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Rants, Raves and Tributes

Viewing comments for Chapter 8 "Reviews Just Not Getting Their Dues."
Fanstory Praises, Woes & Go's.

60 total reviews 
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey, way-y-y-y cool animation, Sankey!

I'll admit, I fail to answer all of my reviews as promptly as I should, and in a timely manner. But that's simply because I like to respond to each review individually, not just do a "cut & paste", generic something, like: "Thank you for your review". I hate getting cut & paste replies, for the most part, and I'm sure I am not alone in that regard. A reviewer took the time to not only read whatever it was I'd written, but to leave feedback -- positive or otherwise -- so the very least we, as the writer, can do is try and give them a personal response.

I see where you're coming from, but many don't mean it as a slight to the reviewer in any way.

Thought provoking piece. It should generate some lively conversation, LOL...



 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Hi Dean know what you mean...hey a rhyme...about cut and paste. Have only done cut and paste for responses to some things very occasionally but mostly personal notes from me. Thanks again. I loved that picture too and got a nice comment from it's owner re my poem.
reply by Dean Kuch on 24-Nov-2014
    You're welcome, Sankey. And it is a great picture. :}

Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent rhyme and flow in this, and it has great humor as well as making a point. I haven't studied the situation that much, but I'd say that most of those who don't respond to a review are probably new to the site and haven't got into the swing of things. Sometimes it may be an oversight. I believe I get a response to a review most of the time. Responding promptly is the polite thing to do. judi

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Yeah agreed totally mate. Thanks for coming by. Have had a heap of great reviews for this poem about resposnes to same ha!
reply by judiverse on 25-Nov-2014
    You're so welcome. judi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sometimes I guess we get to darn busy with other things to reply. I think if you took the time to write something you should take the to reply. I have good and some not so. The not so's I learned something from and always reply if I have as well as thank you for their time as well

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Hi TK loved the Member name. Not sure we have met before have to check all you new friends out and see what you are doing as well. No time I know the feeling. Thanks for coming by and appreciate your well; thought out comments.
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sankey I always try to respond to reviews but some times don't have the time when I'm working so I felt guilty when I read this lol. However I do some times wonder if I have annoyed people when I give an honest review and 4 stars. Thanks for expressing your thoughts so poetically.

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Hi Wendy. If there are a heap of spags in a piece and you find other errors and the story does not grab I wouold give a four. Most of the tme I give fives even with some spags if I like the poem or the story obviously for all the right reasons. I do think some newer members do not understand the reviewing system as to points given and for what reason. Good of you to come along. I have some times taken a review a bit hard but then I go back and look at what I wrote and mostly agree with even the harsher reviewers.I know we have read each other's stuff and of course reviewed and responded to reviews ha!
Comment from JudyS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sankey, Super job on this one. I certainly agree with you. If I review a work, I'd at least like a thank you. I was raised to be polite even if it kills me sometimes. lol. Anyway, great write, I enjoyed reading this one. Judy

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Thanks Judy. We even have a Missionary family fro our church that as Japanese don't havbe 'sorry' these don't have 'thankyou' ha. My wife was vigrously taught the thankyou's even abused by her Mother at our 10th anniversary for not thanking someone for something Sigh! and adult! But I reckon if ya don't thank someone eventually you will just get ledt out and not receive something! Thanks for the review about respones to reviews hehe!
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Maybe the reviewer made them so mad they realized it would be best not to say anything rather than spew their contempt on the screen. I can't imagine you saying anything that negative, Geoff.

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    hehe swell as another reviewer for this said if they knew the rules they would know there are limits to what they can say ha! I know some spit the dummy as we say here are you familiar with that saying? Thanks for coming by mate. This poem was a inspiration from another new friend in here as a follow up of my "I'm Fee of Free" poem. From the other side of course.
Comment from Patrick G Cox
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Sankey,

Some folk just want the maximum stars from each review, and no critique I guess. Good way to flag the problem, the site guidelines say we should respond thanking everyone who does review for their time and effort.

It also says we should not 'defend' our work, or enter into an argument. Some do both ...


 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Right mate that's true for sure. Guilty n the defend side soe times but try not to. Was thinking of you this morning have not sent your halal story around yet. Keep watching ha! I have another opf yourse I need to read in Bookcase atm as well.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your short poem speaks volumes about how some on this site do not understand how to review or how to respond (or shy they should). I respond to every review (even those that are not to my liking). Your poem states that dilemma very well. The image is amazing, too. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Yeah thanks for coming by. I loved that image from Angleheart she or he wrote something in response to my poem as well ha! They agree too! Appreciate you coming by this was done on a suggestion from a new FS friend who liked my other one on Rewards for reviews or lack of ha! I know we have seen each others stuff before cheers.
reply by Jannypan (Jan) on 24-Nov-2014
    You are welcome. I saw a site that was something like, but I could not get it to work.
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Sankey,

You are so right. I've had review gone unanswered. I figure my time is as valuable as the next one. If I'm kind enough to leave a review, a few words of thx or some kind of response isn't asking a lot.

Love the disco ball!

Nicely stated.

Cheers & Blessings
Keep Smilin'... Jax (*.*)

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Disco ball that's what it is thanks for that. The Fan Art lady or gent also made a comment on the poem as well ha. We are all on the same page for sure. This was done as a suggestion from another new friend on FS who liked my other poem on Rewards for reviewes ha. Thanks again see ya round.
Comment from kiwijenny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't know why ...My wish is everyone would read the rules before reviewing...some don't realize what three stars reviewer said he didn't like my genre and gave me three stars...whoah
God bless

 Comment Written 24-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 24-Nov-2014
    Yeah I have been fortunate that those kinds of lousy reviews have come i the midst of a whole "plethora" of great reviews so they are negated. Some don't understand how to review. Maybe there's another poem in there too ha! Thanks for coming by, friend.