Reviews from

Hits and Misses

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45 total reviews 
Comment from Connie C
This work has reached the exceptional level

I think you bring up a good topic here, Phillippa. I will often look at the hits versus the reviews. If I get at least half of those hitting to review, then I figure that's about par for the course. But, of course, I like it much more when there is at least two-thirds of the "hitters" reviewing. When I read and don't review, it's usually for one of two reasons (or maybe both): I don't care for the poem or I don't understand it. With your poetry, though, I can't imagine either of those reasons being the case. You know how I tell you I like your honesty and how you don't hold anything back. Maybe that bothers some, but who needs those reviews anyway? And I just thought of another reason not to review: too many PM's of "new writing online" and not enough time to review them all, and that happens from time to time to all of us. Well, my dear, just keep doing what you're doing. You have so many fans, and you almost always make the front page of FanStory, so feel thankful for that and for that incredible talent you possess. Now one more thing: Your poem has a great little rhythm to it in addition to conveying thoughts that many of us wonder about from time to time. Just about everything you write deserves six, so here I go again!! Connie xoxoxo

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Wow another one! LOL thanks for the sixer Connie and this was something plenty could relate too. I thought it good fodder for a poem and maybe a good way to ask a broad range of questions. Not that I got the answers of course! Thats the irony...the ones I am asking AREN'T reviewing! LOL Loved your review so much. Thankyou and I am truly happy with writing and sharing...the hits and reviews are a bonus...the after promotion hits are even better...the biggest compliment. I welcome trollers! Hahaha
    Catchupsoon. Fantastic review my friend and thanks a bunch.
    Phillippa xoxoxo
Comment from oNray
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have not seen any thing of yours that is less that outstanding and fun. You do have a rhythm- rhyme hang up, but that's OK so do I. Loved this one alsoooooooooooooo

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2011
    Thanks so much, I appreciate your thoughtful review.
Comment from missy98writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I say fuck em! Don't let the religious freaks lay their issues on the language you use. If they don't like it move the fuck on. I love your wonderfully written rant. In your poem you used excellent allitetation, effective metsphor usage, great rhyme and very good descriotive writing. Girl, you've got poetic voodoo. I liked the lines: "I'll personify anything
giving it life I can slice it or dice it, wit's tongue like a knife yet the hits with no comment are what can unhinge I can't bloody improve if they don't bloody whinge." I hate those who praise your poem then they downgrade you because the are silly and don't know what hued means. I say you don't know a work fucking google it or let your fingers do the walking in a dictionary. I loved this rigehious rant, my friend. Keep telling the language police off. I hate folks who shove the Bible down my throat. I'd recommend your poem to others. I hope you have a nifty day and a blessed Holiday. Peace out, you cheeky broad.

I thought you'd like this:

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 14-Dec-2011
    Oooh what a lovely fucking response! LOL
    Thanks very much missy for your beaut review and pic.
    Cheers CPJ xoxo
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is super, my friend. A feeling I certainly connect with.
I see 73 views but only 12 took time to review. May be the payment, could be the length or the subject doesn't appeal. I enjoyed your multitude of ideas as to the why. I like some time to explore people other than my fans, so skimp occasionally, but always reward my faithful reviewers-- unless the work doesn't appeal and I'd have to give it an average-- better to skip than offend.

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Hi there Shari, thanks so much and thought this was good fodder for a poem...great time to ask those burning questions. I think we should be grateful for all hits and any reviews...but others have obviously wondered the same...its not so much that the author is bitching but wondering what lacked appeal...I think the majority of the skips are that "it wasn't my cup of tea" plain and simple. But a proportion would have to be people not getting time to review perhaps...then again, some just like to read and not review. It IS called FAN story after all ... haha What one likes, quite possibly another doesnt and we should be mindful of that. I like your attitude. I figure positive critique or none at all...but I still try and point out where to improve imo if I can...after all, we are here to help each other.
    Cheers closet xo
    Cheers and have a great day
Comment from psalmist
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this immensely. I don't think I ever really thought about it before, because I know I don't review everything I read for a variety of reasons. You had some wonderfully humorous reasons why folks may not review. Did I not mention meadow? Or gossamer thread? and I'll personify anything giving it life I can slice it or dice it, wit's tongue like a knife. These were a couple of my favorites that made me laugh. Thanks for the smile. Linda

