Reviews from

How sweet it is

From the office of Lucy Phur, Chief Campaign Coordinator

12 total reviews 
Comment from --Turtle.
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Craig,

This was fun to read. Entertaining, and I didn't pause in the flow. (other than to giggle a bit and urge Lucy on.) I really like the implied Lucifer... Lucy.

After biting my nails and groaning at how many (too many) yearn for the current direction of my country to head straight off a cliff... and all the election drama, and well, as I read, I just wanted to participate in the whoo ra-ra of it all. Oh the woebetide it must be. God's good plan was thwarted. The Devil came up and straight stole the rug right out. Now the poor faithful masses are left to the vicious hand of the other side... Hungry to steal from the poor deservers and hand everything... everything ... to the undeservers.

The gullible fools!
(Gullible, indeed. Calling a winner is only okay if it is the winner that is wanted. Otherwise... it's not callable. Ever. That some would be swayed otherwise... I too have been trying to make those who suspect things were fishy reconsider their own sanity. For fun. Not like they can do anything about all those magic votes anyway. So... )

predecessors employed to lock children up.
(Pizzawall! PizzaFortress!! a full on Lala-Piz-iza! Release Epstine from his current depths. He needs to get out of the oven and get back to coordinating new pizza orders, pronto.)

course, the god of this world.
(The underworld?)

should make different requests to different deities on the same day.
(Sounds fair... Maybe less popular gods can share leap year days every four years?)

fabric of society by requiring that billionaires pay taxes.
(Ha, ha.... Soooo many will suffer the pain of a handful of people not being able to keep all the money. Thus, none of the poor masses will have a chance to get all the money. So unfair. )

 Comment Written 17-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 18-Nov-2020
    Thanks for the fun review, Turtle. Glad you enjoyed my little piece of nonsense :)

    In the bible, Satan is referred to as "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).

    If I was so inclined, I'd be praying for you and your country folk right now. Instead, I'm watching the shit storm from afar, hoping this lunacy doesn't degenerate into total lawlessness. I have "faith" normal, decent folk will prevail.
Comment from catch22
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh boy Craig, it sounds like someone ate their Wheaties when they wrote this! LOL. Seriously, this is an biting satire right up there with Swift's A Modest Proposal. I'll bet you confounded some on this site with this write and the allusions to American right wing conspiracy theories. The narrator stayed in character all the way to the end--no small feat of literary skill. Very well written piece.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2020
    I concur wholeheartedly concerning Swift's piece, Pam. It's a most tasty morsel -- a delicious offering, even. Although, I think present circumstances would indicate a flattened pie crust with topping would be more appropriate than a fricassee or a ragout.

    It's surprisingly difficult to write from a POV with which you have little sympathy, I've discovered after a few goes at it. Especially when it's a double reversal - their interpretation of someone else's stance.

    Anyway, thanks for a wonderful review. As you anticipate, I'm sure there will be those, as there always are, who interpret it literally. So I really appreciate that you always manage to get my intent :)

    Cheers, Craig
reply by catch22 on 12-Nov-2020
    You are most welcome. I love a good satire. Kurt Vonnegut was a favorite writer of mine when I was a girl.
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If, as half the world believes, God is a women, it makes perfect sense that the Devil is also one. I'm sure Charlie Brown would agree.
We're in a world that favours satirists. Indeed, it sometimes seems there is no other way to deal with it.
I always knew that golf was psychologically damaging - right from the day I sliced my first ball into the rough.

 Comment Written 12-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 12-Nov-2020
    Have to agree with you about golf, Tony. Cheers, Craig
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well Lucy, Thank you for letting us know what our new commander in chief has in store. I sounds as though those of us who voted the bum out did a good thing. Our side has wonderful plans for the future and we can relax and enjoy our new world. LOL Cool satire.

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    I think many of us harbored hopes that he would eventually put on his big boy pants, accept defeat and get the hell out of Dodge. That's looking less likely every day. It's a shame to have to witness such a train wreck. In any case, it will all be over within a couple of months at the most and then maybe sanity will return (a bit).

    Thanks so much, Beth :)
reply by BethShelby on 10-Nov-2020
    I certainly hope so. But we knew he didn't own any big boy pants. It's all happening as predicted. I just hope the Proud Boys he has standing by doesn't get called into action.
Comment from Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level

Dear Lucy Phur,

Congratulations on your (temporary) squelching of the plans for re-election of the highly popular Chosen One. He deserves a rest after all that he has done. Now prepare for battle because if I can see through your attempts to claim victory before all the ballots are legitimately counted, rest assured my kinfolk will too.

