Reviews from

A Fly on the Wall

Viewing comments for Chapter 23 "On...Being a Realtor"
A journal musings and assessments about situations

31 total reviews 
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

You obviously don't have enough to keep you occupied. Your anecdotes are well described and so humorous. I think being a realtor would be an unpleasant job. Your write confirms it. I love the details you brought in with the last encounter you described. The couple's break-in was funny, as was the drunken crowd watching the proceedings. I hope you were able to disentangle yourself from the real estate business. Great post. judi

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    Sadly, no. I'm still a licensed and active realtor. (Just had a closing --a NIGHTMARE closing-- a week ago.) *sighhh* Eventually, I WILL disentangle myself, though!

    Thanks for your wonderful review. Always appreciated. xo
reply by judiverse on 26-Sep-2022
    You're welcome. May you deal only in high end real estate as long as you're at it. judi
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well written. Nice story.
I'll bet you are getting a thousand commiserating tales.
I would also bet that you could pick a profession and get a thousand negative tales for each one.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    You are one hundred percent right about that! It's a CHOICE to enjoy something! Thank you for that important reminder today!! xo
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I very briefly have wondered if being a realtor was in my blood. After reading this, I can see it is not. I have a being blunt issue. LOL I'd die a slow tortured death. Thank you for sharing this it was actually funny to read.

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    I'm happy to have taken one for our team, Barbara. Stay away from it!! Keep being a writer; you're superior at that! xo
Comment from Susan Newell
This work has reached the exceptional level


Having been around, and known, many realtors, and having had some as clients, I can empathize 100%. The cut-throats do well, grooming fake friendships in hopes of getting listings. (Yes, I've been burned by that.) it is rare, but there are some who actually try to help people buy and sell houses for fair prices.

Your writing is spectacular, and perfectly executed (in the good way). I pulled out a couple favorites, but didn't think I should cut and paste the entire post. Bravo!


My husband has his PhD in Hyperbolic Worry -- outstanding

When I meet them, I note that their car is the equivalent of a can of Spam with wheels and is probably held together with paperclips and bread wrapper ties. -- love the originality of this

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    You have the nicest way of always making me feel so good about my writing. Thank you for this beautiful, encouraging review. Xo
reply by Susan Newell on 26-Sep-2022
    You are welcome. Thank YOU for the good read!
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This was a lot of fun. I'm not quite sure why you didn't enter it in one of the non-fiction/essay/real life story contests that are always going.

It was well-written - which served to show up each of these situations in a nasty, horrible light. *smile* I'm thinking that the accomplishment of having made those first two (impossible) sales would have you coasting for a long while on joy. (Joy? maybe not joy. But something positive - fill in the blanks...)

I enjoyed this and hate to say I smiled at your torment -- but there it is. Thanks for being such a good sport about it all. I'm happy to hear more of your disasters... it makes ME feel better about what I'M dealing with. hehe


 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    Ahhh, Robyn Corum, the unabashed, unapologetic Queen of Schadenfreude!

    And as far as why I didn't enter it into a contest? Surely we don't have to revisit THAT slugfest, now do we?

    Anyway, thank you for the review! It's always nice to know what readers think about what I've offered up.
reply by robyn corum on 26-Sep-2022
    hahahaha! Oops! You are absolutely right! Wait - you are right about the forgetting for a moment - BUT 1.) the contests I'm referring to are judged by the committee not members so it seems like that might make a difference.

    I am slightly hurt by your title, though. I am a full-fledged, card-carrying Libra... represented by the scales. I have a nasty tendency to expect the best from people AND to weigh all options and sides. If you thought I was saying what you accused people of was RIGHT and GOOD, we had a terrible miscommunication.
reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    I'm thinking that, because the people who allow the cheating to go on are the ones on the committee who judges the contests, I'll take a hard "no thank you" on that variety, as well. I'm a decisive Leo; I don't need to spend any time wading through nonsense "considering all the sides") before I recognize it as such and dismiss it forever.

