Reviews from

O My God and Mother Nature!

Viewing comments for Chapter 8 "Always!"
Appreciation of God and Mother Nature

59 total reviews 
Comment from Lulu22
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Non-stop? Shouldn't this be nonstop? I'm not familiar with this form of poetry
I don't think hyphen should be placed there and takes away from this short poem.You are incorrrect if you are stating non-stop as two words.
I like the message of poem.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2006

Comment from AlvinTEthington
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Interesting. Very different from the haiku I write, but I am published in Japan and not in the United States. You make good use of the textbook 5/7/5 syllabic count, but this is what I would term a "postmodern" haiku because of the use of simile. The satori in the last line is good, but at least I am more used to a nature emphasis in the phrase in the first two lines. There's a good break between the second and third line--so good no punctuation is needed. Haiku are hard to review, for the rules are in flux. Nice alliteration of "l" sounds. I do see in the comments that the reference to "mother" is to "mother nature", but I think that would work better if it was worked into the poem. This is strictly my opinion, but if comments are needed to explain a poem, sometimes it is better to work them into the poem itself.

 Comment Written 22-May-2006

Comment from Pseudoname
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Haiku is a form of poetry I cannot claim to fully understand. I do, however, feel that you encapsulated your thoughts in a deliberately tight little package!

 Comment Written 21-May-2006

Comment from trailblazer101
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Short and to the point.

Infinitely like mother
We feel, learn or not

Yeah, we have to learn and experience as we trundle on. A littel guidance helps. We don;t ahve to jump off cliffs if someone mentions to us that it could be detrimental to our health...

 Comment Written 21-May-2006

Comment from mhk
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The subtle repetition in the first line caught my attention. The reference to mother brought out nature's finer points; nurturing, life by example. The last, nature's ambivilance. It's here. Take it if you want. It's all I have to offer. I liked that very much.

 Comment Written 21-May-2006

Comment from NettieC
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Alcreator Writer,
What a great haiku! Mother Nature is a mighty and powerful teacher and we would do well to learn the lessons she has to teach. She certainly has a way of making us realise she is in control.
love Nettie

 Comment Written 21-May-2006

Comment from Senyai
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

ALCREATOR WRITER, this is an interesting haiku. I understand what you are saying from your notes, but I have to say I had some trouble on the meaning by way of reading your words in the poem. I guess I am a dull dud tonight.

all the best,

 Comment Written 21-May-2006

Comment from OceanicEyes
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Simplistic and thoughtful. Although I am not the biggest fan of the Haiku, I do like the structure. This piece read a little odd for me, as some Haiku's do, especially to the untrained eye and mind (mine, for example). I think it might have been the very first sentance. I didn't really connect with it.
Maybe something like: Teach us mother earth?
anyways it was a good job, but imo a little work and it will be a great hai.

 Comment Written 21-May-2006

Comment from mamre07
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The imagery is excellent in this piece. Your comparison of the characteristics of a nurturing mother to that of Mother Nature is what carries the poem along.

 Comment Written 20-May-2006

Comment from Elizabeth Anne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I always did like haikus. Always short and always give you something to ponder.
This had a nice little message inside.

Good job.


 Comment Written 20-May-2006