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    Haven't your kinfolk got defenseless sheep to stalk somewhere? Speeches to plagiarise? Divorce papers to file? Packing to do? No matter. It's irrelevant what the courts decide. Haven't you heard? The media are our puppets... every single one of them. The public will never hear about the decision reinstating the orange one. They'll be hapless dupes, blindly following our nefarious agenda of peace, harmony and goodwill. Those blind fools! Mwahahahahaha

    Oh yeah, and thanks for the lovely shiny stars :)

reply by Dawn Munro on 10-Nov-2020
Comment from juliaSjames
This work has reached the exceptional level

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

Craig you managed to satirize a situation that is unprecedented in my opinion. And it is achieving even greater Alice in Wonderland proportions as I pen this review. It appears that there are now TWO transition teams because there are TWO Presidents elect. I could go on, but then it might turn farcical and we reviewers are serious people... aren't we?

To give him credit, Trump warned us what he would do if the elections didn't go in his favor. And he's a man of his word.

Stay safe

Blessings Julia

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    Julia, the less I say in response to any of those observations, the better. Not that I disagree with you in the slightest, but, well, you know....

    Thanks for the terrific review and the lovely, shiny stars. Now, back to my meditation tape... "breathe in, breathe out..."

reply by juliaSjames on 10-Nov-2020
    I would send you white light but I need it all for myself
Comment from strandregs
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So you're leaving your inheritance to the worthy
Whom ever they are.
Sarcastic , sardonic, true, untrue, something for anyone depending on their screwed up perceptions.
You managed to confuse me to.
Well done Craig. :-))Z

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    You're confused, Z? You didn't have to write it!

    It's hard enough to have to try to write from a POV you know is absolute rubbish. It's yet more difficult when that POV is just someone's interpretation of what others are thinking or doing.

    Still, I think I managed to pay homage to the cream of the crop when it comes to whacky conspiracy theories, even if it just might be lacking the skill of a Voltaire or a Swift :)

    Cheers, Craig
reply by strandregs on 10-Nov-2020
    You are a great Louis Carrol
    Ronald Dahl
Comment from George Santhosh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! Just wow! Absolutely loved it!

Even though I myself am not from the US, I followed the elections with great interest and pondered over how misinformation was running rampant (For all I know, what I read could be wrong too), and how people blindly follow what they want to hear (confirmation bias).

The satire is strong with you wise one!
Thanks for this piece. Cheers!

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    Thank you, George (or is it Yoda?), for the great review. I, too, am a "foreigner", but none of us could afford not to pay great attention to what has been going on for the past few years in that country. Now, for possibly a brief moment, we can draw breath again. Most grateful. Cheers, Craig
Comment from Debbie Pope
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Voltaire, is nothing safe from your biting wit? Americans were suffering under the narcissistic hand of Trump. (By the way, did he leave anything "good, nice, and wholesome" untouched?) Now, his detractors have taken us through the narrow gate and onto the broad road to destruction. We're like lambs led to the slaughter. Is there no hope?
You should be writing Ray Bradbury style fiction. There's definitely a need for his style of warning, and you definitely have the gift.
Well done, my friend. I'm shaking in my house shoes.

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    Ha! How flattering and exciting it is you would mention the name of the great M. Arouet in connection with my silly little story, Debbie. Voltaire's name never even occurred to me until you mentioned it, but you're so very right... he did satirical pieces so brilliantly. Oh to have one percent of that talent!

    As for Ray Bradbury... now there's an idea!

    I believe there is some hope, now... if you'd asked me a week ago, I'd have had grave doubts.

    Thanks for the terrific review, Debbie.

    Cheers, Craig
reply by Debbie Pope on 11-Nov-2020
    Years ago, on a cruise once, it was the men versus the women in a 10 day ongoing trivia contest.
    The ship was shocked that I knew the popular name for M. Arouet--a great moment for me.
    You keep Ray Bradbury in mind. I'd love to read your concoction.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written and accurate prediction of what wait not only for America but also for the rest of the world when this fraud is not revealed and corrected which is hopefully in the process of being corrected.

 Comment Written 10-Nov-2020

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2020
    Thanks, Sandra. I always appreciate you taking time to review my work, and the encouragement given.