Reviews from

Cut Flowers

A Shakespearean Sonnet for the contest

59 total reviews 
Comment from Heather Knight
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is so beautiful, Tony. You are a great poet. What I like most about your poem is that it has several possible layers of meaning, not just the literal.
Thanks so much for sharing. Good luck in the contest, you deserve it.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2018
    Many thanks, Maria. I appreciate your comments and the six stars. Best wishes, Tony
Comment from RGstar
This work has reached the exceptional level

Good to come back reading this from life's agendas.

Simple to the point of nature, with words that breeze into the foreground of the senses. Not needing the thick accent we associate sonnets with, this is a visual of something told in its rightful body. Beautiful.

Nicely done, my friend.
Have a good day.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2018
    Many thanks, Roy. I appreciate your comments about the poetic tone of this and your six-star award. Best wishes, Tony
Comment from closetpoetjester
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ye gads my man, by golly, yes indeed
The gardener. Thy killer, stand in shame
To harm a single plant, one lowly weed...
A murderer by any other name.

I think you have a winning entry Tony.
I LOVE your poetry. You are inspirational.

I have a feeling this will come up smelling roses at the right time. Perfection!

Now, remind me NEVER to be a gardener. Oh that's right. I ain't LOL
(just call me black thumb. I'm harsh LOL)

Hugs P

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2018
    Love your review, as always, and the six shiny stars are a bonus. I've never graduated beyond being a gardener's assistant, cutting and burning and spreading the shit, while my better half tends things with loving care and gets them to grow. All the best, Tony
Comment from meeshu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

a very practical sonnet, Tony. you have the form down pat and the gardening is life angle works. I wish you well in the contest for sonnets..........meeshu

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2018
    Many thanks, Meeshu. I appreciate your comments. Best wishes, Tony
Comment from pearlecat
This work has reached the exceptional level

So true! Every word is so true. And I aught to know since I've worked as a floral designer. Flowers (like everything else) are so much more lovely if left in their own natural habitat to live to the fullest. What a wonderful poem and wise advice.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2018
    Many thanks, Pearl. I appreciate your comments and the six stars. Cut flowers certainly have their place though, as with people, they flourish better when allowed to thrive and grow. Best wishes, Tony
Comment from Hitcher
This work has reached the exceptional level

Cut them, vase them and enjoy them mate, well that is my wife's way with them. On the odd occasion I will buy some and make her smile : ) A truely beautifully written sonnet mate... very impressive indeed !

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2018
    Many thanks, Hitch. I appreciate your comments and the six stars. Cut flowers certainly have their place though, as with people, they flourish better when allowed to thrive and grow. Best wishes, Tony
Comment from l.raven
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HI Tony, sooooooo very true my sweet friend...everyday a true love should grow more and parents were married 63 years Dec...when my father passed...but as their outer beauty faded...their inter beauty grew...I love your poem Tony...and love the very well Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2018
    Thanks, Linda. So true!
reply by l.raven on 05-Jun-2018
    I love your poem Tony...and you are so very welcome my sweet Linda xxoo
Comment from krys123
This work has reached the exceptional level

Cheers, Tony;
-How you doing mate? I noticed that you Up the ante of your writing, which I'm not going to make a fuss about. Thank you!
-What will we do for love? Would we sacrifice our soul will create a permanent hole within our minds. Which then anchors -a burning desire within your mind that corrupts any of your decision-making. Which head is thinking first?
-If there's anything else better than true love, then it shall be a masquerade of charades. This needed truth's a hoot!
-What are you trying to say, Tony, what is this deep conceptual theme that mysteriously rises from the yarns of your sonnet?
-In the first verse, I see the beginning of consequences and choices when it comes to love and desire.
-In the second line you definitively convey, that a kind of love, that exists, when plucked or preened or with scissors are cut. And in doing so certain things and creations will die and cannot grow. One of the greatest creations of all is love.
-I like how you condemned those or chastise them who have not prospered creation by extending their seed to the populace. Most of it is greed and not wanting to take care of children and sacrifice themselves unconditionally.
-Wonderful summation, as your final couplet ending this sonnet's firmly and indicatively composed and finished to this wonderful form. That states if you don't nurture love or a plant, it'll die.
-With a fine tooth comb I raked your lines and was unable to find any lint. Chuckle!
-A very enjoyable read, Tony, and you do very well in the contest. God willing.
-Thanks for sharing this, Tony, take care and have a good one especially we can find one.

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2018
    Thanks, Alex. I appreciate your thoughts about this one. Best wishes, Tony
reply by krys123 on 05-Jun-2018
    You're very welcome, Tony.
Comment from kahpot
This work has reached the exceptional level

You know my Freind, sometimes a poem comes along and the words jump out at you,"admittedly I do not know a great deal of Shakespeare" I am learning the form of a sonnet, but the description of the cutting, whether it be the flower or someone's potential growth, and the way of the words to me this is a definite six, very well done****kahpot

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2018
    Very many thanks, Kahpot, both for the review and the six stars. Much appreciated. Tony
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your sonnets always read so beautifully, Tony. I did have to look up what a secateur which seems to be French word for clippers. You make your point well but personally, I do like cut flowers and sometimes I enjoy them indoors longer than they last outdoors where they get eaten by slugs or deer. Also, some flowers, like tulips, actually continue to grow in water after being cut. If you ever have some measure them from day to day. I found out because I was trying to draw a bunch of tulips and when I came back hours later, I found they had moved!

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2018

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2018
    Yes, that's certainly true of some of the flowers we cut to enjoy indoors. An imperfect metaphor in that regard! Best wishes, Tony