasing maturity while it can still make a difference in our collective lives. Letâ??s cut the other guy some slack and laugh at our own foibles, admitting with Pogo, â??We have met the enemy and he is us.â??.

    Still, these kinds of battles, on one level, may have some redeeming value, in that at least a few folks are informed about other ideas, even against their will. This can be a good thing. Read the history of learning sanitation in the field of medicine for a true life example of this principal.. Thanks for reading and reviewing my work. I appreciate anyone taking time out from writing their own masterpieces to read my stuff.

    Sincerely, Dennis
reply by janalma on 21-Jan-2013
    I understand about misunderstanding. I wrote a humorous piece recently and was totally surprised that one person took it seriously. In a connected, earlier posting in the same vein, I had two or three people who did. I don't disparage them for this, as everyone looks at life differently. But, I am learning more about human nature on this site than I expected to. Lol. By the way, that saying by Pogo is one of my favorites.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2013
    Yes, the very first review I got for Apologies was from a dear woman in Australia who took it seriously, to the point of giving me six stars. She even commended me on my "bravery" and for saying things that needed to be said. I was going to ask her if she understood it was in fun, but after I checked her info I just played it straight and thanked her. Yeah, old Pogo had it right about all of us. I've shot myself in the foot more than once and probably will again! Nice to meet you! Dennis