Reviews from

A new and exciting club

Just for FS writers ...

24 total reviews 
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Explain to your son that Sunny needed to feel less isolated and more a part of the family, and what better way to do that than by having her play with the exact same kinds of toys as the rest of the family. He does not need to know that Sunny owned the toy first, just that she loved it when saw the other girls playing with theirs. (I'm with your son on the "performing surgery" part, though. We NEVER buy auditory toys for Li'l Swish Allen because the musician in me goes out of her mind from repetitive sounds.

And, yes, for the record, one time when I was in my early teens and furious with my mother who insisted I make my bed before going out with my friends, I got even with her by cutting the tags off the pillows. Oy!! The JOY!! But then --I serious here-- within MOMENTS a policeman appeared on our front doorstep!!!! I was flabbergasted and quickly extricated my sewing basket from the closet. Turns out he'd been hoping to sell my parents some tickets to the Policeman's Ball!! But the timing was just incredible. (especially because I was SUCH a goody-goody of a child!!)

That reminds me of a time when my friend and I, in our twenties, were pulled over, and she was given a traffic citation. She wasn't exactly using her best judgment when, as the office handed it to her, she asked, "What's this, Officer? A ticket to the Policemen's Ball?" It REEEEEEALLLLY took every ounce of discipline we had not to laugh uproariously when he replied with a curt little edge, "Policemen don't have Balls, Young Lady."

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 16-Feb-2024
    Had to laugh at your policeman stories!! Hilarious.
    Thanks so much for the super review. I think so far all the dog toys have escaped surgery!
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is funny. One day in front of my mailbox and goolish looking halloween type stuffed toy. There are no houses nearby and I live a quarter of mile off the road. The stuffed vampire looked practically new so I kept in my garage. When Halloween came around I gave it to my daughter who always decorates for Halloween. She "Mom this is dog toy." I'd never noticed a sticker but it explains why it was left in front of my mailbox because that is were the dog got tired of it. Luckly, since Connie had a dog he got a halloween toy.

 Comment Written 15-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 15-Feb-2024
    Lol. That too is a funny story! Thank you for sharing it. I always appreciate your reviews.
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think with careful supervision a toy is a toy, there are so many things that are not labeled for a child's protection, I am sure you and your family are sure this is safe, a very well written and interesting read****kahpot

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 15-Feb-2024
    Yes, even a dog's teeth can't get through the fabric to the squeaker, s I doubt a child could. Yes, a toy is a toy, hers will be a snuggly bed toy. Thank you very much Kahpot!
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When my nephew was a baby my dog was still with us. He could grab her toys and play with them. We had to stop him when he went to put them in his mouth because my dog had already won that battle. But some of those dog toys look so much like baby/human toys.

When we were younger we had this huge brown pillow. It was rectangular and I never understood how it was so fluffy and was able to fit all three of us kids if we were all on it. When I started working at a place that sold dog beds it all made sense. My parents bought us a huge dog bed. To this day, my mom denies it was a dog bed. I never believed her. She's has to be a tag cutter as well.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 15-Feb-2024
    Lol. Yes, she is definitely a tag cutter - but it was a wonderful soft and snuggly place for you all. Good for her, thinking of that. I enjoyed your review - made me smile!!!
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I am frankly shocked that you and Tom both have so flagrantly disregarded the warnings not to remove tags from articles! There is a very good reason those rules exist. Once, long ago, a man named I. MacLutz, was attempting to remove one and accidentally sliced the end of his finger off with the scissors in the process. This became infected, and the man eventually died.

Our government, in its benevolence, had to choose either to ban the use of scissors or to ban the cutting of tags, and they wisely chose the latter. Not only were they looking out for the welfare of the citizenry, but made a difficult judgment, and in my mind made the right call.

Who are we to question an entity whose sole purpose is to protect us from our clumsiness and has only the health and welfare of the citizens in mind? How ungrateful can you be to question this admirable virtue?

I would definitely NOT encourage folks to share similar stories and thus make a further mockery of such a benevolent institution as our government!

