Reviews from

Lingering Devotion Part-2

First time meeting.

35 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Like life, you plan, the universe laughs it's ass off. Ever feel like you live inside a pinball machine? I met this guy one time, when I was between husbands. We hit it off right away. He was older and lived a couple states over. He had to go back home,it was his last night here. We didn't switch numbers. But, later he sent me a card.How he remembered my address I don't know. He thanked me the best night of his life. There was no return address. I was happy and heartbroken at the same time. Karen

 Comment Written 23-Aug-2023

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2023
    Sounds like you've had a few fellas to compare them all to, and honestly, I've had a few gals too. But for me, I can honestly say that I've never compared any one to another, since they've all been unique and enjoyable in their own ways. And yes, a few were nightmares from being to end. LOL. What a great description: life is a lot like a pinball machine. I appreciate YOU!
reply by Karen Cherry on 23-Aug-2023
    Here'sthe skinny. I was married very young.I didn't have to get married.I was 16.
    I might have had a genius brain, but I knew nothingabout men and women and life. he was nineteen. And dumb as a stump in comparison to me.He didn't read the paper, magazines, or books. I got him Playboy magazine in hopes while thumbing through the pictures he might graze an article. Nope he said he didn't need the pictures he had me. foiled again. After we had kids and he joined the Fire Department the abuse started. He did not drink. I just did not know my place. i was the same smart ass I had always been and I never backed down. after a few years I divorced him. I was raised marriage is forever. Well, to hell with that nonsense.I got stronger and a lot less immature about the world outside. No boyfriend or husband ever touched in a bad way again.Ever. I may be little but I am fierce, even now. I bet you don't put up with idiots well either.
reply by the author on 23-Aug-2023
    Like you, I have an extraordinary IQ for what little it means, but it can cause trouble with communication. I'm the guy who sits in the corner and rolls his eyes at the idiots. LOL. Sorry, I'm still nice to everyone, I just have trouble believing what people say and do sometimes. :-)
reply by Karen Cherry on 23-Aug-2023
    People have a weird idea about high I.Q. they think we all stand in front of chalkboards doing algorithms on theoretical problems. I bet a lot of those oddballs weren't so much geniuses as the were autistic. I can do math in my head and when a cash register goes down I can do my own math. The kids these days are blown away by that.
    I never used a calculator in school. I did it all in my head.
    But I have never had a desire to solve theory. but I love puzzles and word games. I love jeopardy, and have been known tell yell out the answer even if I am by myself. Karen
reply by the author on 23-Aug-2023
    Yes, most times high IQs basically say we are good in math. I used to race people who had computers or adding machines on anything up to 6-digit numbers being added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided. Of course, as you know, they never had a chance. LOL. Then one time in middle school the teacher assigned us a short 6-page chapter to memorize from a book. The book was 367 pages, so I memorized it all and he made me spend three weeks of class reciting it to the class. Sadly, I can't remember things like that anymore. But who cares, most of the crap I don't want to remember anyway. :-)
reply by Karen Cherry on 23-Aug-2023
    I was good at remembering what I read too, but really terrible at dates. That teacher should be glued to his chair with gorilla glue.Want me to beat him up? Karen
reply by the author on 23-Aug-2023
    No, I don't need you to beat him up. But thanks for the offer. I beat up about everyone in my life who needed it most. :-)
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OH well! There's a whole lot to unpack here! Again, hour honor, I plead my case. I didn't get notified of your post and I'm not at all sure I was on site very regularly when you posted this.

It's your usual fine writing, lots of sexy asides and innuendos, and all written in a glib and amusing way.

I've never seen "frig" (As in "There's beer in the frig and the end liquor cabinet is loaded with whatever you'd like.")

I couldn't find it as a variant either. I think you meant " fridge" but hey, that's water under the bridge now as I'm reviewing this 1/30/23.

I apologize for missing these! I'd complain to management, but it would not get me anywhere...


 Comment Written 30-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2023
    Thanks so much for your generous review and kind words. And especially for pointing out my silly spag. I can't believe that no one has pointed that out for me. With all you've had going on, missing my silly stories isn't the end of the world. In the thick of things it means nothing. You weren't supposed to go back and read all these. You're supposed to be resting and keep up with more important things. Yes, there is no sense rocking the boat around here, they'd just let us all drown. Much appreciated!
reply by karenina on 30-Jan-2023
    Nobody else caught "frig" -- it has a whole different meaning, do leave it to me to notice it.


reply by the author on 30-Jan-2023
    Yes, frig definitely has a very different meaning than fridge. LOL. But leave it to me to mix the frigging fridge up.
reply by karenina on 30-Jan-2023
    Hah. Great comeback kiddo!
Comment from L. Kalere
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine write and more character development. Ric, however, dropped the ball by not being a little more agressive in contacting Lori during the time he was gone. And Lori...what could she be thinking in getting married? This is the stuff of soap operas, and I'm looking forward to gaining more insight into the riff between them. Now, on to 2 and 3.

