Reviews from

Blind Entries.

It's tough to lose.

28 total reviews 
Comment from Mary Wakeford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't know what to think of the contests. I gave up entering shortly after joining because it seemed to me I could barely get a vote and it wasn't worth it to me to spend the fake average of $7 to enter, to consistently get a no vote.

Honestly, I rarely make it to the voting booth, for whatever reason. I'm usually overwhelmed with reading reviewing and writing that I don't really have time to review the various competing pieces to do a fair job.

I was shocked when I actually won the SOM a few weeks back, because I do tend to think it is a bit of a popularity contest, and those that have high recognition or been here forever, obviously have a large following so it makes sense.

Then there is always the factor of alerting their peeps, even though against rules, I'm sure it happens via other systems.

You make good points in this writing, that management should probably take a hard look at. I just don't know how it could be tweeked unless reviewers were paid to specifically review contests, or given four pumps or something like that. It has to be made more beneficial for the reviewers to take on the responsibility and time.

That's my take on it, anyway. :)

Excellent order and presentation of your thoughts and opinions on this topic.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    Like you, I don't have time to vote in the contests either. The short ones occasionally and I did vote for your story.
    Kelly 2 is new to the site and worth reading if you haven't already done so.
Comment from Domino 2
This work has reached the exceptional level

The content of your post is the reason I stopped entering contests, Shari, and this individual's dominance of the site is the reason I lost all interest in posting and reviewing.

Why are six lines of explanatory notes required to make a point? Ah yes, in case no-one understands the theme of course.

Oh, and haven't I seen, 'As always, thanks so much for reading my work.' before - like every time he posts.

What's this - a sudden block four votes when things are tight? Hmm...must be ANOTHER coincidence that doesn't happen all the time with him.

Well said!

Cheers, Ray xx

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    Thanks, Ray. I'm burned out on the site because of things like this. Also, I hate the new format and still use classic. I have one last chapter to write in my bio, then I'm taking time off to edit and self-publish several works just for my own benefit. My subscription is up in August. I doubt if I'll renew. Too time consuming to read and review others when I should be working on improving my own skills.

    Shari xox
reply by Domino 2 on 22-Nov-2016

    So many have left...and I know many because of that friggin cheat, Shari.

    Good luck with the book, and I have many happy memories of our exchanges and the smiles you've given me, my friend.

    Ray xx

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    Yes, that's another thing. Gone are some of the best.
Comment from Kelly2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't like the contest either and do feel that it's a personality contest. I saw a contest, I guess it wasn't blind, but saw that Dean Kuch entered it and immediately decided not to waste my time. He will take it, no matter what.

Another problem is that when it's blind entries and you review it, when the person replies, you find out who it is. I think there was an attempt to stop this, but then it went right back to happening.

The most recent contest I entered is the "What if?" contest. I don't think it's blind because my name is right on it in the listings. In that, I do mention my sisters Cassie and Tammy, so anyone reading my "book" will realize it's me. That can't be helped, especially since most of my writing is about my family. So what should I do, if it wasn't blind? Change their names again?

None of it matters though, because hardly anyone votes in the contests. I could have 20 reviews, all favorable, and get two votes.

One contest I entered, infuriated me. Someone, who shall remain nameless, wrote a story where the waitress asked how she should cut the guy's pizza, into 4 slices or 8. The man replied 4 because he didn't think he could eat 8. This joke has been going around for decades. It was a complete cheat and he won with a landslide, with me coming in second.

I only entered the "What if" contest because I must have accidentally paid the entry fee for it, though I never remember doing it. But that's it for me. It's a complete waste of money to enter and promote it. Unless it is inspiration for a story that I want to write anyway, it will only cost me the entry fee above the promotion fees.

I would suggest to Tom that members get a dollar or something just for voting on the contests, which would encourage greater participation. But that won't solve the problem of it being a popularity contest or people cheating in the ways you described. Maybe for contests there should be no author notes or different fonts or colors allowed. It won't stop people from asking their friends for votes, however.

I'm pretty disillusioned with the whole thing: contests and the whole system. It's got other problems, as well. For instance, to promote your work and get readers, you have to review like crazy. I will read anything to get the member dollars, reviewing as fast as I can. This isn't fair to the writer, not getting a fair and well-thought out review. I sometimes have to, but then again, I usually will go out of my way to review comprehensively. Like right now. Therefore, it takes me so much time here on Fanstory that it consumes my life and causes me a lot of stress.

Another thing is that it is rare to get constructive criticism. I'm not here for a pat on the back. I want feedback. But on the flip side, many people don't want to hear what's wrong with their writing and completely go ballistic if you give them a 4. So everyone gets a 5 or 6 from me, because I'm tired of it.

So, the only reason I stay is to read great writers and examine their writing so that I can learn from them. I've only been here for 5 months. I don't know how to solve these problems or if I want to stay. It's not my problem to solve. I just need to decide if it's all worth it or not.

I realize that I haven't really reviewed your writing in this piece, instead responded with my own rant. I haven't noticed anything like people identifying themselves in their contest entries, so I can't answer to that. But you bring up an excellent point and one that should be considered.

I have little hope that anything will change at all.


 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    You mirror my own discontent and I've been here for five years. The cheating thing happens all the time. I would never have entered the lowku contest if I'd known Dean entered. I'm getting the word out to my fans to read your work which is amazing.
    I'm taking a break for two months after finishing my story, but will check in every three days to follow my favorites which include you.