With disgust,


 Comment Written 13-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
    Oh wow, what a brilliant defence of your government and SO well thought through to give them the credit and accolades they obviously deserve! I am now bowed down with remorse at having cut off tags saying "Dog toy ONLY". Now I fear what might happen to these little girls - surely they won?t turn into little puppies?!
    lol. Thank you so much for your super response to my little story. I loved it!
reply by Jim Wile on 13-Feb-2024
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Grab the handcuffs and call the "tag-police.". I am a serial tag snipper.

I snip them off towels, and pillows, and mattresses.

I snip them off baby blankets... I snip them off the necks of favorite blouses, and also off little throw rugs and the inside of hats...

If God wanted everything " tagged" we all would have been born with that annoying textured semi-paper label with something profound like "Not a dog toy."

Tag snippers unite!

The tag on my mattress said it was not to be removed UNDER PENALTY OF LAW.

Seriously? If the FBI shows up I'm going to put them to work collecting dust bunnies!

I'm guilty!


 Comment Written 13-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
    I can't believe the US really has a law about this?!! Yes, make them work, if they turn up. Surely there are more important criminals to worry about? Welcome to the club - you are definitely a top-ranking club member! And keep those scissors going - they're doing a great job! Lol. It's a secret society, we won't tell on each other!
reply by karenina on 13-Feb-2024
    Apparently the law not to remove the label is meant for the retailer... As the consumer has a legal right to know alk the contents.

    But I didn't know that at the time...and as a member of the secret club I would have snipped it off anyway!


reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
    Ah. So the police will check on the retailers? Or wait till someone dobs them in ... Lol.
reply by karenina on 13-Feb-2024
    Hmmm. A clever diversion! We can out the cops on the retailer trail and cut our way to nirvana!
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I saw the title and had to check out what the new club was.
Hmm, Now you have me wondering if I have ever cut the label off of something I shouldn't???? I may find I am joining your club.
This is a well-written spoof and had me smiling as I read it.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
    I am so glad this piece gave you a smile. It'll probably come back to mind every time you see a tag now. But, will you yield to the tempatation to snip it off?
Comment from T B Botts
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Wendy,
this was hilarious. So, you're getting all three girls dog toys? Is your son going to make you keep them all at your house? I'm wondering what reaction Sunny is going to have if he sees these girls playing with HIS toy? This is just too funny gal. I hope your husband has a good sense of humor when the girls show up with their toys. Why in heaven's name does the toy say for dogs only? You really are a daring criminal gal. Thanks so much for sharing this, it was great.
Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
    Thanks for the prompt Tom. I enjoyed writing this one! No - the toys are (so far) at his house. I was child-minding there this afternoon, and Miss Five was a bit disappointed she didn't have a monkey, so I think she'll have to get hers early (next Tuesday). So there'll be one here for Sunny only ... and the rest will just hopefully stay at their place. I'm glad you enjoyed it - and many thanks for the six stars - that was a delightful, and unexpected bonus.
reply by T B Botts on 13-Feb-2024
    It was a riot to read Wendy, so much fun. You're a wonderful grandmother.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This exchange of conversations made me think of so many things. First of all, I cut tags of of pillows, but leave tags on bed spreads and quilts so I can always place the tag at the bottom of the bed.

Second, I thought of dog toys for children. When I taught preschool, there were balls in the classroom which were for outside use. Some child would always get a ball and throw it in the classroom, knocking things over, and classmates would have fun joining in the game. I took all the balls and stored them in a high cabinet to be taken down for outside play, and purchased dog balls that didn't bounce, for the classroom.

Bad, but smart teacher. Confession feels good.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
    Welcome to the club. You definitely qualify. In fact, perhaps you should be the president - your classroom actions are brilliant! Thanks so much for a fun review.
Comment from jessizero
This work has reached the exceptional level

I do not cut off my tags, but I laughed aloud at this exchange of confessions. I absolutely would give the other girl her toy monkey. :) Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this, and best wishes to you.

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
    Thank you very much Jessi - I am so glad it gave you a good laugh! I appreciate your super review, along with the six stars! Wonderful.