Reviews from

Rest In Peace, My Friend, Songbyrd

A short essay

110 total reviews 
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad you wrote this. Some members write a farewell note. Stephan Carter comes to mind. I too feel my fans are family and often think how nice it would be if we started a real writer's community. After all, Casadaga, Florida is the winter home for psychics and mediums. But on the other hand, part of the fun is thinking of ourselves as other than the ordinary human being. :-)

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2014
    We practically are except we aren't physically in one place. Of course we aren't ordinary human beings! I was sorry to see Stephan go, but at the same time grateful that he let us know. I worried about Songbyrd for six months not knowing what happened to her. There's others too that I wonder about. We all wondered about Gungalo and would've continued to if not for the news. mikey
Comment from DR DIP
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That my Fan story friend, is a beautiful piece you have written, for I too wonder where fellow poets and writers disappear to.
I know we all have busy lives and cannot make it here from time to time but as a "family' we become concerned for our Fan Story brothers and sisters.
thankyou for writing and sharing this relevant and heartfelt piece Michael and I am sure many of us here on this wonderful site condone and empathize with your words and concerns,

with respect


 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2014
    Thank you so much. I do think you are so correct. It is apparent that we do care about each other quite a bit. It is a real loss when one of the family passes on. It is a friend, of course. But, it is also an artist that enriches the world. This is a community that understands that. mikey
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I couldn't agree with you more, Mikey. I came to this site last year as a result of a workshop suggestion, one of many. I had expected it to be a passing glance through and then move on, but I have been captured by the community and by the very personal interaction. I do feel as though I know people quite well after spending nearly a year interacting with them. Poets have a habit of exposing quite a bit of themselves in their poetry! As you say, it is a special relationship that runs way beyond 'virtual' in some cases.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2014
    Well put. My experience to a tee. I haven't found the same kind of community anywhere else either. We do have such easy access to each other. We can chat if we wish. It is so true that we reveal much of ourselves in our work. But, it takes a fellow writer to realize that. None of my friends that aren't writers "get" that I'm baring my soul. They just say, "that's a nice poem." Ha! Thank you kindly, mikey
Comment from Leineco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well put Michael. It is so jarring when someone we have become friends with here on FS suddenly disappears, and all too often we have no way of finding out if it was illness. . .or simply a financial decision. . .or other interests. . .or changes in lifestyle. . .or any number of things.

And it is so very surprising, how close we become with people we meet here. With people who have offered their hand in assisting our growth as a writer. Or simply in writer's camaraderie. I hope many take your advice, and make arrangements with their loved ones to notify some one here on the site, in case of sad circumstances.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2014
    So true, all that you say. I began to realize how much it mattered to me as a member here and one there would disappear and I would begin to worry. I do hope that people will make some kind of arrangement. We do care. Even if they are just tired of looking at us!! mikey
Comment from sunnilicious
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry to heard about Songbyrd. I read some of her work, however, we have never chatted. She sounds like a lovely person. Good friends shall keep Songbyrd's spirit alive. Lovely commemoration. May Songbyrd rest in peace.

God bless you always too.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

Comment from Kingsland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

People here write things here that touches others greatly. I know that there are poems and articles here that instruct and inform. Poems that will touch the heart of the reader. Gungalo was one of those poets that touched so many with her poetry. She was a gifted poet and I believe she had a heart of gold. This is a well written article that I enjoyed reading and writing this response for... John

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

Comment from Kausar_Javeria
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This week has really been a sad and devastating one for the entire Fanstory community. First Pam and now, Songbyrd too.
May God bless them and help their family to get through these difficult times.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

Comment from seaglass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree that this network of friends is very special. Where else do people connect, spirit to spirit with no concern or knowledge about class, financial status, beauty or lack of it, When the Lord God made love as His true self. and personal histories (unless one desires to share) and still connect on one common ground.

If that's not the purest form of friendship...I know not what friendship is.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The last I heard from Karen, Cookie 333 was sometime last year. She was computer difficulties one time but I would think by now things would be ok. Another is Beth Shelby. another great lady. She was having surgery and today I know nothing. Thank you for posting this.

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014

Comment from nancyjam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing your thoughts of the friends we make here.
The common bond of writing does connect us in ways physical
friends can't always do.
I'm so sorry about Pam and Songbyrd - but perhaps their friendship continues....

 Comment Written 27-Jun-2014