    Rather than waste time reading fifth grade work, I'm going to gather my poems, short stories, etc. and put them into a book for my children to read to me in the nursing home. LOL
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you might be on to something here Shari. I do believe something is going on and I feel like cheaters never win in the long run, but there are those who love to cheat and get a thrill when they get away with it. I lost interest in contests when the presentation became something I couldn't do on my decrepit computer> LOL What's the use when you can't keep up with everyone else? Good rant! Nancy

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    The content should be the focus point, not the presentation. I haven't picked up any books of poetry lately, but I doubt they have pictures in them. Is a decrepit computer still better than a typewriter? LOL
Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The poets are notorious for these sorts of things.
I can usually spot the writer by his/her posting style.
To make it fair, entries should be posted in the same font and without author notes or embellishments. I wonder why no one presenting a contest hasn't had these rules.
Also, friends look at friends portfolios ...

:) ellen xx

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    Occasionally, a contest comes along with those rules. But like you say, friends can go to portfolios. Seems a lose-lose situation for many of us.
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes, you've hit upon a sore point with me. It is true that some writers are easily to identify. If you have sound effects, for instance, you have a good idea of from whence they came. One winning contestant even had a picture that he has used in his profile attached to his work. An accurate observation about not much voting after the first day and a half. I've observed that some contests are calling for no special art or sound effects. Others beckon entries that call for color, music, and all the fancy footwork. We've become a divided FS nation. You've written about a subject of great interest to us and done it in great style. judi

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    THanks for the six, judi. I entered that contest and was so thrilled to see that I even tied. For a day I had hope. At least, I've learned not to spend member cents promoting it.
    When entries aren't blind, I check the names who entered and can figure out if it's a waste if my time. Unfortunatley, those who expect to win wait until the last minute to post their entry.
reply by judiverse on 22-Nov-2016
    You're very welcome. I think your comments are right on. I've had that experience too. I've entered a contest only to see that some last-minute entry has "winner" written all over it. judi
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aye, I recognize many writers by their 'signature' add-on doodads.
I've brought it up to a few culprits. Invariably, they tell me they recognize my work by my style, or voice. I believe they're comparing apples to oranges, but they stick to their guns.

I avoid blind contests. I like to sign my name. And I get more readership when I do. I prefer to write for the people who 'get' me and like my work. When I post blind, my fans aren't notified, therefore my reviews tend to be more hit and miss.

I agree, Shari. Blind voting tends to be more of a popularity contest.

For the most part, I don't miss participating in the blind prompts. Nor do I miss the frustrations of the voting process.

Peace, Lee

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    LOL Your style would definitely be recognizable. But I agree, why waste time on something where your fans aren't notified. The same for 'getting' your work.
    Frustrating and time-consuming. I'm about to take a leave of absence for a while. Too burnt out.
Comment from William Ross
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

very good, it is hard to keep entries blind, sometimes just by the writing I know who wrote it, we get to know each other pretty well. Thanks for the share and have a good day.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    Thanks, William. I just had to vent and wrote this in twenty minutes.
Comment from boxergirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey Shari,
I think most of us on here will agree with your post. I haven't entered any contests lately. If I do, it is the site based ones that don't cost to enter. And they are discouraging as I just post when I have something I want to share. :-)

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    You have nothing to lose with the site based contests except member cents to promote if you want readership. I got three reviews on my blind entry which only paid two cents. I don't blame readers for that. Like you, I've come to the conclusion of only posting what I want to share.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, Shari.
I saw the title for this and I said, Uh-oh, here we go again!"

Moving pictures can also be a tip-off. Not that many writers use them, nor do they insert photos in between stanzas. ... Guilty as charged, Shari. But you or anybody else could do the same thing if you really wanted to. Providing that the contest's moderator has not forbidden their use, of course. That seems to be a more and more common occurrence lately. Ahem...

Look, why not use everything at your disposal as long as neither the site nor the moderator has forbidden it?

It's like two countries going to war:

Country one is evil and wants to take over the entire world but they have antiquated or inferior weapons.

Country two, the good guys, they have the latest technology and hi-tech weapons.

Are they gonna say, "Okay, y'all. To make this fair and on an "even playing field", we promise we will not use any of our high-tech weaponry or smart missiles and drones to defeat you.
Hah! In a pig's eye that's gonna happen! They're gonna annihilate those suckers!

Do members vote for content, style, or personality? ... I'd like to believe that it's a little of everything, Shari. The techy stuff isn't all that difficult to do. But the writing should be the most important thing.
You can polish a turd until the cows come home and all you'll have at the end of the day is a very shiny piece of sh!t.
Look, Ideasaregems-Dawn does it. Michael Cahill knows how, and Gloria, too. Boo Ghost can add additional photos and animated gifs to his posts.
They learned how to do it.
Why can't everyone else?
 photo Dean small sig_zpstm6coprm.gif photo 57a7e6afd62630487391b279c7f91c39_zps8gnfsfgv.jpg

 Comment Written 21-Nov-2016

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2016
    You're right about the pictures being everyone's tools. My problem was that you added notes to back up the prompt to prove The subject is something gross, nasty, or disgusting we find in everyday life.
    There are a lot of clean beaches and waters around the earth.
    Even though I entered, I found the one about the hair of the beast the most gross.

    I don't usually ruffle feathers, but to tell the truth, I'm getting tired, even bored with FS. After the last chapter in my book is posted, I'll drop out for a while and work on self-publication so my children will have something to read to me when I end up in a nursing home. :-)
reply by Dean Kuch on 22-Nov-2016
    I hadn't noticed that author's notes were forbidden, Shari.
    Well, good luck.