Reviews from

Get Well, Brooke!

Viewing comments for Chapter 10001 "We Miss You"
Writing for Brooke

53 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think you said it for all of us. She was very instrumental in making me a better poet. We all love watching Sawyer grow and he nature poem's about dandelions. Well done Linda. She will enjoy this. XSX Nancy

 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    Hi Nancy, thank you for a wonderful review...I hope and pray she will be home soon...thank you Nancy...luff Linda xxoo
Comment from livelylinda
This work has reached the exceptional level

Uno: a very nice poem complete with glitter and sparkle, loaded with rhyme and rhythm and uplifting message. It put a smile on my face and I think it will put one on her face, too. Keep dry, Dos

 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    Hey Dos, always a pleasure you...thank you so much for all your wonderful stars you...and a great review...I hope it makes her happy...I wish they would all come back...Brooke, Miranda, and Sawyer...sigh...great talking with ya...I can hardly wait for you girl...forever and ever and ever...later Uno...
Comment from MizKat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sweet Linda,

Sometimes FanStory has a mind of it's own and won't let us do the things we'd like to do. This is another uplifting poem for Brooke, that I'm sure will fill her heart with joy. I hope she continues to get better too.


 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    HI Kitty Kat, so do many missing now...wonder about Maureen as well...I will be glad when Brooke, Miranda and Sawyer are back...I miss them all...sigh..thank you so much sweet are a ya Linda xoo
reply by MizKat on 01-Jun-2015
    I didn't realize Maureen was missing too. I learn something every day.
reply by the author on 03-Jun-2015
    Hi Sweet Lady, I am late with my replies...yes she is two months...sigh...I sure miss her as ya xoox
reply by MizKat on 04-Jun-2015
    I miss Brooke too and I'm sure many others also miss her.
reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    sigh...xxoo luff
Comment from Deejharrington
This work has reached the exceptional level

This a beautiful and heartfelt message to Brooke. I just learned how ill she is, I had no idea. I realized I was missing her usual talented post. In all the years I've been on FS, she never stopped posting her wonderful poetry. I pray for her and her family, her FS family, too. She is so talented. I was wondered why she wasn't nationally known. She touched so many with her writing and her teaching. I certainly hope she returns to us. Thank you for sharing your message.

 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    Hi D.J.S, thank you soooooo much for your wonderful six...and a wonderful review...I am so glad you like. it...she truly is missed...she helps so many...I hope she will be back soon...Thank Linda xxoo so glad to see you back...
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such a genuinely heartfelt dedication you've created here for Brooke, Linda. She does mean so very much to so many members here. You poem touches on just a few of the reasons that have made Brooke such a popular fixture on FanStory. Her seemingly tireless dedication to writing uplifting poetry and positive feedback is truly missed.

Excellent poem. I'm sure Brooke will love this one, Glittery words and all. :)

 Comment Written 31-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    HI Dean, if I had written all she has done for every one...I would have written a book...sigh...I do miss her...thank you Dean...Smiling back at ya... Luff Linda xxoo
reply by Dean Kuch on 31-May-2015
    My pleasure, Linda.

    Hugs! :)
Comment from Caressa_08
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, so sweet of you, & I know your poem will surely bring our beloved Brooke, a smile. Yes, we so do miss her absence now on FS. She needs to get better & return home, rested & when ready, return here..And, yes, indeed, she is sure a Godsend when those of us who need her expertise to rely on & if she approves of our poems, etc, or lets us know differently. We can then rest assure it is from the one who being the top poet & so educated will give us accurate advice, that we can learn from & write even better the next time.


 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015
    HI Caressa,thank you so much for your wonderful six...and a wonderful review...she truly is a God sent...I wish she would come home...sigh...thank you sweet Linda xxoo good to see you...
Comment from sibhus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a cute happy little poem. I'm sure that Brooke would really like this. I too love the lowly little dandelion. I always think it brightens up a dull green yard, weed, or not. A great poem, Raven, and here's to Brook's speed y recovery.

 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 30-May-2015
    Hi Sibhus, I am with you...I hope she gets back soon...thank you so very much for a great review...I am so glad you like it...luff Linda xxoo
Comment from Joy Graham
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The thing I found exciting about this site is that we can express our thoughts and emotions through our posts. We can make it rhyme with rhythm or just say it like it is. Sigh... I have learned so much from this site. It's like Brooke showed me how to express myself in poetry so I could get out there and post like the big kids. This is such fine writing. Your message rhymes and sends happy thoughts. It expresses how we all feel. I fear she will be missing in action for a while. One day she will come back to us. From what I understand, Brooke has her hands full with getting better. Until she returns this old place won't be the same :(

 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    HI Doreen, and I like that name...and you are so will not be the same without her...thank you for a truly wonderful review...I am so glad you like it...Luff Linda xxoo
Comment from Walu Feral
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

G'day Linda, great work mate. Brooke will enjoy this one as she capitalizes the first words and a few little tid bits for her. It is a very painful and sad time for all concerned. Well done, great work, cheers Fez

 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    HI Fez, thank you for a great truly is painful...I wish would all come back...Brooke, Miranda, and Sawyer...sigh...thank you...Luff Linda xxoo
Comment from reconciled
This work has reached the exceptional level

"stole"....-smile-....very beautiful I believe she'll love it. Crazy how life has snuck up on the few years I've been here. been body slammed several times....always shocking picking yourself back up. Great write Michael

 Comment Written 30-May-2015

reply by the author on 31-May-2015
    thank you baby for your so wonderful stars...and for your help...I hope she does love it...I am so glad you love ot...means a lot...I do miss her...and wish they would all come back...Brooke, Miranda, and Sawyer...and really worried about Maureen too...sigh...thank you again for a wonderful review...Love Linda xxoo