    And although you might not agree with the idea of cheating, you certainly didn't think I had a valid point in saying it was occurring. You were quite clear about that. No miscommunication.
reply by robyn corum on 26-Sep-2022
    Nope. My point was I hoped you were wrong.
reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    Right. You HOPE I am, but you were completely unconvinced.
reply by robyn corum on 26-Sep-2022
    Sure. I haven't done all the investigation you have, but surely I'm allowed to hope for the best in mankind? That doesn't at all mean I'm disparaging you or your thoughts. I'm sorry if you took it that way.
reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    I absolutely didn't. I thought it was a far greater statement about you than me, so it didn't faze me at all. If Child's Magical Thinking is your preferred way of dealing with life, go for it! Keep those rose-colored glasses on tight by all means. For myself, I've never considered ignorance as bliss. I want to click on all cylinders at all times. But, of course, everyone is different.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Rachelle, thank heavens you have this magical way with words! Even while relating the most dismal cracks in Realtor Heaven, you manage to do so with such wit, I cannot help but commiserate, while applauding your perserverance!

"When I meet them, I note that their car is the equivalent of a can of Spam with wheels and is probably held together with paperclips and bread wrapper ties. "There is no way this ends well," my instinct warns."

I nearly spit my tea out!!!

As my brother (A realtor) tells me: "It's the hardest work you'll ever hate!"

Another great chapter in the books! (Soon to be book, that is!)


 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    HAHAHAHA! Your brother's comment is spot-on! Ugh! I could NEVER do this as my real-life job. (No wonder the full-timers are so cranky!)

    Thanks for the uplifting review. I always appreciate your warm and loving words. xo
reply by karenina on 26-Sep-2022
    Always enjoy reading you!
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Rachelle,
This was a truly humorous story. Like most unpleasant situations in our lives, they can take on a funny turn in our repeating them to an audience. We all love to hear of others unpleasant experiences, if only to be able to say, wow, thank God I didn't have to do that! I'm a little surprised to see that you're still a realtor. Judging by what I had to pay my realtor, I would imagine that the money would be decent, if you can get a property that is actually worth something. I love your sense of humor. Please keep writing. This was good.
Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    Thank you for this really nice review, Tom. The money is definitely decent, but it comes at a price. (i.e. sanity, self-loathing, you know little things like that...) It does pay my FS pumps, though, so I shouldn't complain! xo
Comment from dellsworthpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A truly horrid story told with almost stark humor. The words fit with the story. The pace is good. The images are stark and well drawn. The narrative stays on point. The dialogue is believable.

The making a list of pros and cons at the end is a wonderful way to conclude.

Thanks for a good read.

 Comment Written 26-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    Thank you for such a specific, helpful review. I always love this type because it helps me, as a writer, know what "landed" for my reader. I appreciate the time and thought that went into this and the kind and supportive words, as well.
reply by dellsworthpoet on 26-Sep-2022
    You are welcome. I always try to give some feedback on how it comes across.
reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    And that's why you're a wonderful reviewer!!
reply by dellsworthpoet on 26-Sep-2022
    Thank you for the compliment. I always felt observation on style as important as grammar.
Comment from Carlos' girl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very well written with absolutely no errors of spelling or grammar. The writing is fluid and interesting to read at all times. The tempo is bright. Thank you for sharing your talent

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 Comment Written 25-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 26-Sep-2022
    And thank you for this lovely review!! Very much appreciated.
reply by Carlos' girl on 26-Sep-2022
    Your most welcome
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So those checks aren't enough to remain a realtor? It does give you amusing story fodder. It is also filled with never-ending headaches says my brother who finally gave up selling real estate. You're a really good writer; stick with that.

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 Comment Written 25-Sep-2022

reply by the author on 25-Sep-2022
    I'm still a realtor, but I truly do not like it!! It helps to pay for my FS subscription, though...

    Thank you for the warm and delightful review. I appreciate it to the max!! xo