Reviews from

You Know You're a Teacher When

The many shades of teachers and what they do.

34 total reviews 
Comment from Karyn2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very big resounding yes to most of these!!! Although I have to be honest, I do get caught our on a few names now and then but I do teach all classes in the school from our kinder to grade 6 as I am the specialist music teacher. I usually work 2 day (and some extra relief days as needed as classroom teacher) but most other days are spent planning and administration! I GET IT!! You have compiled a great list that was very relatable and I enjoyed reading it. Best wishes to you for the year ahead and finding some balance. I return to work at the end of this week and know I won't be able to be on here as often once the pace picks up.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2023
    Thank you for reading and reviewing, Karyn. I appreciate it and your feedback. No worries; have fun with your babies. Oh, I mix up my students' names constantly. They tease me for it, and I joke about it, but it's also part of my Dyslexia. Wow, a music specialist teacher--that sounds like loads of fun. Thank you, and I wish you the same best wishes for the rest of your school year. Let's make it a great one! Take care. :D :D
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You made me smile here and you included all the good qualities a teach required to be effective and loved by their students, I enjoyed your epic write, love Dolly x

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 Comment Written 22-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2023
    Thank you for reading and reviewing, Dolly. I appreciate it and your feedback. I'm thrilled you enjoyed it and that I made you smile. Teaching, although challenging, is also fun for me, so I'm glad I could share that. Take care. :D :D
Comment from TDLRasmar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

wow, that's a big list. It was a very interesting take and a worthwhile read.

Just curious though, you wrote 'Your students call you "Mom".' Is that just for grade school teachers or does it apply to middle school and high school teachers?

You also wrote, "You learn to walk backward." I didn't get that one. How is it that teachers must learn to walk backward?

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 Comment Written 22-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2023
    Thank you for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it and your feedback. I've mostly been called "Mom" by my elementary students, but I cannot remember any specific moments with my middle schoolers. There may have been one or two, but my memory is fuzzy. I've yet to teach high school, so I don't believe it would apply there, but I honestly do not know. At my current school--and I might be one of the teachers who do this, as my students line to walk in the hallway, I walk beside them, but I'm also facing backward, so I can see as many of my students and correct any misbehavior. (I slammed into the janitor's Zamboni machine the other day.) Thank you again for reading. Take care. :D :D
reply by TDLRasmar on 22-Jan-2023
    ahh, yes. I can remember back that far and teachers did walk backward, especially when going to lunch. Now I got it.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2023
    It's a bit weird, especially when I bump into things, but it allows me to monitor all 21 of my students simultaneously. It's challenging, but I love it! I wouldn't trade any of those kiddos for the world.
Comment from RodG
This work has reached the exceptional level

I taught secondary, but most of what you said here applies to all teachers who love what they're doing. Your list of attributes could not be more complete or more accurate. Keep up the great work, Teach!

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2023
    Thank you for reading and reviewing, Rod. I appreciate it and your feedback. Aww, thank you. I will. Thank you again for reading. Take care. :D :D
reply by RodG on 22-Jan-2023
    I have already shared this with friends and family who are teachers and they all love it. Rod
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2023
    Wow, that is such a high honor. Thank you! I'm glad they enjoyed it. :D :D