Reviews from

Destination: Hope

The Last Train Back

61 total reviews 
Comment from pipersfancy
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well, I have nothing to say that could add to this piece in any way - it is a perfect, reflective journey, and I celebrate the full-circle arrival back to Hope.

However, I will share a sad (although, strangely funny) story.

Several years ago while I was struggling immensely, I happened to attend a church service one Sunday. The topic for the sermon that day was of Hope... 15 minutes extolling the gift of HOPE, culminating in the final thought that it is the one thing in life that is always available to us... that we must cling to Hope as the life preserver that God has given to us.

Following the service, I drove south of the Twin Cities on I-35, passing quaint-sounding towns, and picturesque farms. Up ahead, a sign told me the town of Hope, MN was nearby. I took that as a good omen and decided to stop for a coffee. However, it was not to be. As I neared the exit, I was greeted by a sign with no explanation other than the words "HOPE CLOSED" and the exit blocked off by construction.

No hope for me, that day.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, Christina, for the sixer and your always great and thoughtful reviews. What a story! There's a great poem in there, too, you know? How ironic to find that an uplifting and fairytale moment was squashed so completely. Did you take a pic of the sign?
Comment from Darkhorse555
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this was stunning beautifully drawn every soul outside the station was a life-entrusted friend loved how this drew beautiful in the mind excellent piece

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Thank you very much, Darkhorse. I really appreciate it!
Comment from closetpoetjester
This work has reached the exceptional level

What an extraordinary write D and I love the personification of all the emotions as you depart Lonely Station. This train ride came full circle as I think you covered nearly every one of the angst ridden feelings we have when we are engaging in romantic suicide. The pace was urgent, yet felt filled with trepidation at what was around the next bend. Loved the Hopeful ending but the supportive words of the conductor were my absolute FAVE lines:

For only growing souls are going to the town of Hope today."
He laid his hand upon my shoulder, with a fatherly regard,
And said, "When scarred and slightly older, you accept that love is hard."

You are a serious master at this D and the only thing I picked up regarding the personified emotions in BOLD font was did you miss capitalising on "pity" in this line??

"Without a single trace of (pity), but a doubly-stated care."

I'm either eagle eyed, pedantic or AR...LOL You make the call. LOVED this, clever boy.
I have a passion for personification and I've written a couple of beauties too...not quite this extensive but in my own formidabble style...haha Choice write and it seems I can relent and give you some six today.
Hugs P
PS You make me want to be a better poet. Thank you. Oh and yes darlin'...there is ALWAYS tomorrow. X

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Your'e so sweet, my friend, and beneath all of our flirtatious and tumescent carrying on, which is incredibly enjoyable, I also have a huge well of respect for your mind and depth, and for your intuitive nature.

    To be honest, I can't remember if I meant to include pity as one of the stops, but it fits. I may change that. Thank you!

    As always, I appreciate your review, your thoughts, and for sixing me so sweetly today. ;-)
reply by closetpoetjester on 09-Feb-2014
    Of course it fits. LOL
    I reckon Pity would make a fine stop name especially if the man heading to Hope decided that was a stop he didn't want to take.
    Now, I gotta go look up tumescent...haha You got me on that one.

    Awww okay, I concede. I'm a friggin' champion.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, excellent imagery presented in your rhyming couplets, going from love to heartache, journeying to hope while dealing with the other emotions that come with it. I enjoyed reading it

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Thank you very much, my friend. I appreciate it.
Comment from kiwijenny
This work has reached the exceptional level

David, you have done it again! You have written a fantastic poem. It reminded me of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress which I read to my kids. This is marvelous. And with a solitary token, I repaired my fractured heart.
God bless

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Jenny, I really appreciate the six stars, and also your wonderful comments. Thank you so much! David
Comment from Kenneth Schaal
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow--quite a trip, and some kind of redemption. What a great rhythm; I felt the music of the train moving along the tracks with the story. This would make a great song, but it's way to intelligent in this form--it would suffer lots of condensing to work as such. Kenny

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    I really appreciate that six, my friend. Thank you so much! Yes, for a song it would absolutely have to be simplified, although I've had one poem with this meter turned into one for a high school graduation ceremony. Many thanks, as always.
Comment from rt12345
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted



 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Thank you very much, rt12345. I appreciate the very kind words and great review.
Comment from robina1978
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is absolutely great. The fat printed words almost say it all. From suicidal going to hope. Good rhyme, internal rhyme and meter.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, Ine. I really appreciate the six rating and your very kind words.
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pilgrim's Progress with a difference! Clever internal rhyming. I don't know about you, but I would find that quite hard to sustain over a poem of this length. The circularity of the round trip brings a satisfying sense of closure to the poem.

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 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Thanks so much, Tony! You're the second one who mentioned Pilgrim's Progress, and I can see that now. I really appreciate your kind words. I do like writing these long poems on occasion, if inspired well.
Comment from Rondeno
This work has reached the exceptional level

"I purged the urge to grieve" - delightful! Well, what can I say? Another poetic tour de force, displaying easy mastery of your verse form ... and as you quite rightly point out, it SAYS something (without that, we might as well be doing crossword puzzles). Respect, David.

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2014
    Mikey, thank you so much for the validation of the sixer, and the even greater validation of your wonderful comments. I appreciate them, and I appreciate YOU, my friend. Thank you!