Reviews from

Rooted in Dixie

Viewing comments for Prologue "Rooted in Dixie Prologue"
My early life and Southern roots

16 total reviews 
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can't wait to read this story. I know it's going to be good. I am already anticipating reading it. You are a few years older than me, but I can relate from the stories my mom tells, and then the ones I remember myself. Oh boy a new story coming.

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 12-Dec-2020
    I'm glad you're planning to read these. I have some old ones from 2009= 2013 that I may revive like I did Mortgage Money and I'll put new ones it too. Thanks for review the prologue.
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm very excited that you're writing another book! I always enjoy hearing both the biographical stories about your family, and the autobiographical accounts of your own life. Because it's synchronous with the times of my parents' lives (and a little earlier, like the following chapter, which you've just revived), I love to experience the feeling of those various eras; yet, it's something totally new and unexpected, because of the Southern flavor of everything. I was raised in the Northeast, and my grandparents and some of their parents were European immigrants (except that one grandfather was born here).

Just two small revisions are my suggestions for this chapter:

I was born on the outskirts of small town in Mississippi.
I was born on the outskirts of a small town in Mississippi.

They had just lived through the great depression years,
They had just lived through the Great Depression,


Since you'll be gathering stories from your childhood into this book, I'm wondering if you'll be incorporating some of the material I've previously read -- not that I would mind reading it again! I took the liberty of browsing through your portfolio, and saw that the amazing story of the hurricane you survived is already incorporated into an 11-chapter book about your childhood, only some of which I've read. I also noticed a separate story about a cousin who accidentally shot himself in early adulthood or late adolescence -- a very tragic end, and a very sobering lesson on gun safety. Will you be bringing all those stories into one book? Or am I asking these questions prematurely?
Now I'm remembering the story I read most recently, about the awful neighbor boy who tried to jump you, in the woods. No, I don't think I've exhausted the vast quantity of material you've written about your youth! Please pardon my inquisitiveness, but you have a fascinating history, and I am curious about what you are going to do with all these stories. You're also a great narrator, and you have a great manner of engaging the reader in your stories. I enjoy reading them very much.

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 12-Dec-2020
    I am so pleased that you are going to joining me on this trip down memory lane. I was going to put all these stories of my younger years into one book which I had named and moved some stories into it. Then I tried to rename it Rooted in Dixie but I couldn't find any way to do that so I just started another book. The other title I'll use only for stories where I'm writing it as if I am a child and maybe a include some childrens stories, I've written. So I will be moving stories around. In this I may include some stories of my grandparents or great grandparents. Some of the older, I'll probably revive. The one I wrote about my cousin who shot himself was written since January and so it isn't eligible for revision. Thank you so much for your wonderful help.
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 12-Dec-2020
    It sounds wonderful, Beth. As for my help, you're very welcome, as always.
    Concerning the story of the cousin who shot himself, the one-year anniversary of the story will eventually come around, at which point you could revive it, if you want to; it's very powerful. There is no greater argument against irresponsible gun ownership, than a story like that. Blessings, my friend.
    - Mary Kay xoxo
reply by the author on 12-Dec-2020
    I thought the story had to be two years old to be eligible for revision. I'll check again. I guess you read it. I like knowing people read my stories.
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 13-Dec-2020
    Yes, I certainly did :-)
Comment from Jasmine Girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad that you are starting a new book about your early life. I would like to read about them. I have recently finished my second book, a book of short story collection of three generations of my family on my mother's side.

Please write and post more. I was almost a only child and only have two half siblings who are much younger. We were not close at all. So writing is my closest friend.

 Comment Written 11-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 12-Dec-2020
    Thank you so much Lisa. I'm pleased you want to read these stories. I'm enjoying your stories too. I wondered if you have lived in China since you write so graphically about what happened in that sad period of history. I want to read more of that book.
reply by Jasmine Girl on 12-Dec-2020
    Yes. I grew up in China and went to college there. I graduated from Peking University in physics and came here for graduate school. I did a lot of things after coming here. I did get a Masters in electric engineering and started working as an engineer for almost 24 years. Did research before that. I always wanted to be a writer. I finally can almost do it full time. I?m retiring soon.
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I will join you on this journey! I find your life fascinating, and since I was reared in Alabama, I share in your southern ways. This trip will be exciting to me!

 Comment Written 11-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 11-Dec-2020
    Thank you Rebecca. Yes Alabama is a lot like Mississippi. If fact most of my family were in Alabama before they ended in Mississippi. I grew up about thirty miles from the Alabama line. You just got a lot further away from the South than I did.
reply by thaities, Rebecca V. on 11-Dec-2020
    Ha ha! True.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Beth, I'm looking forward to reading this book. Your other biography has been so intersting. You've certainly had a good life, even with the ups and downs that we all have. :)) Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 11-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 11-Dec-2020
    Thank you for reading and reviewing the prologue. I'm pleased that you intend to read stories of my younger years..
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Count me in. This promises to be quite a trip!

tentatively [tentative] heading

hyphenate twenty-two(seven)-year-old homemaker(store clerk)

married to my dad [who]

was a [an] only child

hyphenate part-time (resident ...)

brother. Uncle Newman [comma] and

writing a biograhy [comma vs period] starting from

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 11-Dec-2020
    Thank you for being willing to come along on this ride. I definitely need you. As usual, I appreciate your help.
Comment from Gert sherwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A chapter in the book Rooted in Dixie
Rooted in Dixie Prologue
by BethShelby
Hello Beth plan on me to continue reading your journey. I find that you with your numeros memories and happenings are interesting to read.

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2020
    Thank you Gert, I'm pleased that you want to read more of my memories. I try not to make these quite as long.
reply by Gert sherwood on 10-Dec-2020
    You are welcome Beth
    Now don't make your stories too short, when they are to me, a reader will not feel the emotions.
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love reading your memoirs and enjoyed reading this one. I am amazed you were born at home and you are an only child but have a large extended family. My father was from Kentucky so I am always interested in reading about the south. I am looking forward to reading about your younger years.

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2020
    Thank you for the review. I'll try not to make these stories quite as long as those of the other biography I'm writing.
Comment from Suzanna Ray
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Beth, I for one will be looking forward to this new book, as I found your memoirs most interesting. But there was a lot of history that happened in the south, in the decades before the depression, that we All need to understand.

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2020
    I'm so glad that you are planning to read these stories as we. There is a lot of bad history in the South. My family didn't always agree with what was going on but having been born in that area, sometime we just didn't realize how bad it was.
Comment from Mistydawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this sounds like a very promising story. A way to get to know you, pre kids, in your younger, wilder days. ten kids, poor mom, lol. I had seven also from a blended family and here were times I thought they would drive me nuts. My birthday is on the second of September. I look forward to reading more

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2020
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. As an only child, I envied people with big families. My mom wanted more children but my dad didn't.