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2023
    Thanks so much, Linda, for your generous review, kinds words, and comments. Yes, like most dumb butt guys, Ric couldn't get his priorities in order and get in touch. Of course, they were both busy, so it wasn't all his fault. LOL. People never act on things like they should. They sit back debating all the reasons they should or shouldn't until the opportunities pass them up. Rushing in mass hysteria at the last minute, after it's too late. Why was Lori getting married? Because she was weighing all the pros and cons and decided Brian was exactly what she needed, like women do. LOL. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, my goodness, how in the world did I miss this the first time around. I'd have read it if I had to pay YOU two cents--or two dollars. This was that well done. Your dialogue, and everything surrounding it, is exquisite. You really should try writing a play, my friend.

I had only one teensy suggestion ... one you can almost pass by:

I flipped the light switch about to explode in anticipation. Then, Lori, said, "Turn the lights back on." [I think you need a little transition between turning the lights out and then back on. It's just a timing-thing, but I thought I'd share it with you.]

I thought I was already following you. But that will be rectified this moment.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2023
    Thanks, Jay, for taking time to read more of my foolishness. I always appreciate any advice you can give, and I've tried to tidy up the troubled spot with: [I flipped the light-switch off, about to explode in anticipation. Then, Lori scampered across the room, slid into bed, and said, "Now you can turn the lights back on."] I hope that sounds a little better to you. I appreciate your kind words, suggestion, and generous review!
reply by Jay Squires on 05-Jan-2023
    Much better. As I said, it was only a timing thing.
reply by the author on 05-Jan-2023
    Thanks for pointing it out, and I'm glad you like it better. I really need to take more pains, edit and polish more. But if I had to do too much of that, I'd just play golf. LOL.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
This work has reached the exceptional level

Faking a heart attack is one way to meet a desired female.

Sounds like even after two days trying to get her name Lori was not that interested in what you seemed to have in mind.

She had to go into work early but took you home to "sleep" anyway? Hummm?

Big Boy, sounds like she already has played you.

So much for Lori. Married six months later your relationship would not have lasted long anyway. Might be better to cast your net in another pond. Florida has many of them, Daytona Beach, Panama Beach, Miami...get the picture?

 Comment Written 16-Nov-2022

reply by the author on 16-Nov-2022
    Thank you so much, Brett, for your exceptional review and kind words. Yes, my plans were for this to be a single post from the beginning, but people convinced me to expand on it. So, now that there are two chapters, why not three. Stay tuned and maybe we both will figure out where this mess finally ends. LOL. It's always a pleasure to read your work and get your reviews. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh No! All that time wasted with missed messages! What about Ric's brother? Is that why he didn't come back when he said he would? Was he seriously hurt? Now what is he going to do? Will he go to the wedding and shout out he wants her to run away with him????? Doubt it, he's just too shy! :( Aww, I hope there is more of this story, it's excellent! :)) Love and hugs, my friend :))Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 15-Nov-2022

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2022
    Thank you so much, Sandra, for your generous review and kind words. I'm glad you like my foolishness. I can't possibly leave the story with this terrible ending, so I'll have to add part three. LOL. Love and hugs, back at you, my sweet friend! Ric
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Life can be a bummer. I got asked out on my wedding day by a guy who didn't get back to me a year earlier, so your story may be one many share. Don't remember if I read the first part, but think I did, and this is a good story.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2022

reply by the author on 15-Nov-2022
    Thank you so much, Carol, for taking time out to read my foolishness. Yes, I believe most of us can tell a story similar to this one. LOL. I wrote part one as a stand alone piece, but then people convinced me to write a part two, and now, I'm leave it with this ending, so be looking for part three. I'm glad you liked it. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Shirley McLain
This work has reached the exceptional level

It was just not meant to be. I can't say your character did not give it the good ol college try. Is he going to break the wedding up. You did a great job as always. I'm ready to read more. Shirley

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2022

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2022
    Thank you so much, Shirley, for your extra special six-star review and kind words. No, he would never be the type to break up the wedding. Would he? LOL. I'm glad you like it so far, and hopefully you'll like the last chapter even better. It's always a pleasure to read your stories and get your reviews. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a delightful college kid story that should have ended with "They lived happily ever after." Both the protagonist and Lori were too sure of themselves, and missed the only opportunity they would ever have. However, this story mimics life. Great job. I enjoyed reading and loved the large font.

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2022

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2022
    Thank you so much, Lorraine, for your generous review and kind words. Luckily there is one more part to this story. And an ending that will make it a little more enjoyable if not ideal. LOL. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate YOU!
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice indeed!

Just a couple of fine tunes:

After spending two nights to get Lori's name, I wanted to ramp up the action and make up for lost
('To get' doesn't flow well. Maybe switch with getting or discovering)

Everyone has that one fish that got away story. You represented it very well here author. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 14-Nov-2022

reply by the author on 14-Nov-2022
    Thanks for your generous review, suggestion, and kind words. I had obtained, getting, discovering, begging for, and host of other lines and words, but in the end, and a college boy telling the story, I went with get. Luckily, for Ric, there is one more chapter to this story. Much appreciated!
reply by Douglas Goff on 14-Nov-2022
    Nice. Can?t wait!