Reviews from

Learning How To Write, Right Here

Using the resources and a few ramblings as always.

76 total reviews 
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo... Amen ... Well said!
I've been a FS member a little beyond four years and in this time I feel I progressed from a 2 to a 5 on a scale of 10. This is because I applied the principles, corrections and suggestions from a number of top of the chart writers and those who enjoy teaching without grudges.

As I'm still learning the craft, when I review I tell the writer what I like, dislike and why. On a rare occasion I will offer some SPAG corrections (praying I was correct).

Last year I was ranked #5 in short works come years end. I was proud of that accomplishment! See, "was" is incorrect because I am proud of that accomplishment. I felt I did not manipulate the numbers as we all know how to. I worked my tail off to review and earn member dollars and pumps because I did not have funds available to buy my way. As E.F. Hutton said... I earned it!

This year I've only posted 6 times to date. I'm trying to hone my style even more. There is much more I can say but for now I think I've said plenty.

I've read your posts (prior to this one) and enjoy your writing. This rant included. Keep up the good work and I'll see you on the NY Times best seller list.... John

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from 24chas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well put, mikey. I like your ideas in this piece. And they make a lot of sense. I like the constructive criticism as well. I'm not getting paid to write, but I'd like to, so I need to improve and this site does help on occasion.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from TOMORAL
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very good guide for a new writer with sound and sage advice. I am a fairly new writer and I didn't find any spag. I enjoyed reading this and maybe learned a thing or two. Blessings~

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from Marillion
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

To be honest, Mikey, I read you no matter the reward. You're worth it.

Wish I had a sixer for this one, too, as it offers an even-handed assessment of the site and good advice for all.

I appreciate people's impressions, and only get prickly when I sense an arrogant ignorance, passive aggression, or an agenda, and have experienced all three...sometimes in the same review. Anyway, you make a good point, and even if I don't use the suggestions, I appreciate people actually trying to add some value to the review by pointing out something that will make me think.

Nicely done.

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wise words, Mikey. Seek and ye shall be rewarded in ways ye did not expect. Participation, as you say, is the key. I can hardly believe that I have only been here for seven months - having joined the same month as you, as it happens. I feel as if some of the site members have become lifelong fiends - damn the crumbs under my arse - I meant friends. The more people respond positively to my writing, the more motivated I become to hone it so that it can become worthy of response. I wrote about 50 poems in the first threescore years and ten, but nearly double that number since I joined the site. It is a great motivator!

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from tony bronk
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I liked the point and information given very much. The author was clear with the facts, and he made them interesting too. Also there was some humor mixed in which really helped. An excellent write. Sweet Dreams. Tony

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from SLHarper
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Darling Mikey! You are a true-blue, brazen, fearless, sensitive soul! This line made me guffaw out loud: Whatcha gonna do with all that loot homes? Also, the notion that the men writers are going to be the ones crying when they receive criticism strikes me funny, probably for obvious reasons... I don't know, the #2 ranked poet once told me essentially to f*** off because I offered genuine criticism, and asked what I thought was a quite reasonable question regarding her choice to use provocative sexual language and a photo of a naked woman mounting her lover to accompany a poem about depression (for any and all to read, I suppose...). She responded that she doesn't answer to anyone, and then promptly muted me from her page! Didn't want no edumacated person messing with her mojo, being #2 ranked and all, with all her minions in tow... You are right, indeed, that ranking does not necessarily = talent. There are so many other factors involved... including the mindless guppies who keep jack asses at the number two spot just because they are too afraid to stand up for themselves... What's going to happen if you call someone on their bs, homes? Aren't we supposed to assume that everyone on this site wants to improve, regardless of where they are in the crafting of their art? NOT!!! There certainly is a steep learning curve here! You are clever, tenacious, willing to be human, and very obviously improving as a writer day by day! In addition, you make your friends feel like you've got their backs! I especially like how you choose to blow off steam every now and then... Very controlled and indulgent, like strategically saving room for cheesecake after dinner. In short, you rock, Mikey Cahill! You are a hero in my book! Please forgive me for failing you on the stars count. I have not yet been replenished with 6ers for the week. Yours, Stephie

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo, Mikey. Honest and well done. If there was spag, I didn't notice it since I was engrossed in what you were saying. You are wise beyond your tender years... whatever they may be. :)

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from mfowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mikey, I joined at the same time as you, and I think it's true to say that we have both improved immensely. I am only the 26th best short story writer though, which by my reckoning makes you makes you 8.33 times better. Who cares? As you said, it's about getting better. I agree with all of your points, but two stood out for me.

The first is that we should write everything, no matter how out of our comfort zone we may feel. If it tells you nothing else other than it's probably not your best genre, then it's worth it. I've found out that I have a knack for satire, and that I and myself really get my work. American readers don't too often, but other nationalities do. It's a cultural thing, maybe. Doesn't matter, but I'm making adjustments based on feedback.

Secondly, I love what you say about giving feeback yourself: It also reinforces the lessons that you have learned by using them and imparting them to others in like situations. eg I've tried to keep up with Marillion and Hobopoet in the use of meter and rhyme when writing more traditional verse. They continue to help me with very specific analysis of my poetry. I'm getting better and I can review reasonably accurately on the skill. I've even explained the rudiments to other beginners.

Now, to your question about why I read this. To improve of course; the title got me in. Also, I'd like to say that it is your originality and self deprecating humour that makes me want to read your stuff. I never have a clue where it will go. Sometimes, I simply don't know what you are on about; but, at other times I crack up, or just say "YEAH, Man!"

 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014

Comment from Patrick G Cox
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi michaelcahill,

You come on a little strong in your opening paragraphs, sometimes someone may have read your work from beginning to end and simply not have anything constructive to offer for improvement. My usual approach if I've read something so bad it would require several pages of criticism and a complete rewrite is to not comment at all unless I think the person might appreciate it.

Sadly, the way the site calculates 'ratings' means the number of stars and the number of comments (note I'm not saying reviews) count and the more competitive among us are understandably upset when their ratings are reduced. A lot of folk go for 'volume' in posting, which is fine if you have the time to spend all day and every day writing. Others, like me, prefer to write a complete story, and polish it several times before posting it. So we post less often and look to balancing that with some good ratings. You'd be surprised how often a newbie jumps on us with a low score, and comments like "This is not my usual choice of reading ..." and no comment about structure, content, dialogue, etc. Then there are those who 'learn' what an adverb is, or the difference between narrative and dialogue and pounce on your work glibly advising that you use to many 'ly' words, or 'you should use more narrative to describe what is happening' ... Yes, I get them a lot. Funny thing, my publisher and editors don't agree with those 'helpful' hints - or go with the hatred of 'was', 'had', and a few more prepositions that seem to attract comment here.

'Reviewing' here is a tricky subject. Many are simply chasing dollars so they can promote as high as possible to the front page and (hopefully) score more reviews. Take a look at the difference between reviews scored on 'poetry' and those on the equivalent 'prose'. It speaks for itself. As to whether everyone here is able to, or equipped to, offer advice to everyone else - probably not. I have trouble with punctuation, and I am grateful for the advice and help I get from a few people here who know how to handle it - but I suspect (from what I see here) there are a heck of a lot of people who don't.

Right, I think I've earned my $0.96c now ...

Have fun.


 Comment Written 21-Mar-2014