Reviews from

FanStory Cuisine

Mortadella Bolognese

24 total reviews 
Comment from Alexandra Trovato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes I would definitely be interested in reading your FanStorg Cookbook. My husband's a true Italian chef.Well he is Italian and cooks well. My Mom who passed used to be like my husband is, a fearless chef. hey both don't seem to need recipes. I ob the other hand ,understand would have to follow the recipes. Best wishes with your cookbook!

 Comment Written 25-May-2023

reply by the author on 25-May-2023
    Alexandra. Thank you for this great review and well wishes on the book.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm certainly interested about anything regarding food, and you share it so well. I can't get enough recipes and the stories that go with the directions. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 24-May-2023

reply by the author on 25-May-2023
    Thank so much, Ric.
    I appreciate it.
Comment from Faith Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can almost smell the deliciousness of your words. Almost. A FanStory Cookbook sounds interesting, and I would be interested in reading the stories/recipes. I'm always looking for good recipes. What pasta did you decide on for the sauce?

 Comment Written 24-May-2023

reply by the author on 25-May-2023
    Faith, thank you for your continued support.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice work. (cooking AND writing)
They were off to Fleming Island, Florida for five days. - comma after Florida.
What'o-we got. - Maybe whadda we got?
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 24-May-2023

reply by the author on 25-May-2023
    Thank you, Wayne.

Comment from Shirley E Kennedy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great idea-I'm sure many Fanstorians would appreciate that.
I like your laid back style of writing and the joy imbued into your words as the joy of cooking and enjoying fine food, good music and your own company combine like fine wine.

 Comment Written 24-May-2023

reply by the author on 25-May-2023
    Thank you, Shirley.
reply by Shirley E Kennedy on 26-May-2023
    You're welcome
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My grands love pasta, so on their respective birthdays they choose "Fasta Pasta" as a paces to eat, I hate pasta, but I go along out of extreme love for them. I eat the minestrone soup with garlic bread, but not the pasta. Beautifully written John, thanks for the great recipe, (I may not use it) well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 23-May-2023

reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    Even though you don?t like pasta (picking it out of minestrone? how could you?) I still consider you a friend!

    Cheers, my friend.
reply by royowen on 24-May-2023
    Hah hah
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This sounds so good. Thank you for including the recipe. I too enjoy having the house to myself and eating what I want. But, I also like having other people around most of the time. A few days alone? Savor the time and the food. Che buono!

 Comment Written 23-May-2023

reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    I enjoy the solitude, but only for a few days, until the boss comes back home!

    Thanks for reading and constant support?
Comment from jenintorre
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you so much for the recipe and the great story. I was right there with you in the kitchen as I love to cook also.
Very entertaining and well written. Jen.

 Comment Written 23-May-2023

reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    Jen, thank you for reading and enjoying my post.

    Question- what do you enjoy cooking?

Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi John, not since my dad have I seen or heard anyone start their sauce with carrot, celery, and onion. BTW, he was not Italian but Russian, and one damn great cook. I've also not heard of anyone using Mortadella in their sauce. Will tell my sister-in-law. She loves Mortadella.

I liked your choice of Music. I can understand the joy of being home alone and having the house to yourself.

Of note:
Once they were satisfied, I poured myself a cup of hot coffee and made myself breakfast; a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and jelly on one half, butter and cinnamon on the other.

(Lol. I do stuff like this too--use different toppings on bread, muffins, etc. Small suggestion:

a cup of "hot" coffee. J, I think that you could eliminate hot because it's implied.

Also: and made "myself" breakfast. I think that you could eliminate "myself" because you said it earlier in the same sentence--redundant.)

A fun story that made me smile. Enjoy having the house to yourself, but be sure to leave it clean and tidy for when Debbie returns. Well done. M

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    Sorry for the late response. I was off work and spent the day outside,
    Mowing, planting, watering, getting dirt under my nails, playing with the puppies and a dr appointment.

    House is in good shape for the bosses return.

    Thank you for reading and your continued support!
reply by LateBloomer on 23-May-2023
    Lol. Get ready for the white-glove test.
    Today was a beautiful day to spend outside. M
reply by the author on 23-May-2023
    I?m still cleaning up the beer bottles and empty Dorito bags? haha.
reply by LateBloomer on 24-May-2023
    When my neighbor use to go away, her husband would have to clean up the KFC boxes. M
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That would definitely be interesting - and different, and I be interested to read your stories. The only problem I had with this one is that you stopped too soon - I wanted to know how you solved your three problems. Did you eat early? Did you make some bread? And what pasta did you use? Your dishes sound mouth-watering. Well done. Seconds please!

 Comment Written 22-May-2023

reply by the author on 22-May-2023
    I stoped there for the suspense ? but I bought an artisanal style Italian bread, waited yet had an early dinner and cooked mezzi-rigatoni which this tube like pasta held some of the chunkiness of the sauce.

    Tonight I?ll have gnocchi with the sauce? can?t wait and it?s only 4am? yikes!

reply by Wendy G on 22-May-2023
    Lol. Well it definitely had suspense! It all sounds delicious!