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Thanks Linda...I don't think we can get to everything...but it seems plenty wonder what might have lacked appeal when they miss with hits...I am glad you liked the gossamer thread etc...that was a prod...heehee (naughty closet) It will be evident with the lack of SOME reviews who I may have offended.
    Sorry but I gotta say what I think which has to offend a percentage.
    I am grateful for your support. Have a great day Linda and keep smiling.
    Phillippa xoxo
Comment from WilliamDeen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem, Hits and Misses, is cute. It is as if you are looking at yourself in a mirror and assessing yourself. I will tell you your writing is TOP NOTCH. I really enjoy it! I get a smile and sometimes a laugh out of your poems! Good rhyming scheme!

my name don't/// my name doesn't

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Thanks Will, glad you enjoyed my questions put forth...this was tongue in cheek but could have had a few underlying tones I guess..heehee
    Thanks for the spag pick up but that was on purpose...I use bad slang and grammar sometimes if the syllable count deems.
    Its the Aussie in me and of course poetic licence. Haha
    Cheers Phillippa xo
Comment from Trybuck
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't believe you're alone with the hit and miss.
Some just don't have the time to give a sweet kiss.
And others just have nothing to say, good or bad

It would be nice if some of the ones that did review, actually took the time to read before reviewing, but I reckon that's another rant.
Well done, Buck -- be better without the language, but that's my opinion

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Haha I totally agree with you there Buck. Always better without the language my friend but I kinda like to buck the system! LOL I simply can't conform ALL the time. I'll try and curb it a bit Dad. xx
Comment from sgalletti
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well, my kindred spirit...I'm glad I had a six for this because I loved it! Your words could have come out of my own mouth but I would never have been able to say it as well as you did! In my recent Advanced Unrhyming Poetry class (with six fellow book authors and Alvin), we have discussed how to write for our "audience"...truth is, on FanStory, there are those who do not like our writing for one of many reasons on your list. So, like you, I get a lot more hits than reviews. But, look at it this want to receive a two and a review you don't want to read? Your writing is great. Don't question yourself. As one bawdy writer to another, keep up the great work. Can't wait to read your senryu and kyoka....Hugs, Sue

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Haha you are a delight, thankyou Sue...the vote of confidence that makes me know I can please at least a percentage of people, just like everyone else. It does come down to individual taste but it seems plenty wonder about the hits that go astray and for what reasons their work may NOT have had appeal.
    Loved your review...I look forward to submitting soon.
    Cheers Phillippa xoxo
    PS Have a great day, this just made mine. x
Comment from jeslaf
This work has reached the exceptional level

Fucking brilliant! Dr. Suess-like with an attitude. Rock on, girl. I especially liked this bit:

Did I not pray enough?
Or admit too much sin?
Did I cause a bad taste as they took it all in?

Amen. :)

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    Your review most appreciated my friend and a big old sixer too. Many thanks...glad you liked. I sometimes think maybe I don't pray enough...then I think - f**k it! LOL
    I gotta be me.
    Cheers and thankyou.
    Closet xoxo
Comment from Lastamen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A well composed rant that no doubt many of your fellow fanstory authors have wondered about (I know I have). Is it possible to be an author and not have an oversized ego? Longing for reviews, either positive or negative, as they show that at least you've touched a nerve and solicited a response. A very interesting take on a universal concern for writers - hey, you got me as a fan anyway! Well done.

Till the last amen

 Comment Written 12-Dec-2011

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2011
    What a lovely review. I also appreciate your open mindedness when it comes to content and swearing issues. Its reviewers like you who give the rest a good name...I don't think there is resentment from authors about non reviews on the missed hits but perhaps just wondering what expectations were not met if that was truly the case. Some people ONLY read and don't review.
    I loved your review. Thanks again.
    Cheers Phillippa xoxo