Reviews from

Rants, Raves and Tributes

Viewing comments for Chapter 13 "Pride in our Creation."
Fanstory Praises, Woes & Go's.

59 total reviews 
Comment from Tomes Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is quite a lovely piece of work that the author has created here. I am glad that you decided to bear your heart like this. Well done.

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Thanks Bro I did get some of the idea from one of you m ore industrious writers re the fact that if there is no pride in one's work it does show by the reward offered for reviews.
reply by Tomes Johnston on 08-Nov-2014
    I agree
Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I guess, I agree, I wouldn't expect much in the way of reviews if I only had a 2 cent reward. Cute poem with a message. Good use of rhyming and an enjoyable read. Faye

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Thanks friend not sure we have met before appreciate your coming by. Been overwhelemed with some pretty good reviews on this it has been on my heart for some time and another writer inspired me to do it as he said we promote our work in accordance with the pride or not we have in it.
Comment from granny goes viral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yeah, what he said. I mean you. I think it is so unfair to have to write more in a review than we have to read. Like the little, wee, tiny, miniscule contest poems.

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Yeah right! I sometimes end up just adding more as I say 'because FS wants more" hehe Thanks for coming by.
reply by granny goes viral on 06-Nov-2014
    I just put in...yada yada yada.
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    yada yada now that's a good idea mate thanks! Sorry have not got to your stuff for a while will see what I can do soon.
reply by granny goes viral on 06-Nov-2014
    No sweat. Some people have lives outside of FS.
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    hey this is true hehe. I am full time carer for my wife but she cares for me more than I do her hehe!
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I always promote my own work to at least .52 member cents. Longer writes I shoot the price up to well over 1.00. I think that's only fair.

However, it never fails to amaze me that the people who won't even read your promoted worked get miffed because you failed to read their two cent posts.

Go figure...

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Yeah Dean you got some good points there. Thanks for coming by. Has Jay Squires got his anthem music I wrote for him sorted out with you yet? Piper's Fancy seems to be able to do th e embedding thing pretty good I reckon that is what Jay needs on the particular chapter.
reply by Dean Kuch on 06-Nov-2014
    Not yet, Sankey, at least not that I know of. RGStar is great at embedding narration and music in posts as well. It makes for one heck of a presentation.
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    All good to know mate thanks for that. I have a whole bunch of my Carols etc embedded in the church Site I run I should copy them over to my own place as well maybe before Christmas. Let me know if interested the carols are on FS but some say they can't get the music. I promoted the Intro anyway again recently. Dean it is Geoff here by the way.
reply by Dean Kuch on 06-Nov-2014
    Got it, Geoff. I appreciate the heads up. :}
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem, dear Brother in the Lord, is beyond a doubt a fair and just request. I think we all look for those who pay more, we read first, then the other , but a fair review for each. Well said. My blessings to you.

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Thanks Bro glad you came by. I like what one of the friends said if it don't pay enough he just skips them.
Comment from GracieAnn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sankey, this needed to be aired for fairness sake and I agree wholeheartedly, mate. I hope those who want something for nothing will take heed. Well done in a humorous way. :0 GracieAnn

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Thanks Sis. I did feel it needed to be said. I wish I could promote more with more dollars but I realise we only have so much.
Comment from michaelcahill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

True, true! I have a bunch of folk who never put a dime on their work. It does get old. Hahaha. I don't mind here and there especially when it's my fault for being late, but a little certificate at least for the loyal little crowd!! Well put. A lot of heads nodding in agreement. mikey

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Thanks mate I knew you would relate for sure. Always friends. God Bless met another believer on here today!
Comment from flamingstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I tried reading some of the stories but found I don't have much of an attention span, so I stick to poems mostly. It's hard to define what "fair" is when reviewing as I've come to realize not everyone who posts is willing to entertain the notion that their work might need improvement in some area...

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Good point. I know some times I have felt at the start a revciewer was being pretty hard on me but as I went back later and looked at the areas they genuinely wanted to help me in I realised they were right. Afterall why do we write in FS do we want sincere reviewers to tell us where we can improve? Have had all sorts of reviewers even some a bit mean but still give me a five ha go figure! Thanks for coming by.
reply by flamingstar on 06-Nov-2014
    ...and don't forget the ones who give you two stars but "thoroughly enjoyed your work." I always scratch my head on those!
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    yeah a friend on here enjoyed my poem no spags and gave me 4 points! She realized the mistake and fixed it but go figure.
Comment from scd41
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Sankey, I enjoyed reading your poem which expresses frankly what goes behind reviewing.You have a point; why should one waste his time unless he is rewarded reasonably. In this context, I have a question for Fanstorians. Even if one earns member dollars and gives a raving review, why do not all of them cast their votes at the time of voting wherever required. Since they do not, someone flaunts the winner badge even though his entry may not be the best.

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Good question I am aft=raid I have not participated on Competition voting for ages sorry. Thanks for coming by when is Pam coming up again?
Comment from seaglass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the picture. Does the rose have significance? Like our Eagle does here? This is a nice poem and a good way to express your feelings. I've often wondered about those lovely poems with only 2 cents on them.

 Comment Written 06-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    Nah but Mum did have a lovely rose garden "I beg your pardon" hehe remember that one? I was gonna put just an Aussie flag on but they weren't big enough! Thanks for coming by. Does this mean there is another chapter up of Crescent Head is it?
reply by seaglass on 06-Nov-2014
    Soon I'm working on the promotion funny money
reply by the author on 06-Nov-2014
    ha gotta have that I beat you some times don't I but I don't mind.