Reviews from

All Those Puzzling Pieces

Viewing comments for Chapter 6 "You are ... Are you?"
What makes a life? How do the pieces fit?

97 total reviews 
Comment from Oldsteamer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Went to a ten years after concert in 1970 and never came back. Got picked up by some dudes in aold Wonder Bread truck. Now they had beads baby.
Some kind of herb that gave me the verb and I got beads baby.
I'm hipper than I look. Got a cue ball for a head and we still got beads baby?
Cept they're 18 ct.
- R -

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    and what's wrong with 18ct dear?? You can give ME the beads, baby ... any time you NEED, baby ...
Comment from ennahanid
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congratulations on your win, so darn worthy I gotta say. What a fun read this was of course I never liked the Beatles or Elvis come to think about it, although I liked John Lennon once he was no more a Beatle. I must have read it wrong as I didn't notice any 'cuss' words. Good Heavens! a Volkswagon, lost my virginity in the back of a little bug LOL

This was a lot of fun and you took it down the page in fine form and I thank you for the great read - Dinah

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    thx Dinah!
Comment from Keyana4Life
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love your poem. Very creative and I love the flow. It is also funny, I can tell that this is your personality and I love the end of it, "love is all that matters, maybe because I got the beads, yeah? yeah" Love it.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    thx so much my dear!
Comment from EMB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was great. I remember wearing a button in high school on my jean jacket (Levi's, of course) that said "I refuse to grow up." In so many ways, I'm still living by that button, damn it!

I enjoyed this a great deal, V.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    well I should have had one of those buttons too dear!
Comment from artemis53
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Of course I love it! i remember the vans of course and sitting on the floor flyin' into each other at the sharp turns. The stereos were the best with extra speakers for the outside. And of course, sittin' out at night around a campfire with a case of the "giggles" for some strange reason!

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    oh you were a naughty thing!! This was actually WAYYYYY before my time of course ..... jk!
reply by artemis53 on 19-Aug-2012
    Of course it was ;) Right up there with seeing Crosby, Stills and Nash in '77 after sneaking out of the house.
Comment from kra-z-ka-z
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh how I relate to this! In fact I still have my fringed vest and floppy hat with the sunflower (fake) on the side and, of course, my peace sign necklace!.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    aaah - amazing how all these folks are coming out of the closet kra-z-ka-z!!! we want incriminating photos!!! yeah yeah yeah!
Comment from Maria C.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You brought back some cool memories. The 'Hair' song, the Beatles, flower power, VW's, peace signs and the love beads. Yeah! Of course I was very young back then, but I remember it all. Good idea breaking this into two parts... the before and after...then and now. LOL
Congratulations on your win.

Maria C.

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    thx Maria - this was actually a mistake! I'd written something else for the prompt, then realized it was supposed to be funny and the deadline was fast approaching - so I put this one together in half an hour and threw it in just because I was too mean to waste my five bucks! funny,hmm?
reply by Maria C. on 19-Aug-2012
    Well, I hope that five bucks made you a haul, cause this WAS funny. You did great putting it together in only a half hour.
reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    only a few entries - just enough to pop me up to Featured page though, so I was happy! Now I'm saving up to put the REAL one up ...
reply by Maria C. on 19-Aug-2012
    I'll be watching for it...
reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    don't hold your breath dear ... the swimming pool's calling!!!
reply by Maria C. on 19-Aug-2012
    I am so jealous!
Comment from yonashalom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL! This is so funny. Goodness, brings back memories ... when I was a child. I watched the older teens and young adults during these days. They were so cool. Yeah, the veggies they were growing were leaves. LOL :) Congrats on this. ~Yona

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    thx Yona!
Comment from donaldww
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love this poem, yeah, yeah, yeah! Great mango colour for the background, too. It's WILD!

But what gives with your Author Notes?! Marking down for naughty words?

I thought writers love words, naughty or otherwise. Sounds like some kind of wordism, perpetrated by zealous wordists.


Great payout here, too. It must have taken almost all of your winnings! Thanks.

Later that same day . . .

I went back to search for bad words. Huh? Where are they?

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    I'd originally written this:
    "I admit
    puts me in a snit,
    oh shit, what the hell, I still ...
    grow my own veggies, over the hill,"

    but changed it to avoid more God Squad nasties ... I actually like the first version better ... what do you think?
reply by donaldww on 19-Aug-2012
    I think that's pretty mild. Well, I think language warnings on an adult writing site are ridiculous. When was the last time you picked up a book and saw "Bad Words Inside" printed on the cover?

    You should be able to do write whatever you want. I like your original version. It has an extra internal rhyme. The new version is good too, just a little less spice and energy. I read the New Yorker every week, and believe me, these words of yours are MILD!

    What has religion got to do with the word shit, anyway? Isn't their purview words that have to do with Jesus and the like? Are they the self appointed word police for bodily function and waste product words too?

    Well, fight fire with fire. Mark 'em down if you see the word Jesus in a poem. That's swearing! Using Jesus's name for the vain purpose of attracting satan-inspired, filthy star ratings? What could be more egregious? It's bloody outrageous blasphemy!

    Next time, if they don't have a language warning in place, it's an automatic 4 stars or less (depending if the poem made any sense in the first place).


Comment from Healthyheartpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love this poem its so nostalgic, it brings back so many memories. It truly deserves to be a contest winner. The sentiments expressed are so cool. Thanks

 Comment Written 19-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 19-Aug-2012
    thx Hhp!