Reviews from

Remembering Yesterday

Viewing comments for Chapter 118 "A Wedding and a Surgery"
A widow's journey into her relationship with her

16 total reviews 
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I was not impressed with Jane! Promises you the flowers that you paid for, then keeps them. I thought it was callous of her to moan about you dashing off to see your husband in hospital when she knew he'd put the operation off so you could go to the wedding. A lot of work was put on you, what with the breakfast supper as well. On top of all that, your boss was so nasty, giving you the bill for the printing because you had to take time off to look after Evan, even after you went into work at 6:am. There are some pretty selfish people around and you had to deal with them at your most worrysome time. What a nightmare you lived through at that time. Another excellent chapter, my friend. :) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2021

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2021
    Thank you so much Sandra. Jane was a disappointment. I like her when I first met her, but she seemed to have to sides to her personality and she could be nice one day and impossible to be around the next. This time period in my life was stressful.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's amazing you survived such a hectic time period! I am guessing things were not so pleasant with Jane since she expected so much from you and didn't have the decency to be compassionate about Evan being in the hospital. Weddings are a crazy times. So glad Evan's sisters could help out. What a lot of pressure from everywhere.
Thanks for filling us in about the international affairs then, too!

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2021

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2021
    Thank you ro the review and comments. Jane got very nervous and hard to deal with when she was under stress. When I first met her she was a pleasant person but she changed over time.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story continues to be interesting and now I see how you have worked world affairs into the story to show what times were going on around your family's life. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures in life.

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2021

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2021
    Thank you so much for continuing to read and comment about on my story. I appreciate you being there for me.
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I am still blown away at how well you remember things that happened so long ago! You are amazing!!

You also manage to add the way people behave and their motivations. Great job!

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 Comment Written 25-Apr-2021

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2021
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. As we grow closer to what has happened more recently, I may not remember as much. The distant past seems clearer in my mind.
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wonderful episode--always drama--not surprised that you made Christi leave--ironic that she's obsessed with a gay man whilst ignoring those who desire her. Jane is nervy and tacky. Kinberly's disgusting stunt must have mortified all present.

Helen almost passed out [OMIT COMMA] when I told her about your accident.

The reception was in the church's fellowship room [COMMA] which was also very decorated.

The girls and I we were in the waiting room, worrying about what was happening [OMIT: much] for much longer.

My boss wasn't pleased with me taking off, so as I was leaving, he presented me with a bill of $78 [OMIT PERIOD] for the printing I'd had done for Kimberly.


A few days after the wedding, Carol left to go back to Florida. She drove Mom to Atlanta and put her on a bus [OMIT COMMA] that took her back home without her having to change buses.

Senior=>senior year in high school,

Sugg: update notes to say Kimberly is Don's WIFE (for better ... or worse)

 Comment Written 25-Apr-2021

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2021
    Thank you for the big surprise of six lovely stars. I always appreciate your comment and you amazing help. I don't see have a grip on the comma thing. I think I've made all the changes you suggested.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It was certainly an eventful time in your life, and speaks volumes for your resilient and faithful nature, I hope your kids appreciate the fact they had a "super" mum, who carried the burden of care fro her family. Your husband was a lucky man, as were your employers. Well done Beth, blessings Roy
Typo : driving herself to school ever(y) day.

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 Comment Written 25-Apr-2021

reply by the author on 25-Apr-2021
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. I appreciate you noticing the misspelling.
reply by royowen on 25-Apr-2021
    Well done