Reviews from

Boisterous Prelude

deafening resonance

15 total reviews 
Comment from AnnaLinda
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, Ronni! Where do I begin? I wonder how many times I would have to read this rivoted poem to write a decent review? Energetic, spiritual as well as poetically precise...what a gifted poet you are! Wish I was in a place to extract each poetic device you used...metaphors were fantastic my friend. Felt like I was right there with you.

 Comment Written 17-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 22-Sep-2022
    Hi there Anna Linda! So great to have you peek in dear, and wow,
    such generous and gracious accolades on this poem dear. Sincerely appreciated, and then some! Pleased above all you enjoyed it so!!!!
    Thanks too dear, for the extra star. Am truly touched and grateful!
    Love, blessings always!!! Ronni
    ....Been on and off here for while, gradually coming back more!
    This was a real treat and delightful surprise to see & read your
    terrific review!!! Truly been missing you,,hope you write more too!
reply by AnnaLinda on 28-Sep-2022
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Enjoyed your dramatic description of a summer thunderstorm. It really is a spectacular show. I liked the musical metaphor from the "menacing staccato" and the "reverberating rhythm" and the "Maestro's baton." And then the final stanza pans out to the narrator observing and awed by the show.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2022
    Thank you for your appreciations of this poem, sincerely appreciated! Have a gorgeous weekend!
    Best always, Ronni

Comment from MissMerri
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ronni, I have been missing you so here I am, in the middle of the night, searching your portfolio to see what you may have written. This is a spectacular description of a thunderstorm that is vivid and memorable both, making me recall the storms we used to experience frequently in Oregon. What a great way to end this! Natures nocturnal show is exactly right. Hope you are well and happily engaged in the creative activities that make you happiest. I miss you. Adonna

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 27-Jun-2022
    Hi Adonna,
    On June 12th, my computer crashed!!! It as taken till 6/24 to finally
    get all up and going again!!! Sorry for delayed reply dear!
    Thanks ever so much for this fantastic review dear, most humbly
    and gratefully appreciate it!!! And the extra star!!!
    Keep missing you lots too! Just have been on and off here due
    to sister's heart issues and trying to keep in touch and help her
    with all her needs, medical and otherwise. Heard from family
    in Ukraine,on the run from bombings, such a cruel time for them!

    Wish I had more time for those happier , creative activities, and
    likewise miss you too. Hope we can re connect for a bit soon!
    Love, blessings always, Ronni
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, you put me right on the front porch watching the lightening dancing across the sky, feeling the static in the air. Foolish to most, I've always enjoyed sitting outside watching storms, much to my mother's dismay as a child. Your name just came to mind, for whatever silly reason, so I wanted to check up. Hope all is well in your world!

 Comment Written 07-Jun-2022

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2022
    Ni Ric,

    Hi Ric!
    Wow! So pleased you resonated so enthusiastically and reminiscently about this storm's effects and sensations.
    I used to fear storm's ,much to my foolish fears and wild
    imaginations. Approaching them from another perspective
    and attitude in poetic imagery and introspection this came
    to be expressed. So glad you liked it, and that you always
    found storms am intriguing contemplation too. Thanks for
    stopping by and the thought! All well my way & world, hope
    yours is too!
    Best always, Ronni

Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Beautifully penned and illustrated poem in unique style, Ronni dear. How I have missed you, and your beautiful words. Another gem for my bookcase!

Sending you my best today and love and blessings always,
Sally xoxo's

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

Comment from K.L. Rockquemore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, what a brilliantly descriptive poem. The artwork you chose works well and drew me in immediately. The gorgeous cobalt blue ( my favorite color) that you selected as ya the background works perfectly. Your use of descriptive words painted clear imagery that placed me in the storm.

 Comment Written 11-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    Hi K.L.,
    So very pleased and gratified you related to and enjoyed this
    poem so enthusiastically and complimentarily! Most
    appreciative reflections and compliments, very uplifting!
    Thanks again for sharing, have a marvelous day!
    Best wishes, Ronni
Comment from Irish Rain
This work has reached the exceptional level

Nothing more awe inspiring than a fantastic
Love the descriptions here, especially the
'front row seat.'
Unfortunately, our deck doesn't have a roof,
but I've often held an umbrella, to watch the
great performance.
Loved this!

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    Hi dear Irish Rain,
    Leave it to you to be so supportive and creative with that umbrella
    of yours, and still watch the performance! LOL! Love your sense
    if humor and on the spot ingenuity dear!
    This was an off the radar kind of venture for me, injecting
    a musical orchestra sound and effects imagery, with nature
    as the ever intrepid maestro conducting it! Not sure how
    it would fare out. Surprisingly well.
    Ah that twinkling star added, thanks appreciate it!
    Love, Blessings, Ronni
reply by Irish Rain on 13-Mar-2022
    You are most welcome!!! I loved it!!
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Ronni, so glad to see another post from you. Lightning is a bit of a rarity in parts of Alaska, especially Southeast, I guess because it's so wet usually and the conditions don't exist for it to display itself. I loved the last two lines. So often we experience things that are completely out of our control. If one is in a safe place, a good storm is quite the sight. Well done gal.

Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    Hi TB,
    Thanks for your enthusiastic and appreciative comments on
    this and reflections on rain appreciation; depending where we
    live. Here in OK plains, rain is more often welcomed due to
    so many windy days drying ground. Putting a musical
    orchestra background to it was new venture fun to try.
    Appreciate your support and commentary always.
    Best wishes, Ronni
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have to give you a virtual six for this powerful work. I have to steal a few words from your poem as a spectacular and breathtaking performance for the vivid description of the storm. I like the metaphor you used as a maestro conducting a symphony.
Best wishes

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    Hi dear Mary,
    So pleased you appreciated and enjoyed this one dear. Injecting
    a musical orchestra sounds and effects was a new exploration
    muse and imagination too; not sure how it would fare out.
    Pleasantly surprised and pleased it did so well.
    Take care, best wishes always, Ronni
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do love a good storm, especially when I am indoors and can watch from the safety of my home. When angry skies clear there is an ambient tranquil calm. You created the chaos here Ronni, much enjoyed, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2022
    Hi dear Dolly,
    So glad you enjoyed and appreciated dear, and your great
    reflections and compliments. This was a new exploration to it by
    injecting a musical orchestra background to it. but fun to try!
    Love, blessings always, Ronni