Reviews from

A Lasting Peace Without the Tears

Viewing comments for Chapter 6 "Oh, Pakistan! C'est la Vie..."
Simply my feelings towards a lasting one.

65 total reviews 
Comment from Bryana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such is life my friend. This is not the first time Iīve heard how nice the people from Pakistan are. I had some friends who went to Pakistan often to buy crafts for their store and told me how much they liked the Pakistanis.

I really liked your poem. Beautifully structered. But I really liked your Authorīs Notes. You always explain very well what and why you write.

Thank you Mike for sharing your poem and information about Pakistan.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2009
    It was my quest to learn Halal cooking that we crossed paths and cultures. Chuck them with the Indians as I cooked and they felt uncomfortable and used more body language as they didn't want to tell me what wasn't right with the cooking. The bad part was I was starting to enjoy making them feel uncomfortable as it adgitated me. Even though I did cook Halal, most wouldn't try my cooking as they still weren't sure. I then flipped them out as I said that my cooking is an act of faith.

    I am very thankful that the site permits authors notes. This is where I maintain my portfolio and it is such a great thing to be able to document the thoughts behind a work. It also saves people lecture fees. LOL

    Thank you so much for your compliments and this review. With love, Mike
Comment from Nightwind1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You made some very strong statements here. I appreciate that you recognize the terrorists and Islam are two totally seperate entities. I am a Muslim. I hate these so-called Islamic groups with a passion. They take our faith and use it to commit terrible crimes on anyone, including other Muslims. I guess they have forgotten to read the Quran, especially where it says that to take the life of one single innocent person is as if you have taken the life of all mankind.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2009
    I think that is how I gained the respect of not only many Muslim's but other faiths as well. Indeed, many aspects of various religions are shared and I have been able to illustrate points. My favorite person is a Palestinian and he is fairly strict and preached to me. One time he was outside of his house picking up a broken beer bottle and was quite irrate and said how God's law is dead. This astounded me and I simply said, "God's law is God's law and will always be there, it is up to us to figure it out and follow it." He was stimied and I believe didn't think a non-Muslim would ever say that.

    The same holds true for the Bible. I knew a Christian that memorized every word in the bible. I found a nice test for this. It is a condemnation of people who grow their hair long, "Oh yes, that is book X, Chapter X, and verse X and he went on to quote the passage. In reality that sentance is part of a larger story where a different Jewish tribe was traveling and ask to us the other groups tabrenacle. The priest asked basically said, we don't like anything about you, "Yet you are welcome to worship in ours because it a tabrinacle for God, not us." Whether it is the Bible or the Quran, sometimes that people that know it the best us it to reinforce their own beliefs or were looking to use it as if it is a weapon and the finer aspects of these books are lost. The media also ends up fostering the belief that the terrorists are somehow the religious experts and forget about the minions of faithful who live it each day, within their daily lives.

    I really enjoyed this review and thank you for it. Also for the compliments.
Comment from MaureenC
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mike, my goodness, what a work. It really says it all I believe. They rely on our so called 'goodness' which in my humble opinion is just 'do gooder stuff' and do not realise the more given is used only to do more harm. The don't think we are strong that we are weak, and really they laugh at us the more we try to 'help' them.
This work is just brilliant Mike
virtual six to you.

 Comment Written 27-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 27-Apr-2009
    Well that part is true, they enjoy our desire for good naturedness and sort of suck it in. We should have regret that they only us it temporarily as something to gain in strength. But it is up to us to observerve and understand this. A virtual six is just as flattering as a real one and I thank you for it, the compliments and this review. Mike K2
Comment from Carol D Parker
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is chilling. I've never read anything like this poem. "With our own olive branch they beat us back." It's brilliant sentences like this that make the poem the piece of art that it is. I so agree with their clothing themmselves in religion. I agreee with the whole thing though it's frightening as are your notes. I hope a heck of a lot of people get to read this. Bravo to yuo for writing it.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    Wow! What a review. Being beaten with one's own olive branch is something that has happened to me. In fact, that is the best indicator when to abandon hopes of a peace. Best take it away from them and use it as a switch the next time.

    I did another titled, "Martyr," and the chilling aspect is that it is one of my most accessed poems. Word does get around.

    I thank you very much for your compliments and this review.
Comment from Badjuju
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent work on a touchy subject matter. Word usage and flow is precise and well written. I especially like how you formatted this as well. Wonderful job!!!

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    Wow! I really appreciate the support and this review. Thank yo very much. Mike
Comment from tati
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Mike,

The title of your poetry caught my interest immediately. For your information, being a Catholic Indonesian citizen, I can grasp the essence of your poem, and agree completely with these lines:
/These people may cloth themselves in
religion and a Holy War for all to see./

And say yes to the following line as well:
/we try to placate them, but brazenness they don't lack. /

But I have difficulties to understand the following lines:
1) I find trying peace at
any price to be funny;
2) The media are making us,
the government out to be the bad villain.

Although there are minor typos - /arguement/ and /tryanny/ - they didn't spoil the lucidity of your poem.

Thank you for sharing. All the best, tati.
PS: I have read your bio and your "Durian, God's Send for Knowledge". LOL. (April 27, 2009)

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    There is a recurrent cycle involving terrorism and how we deal with it. Needless to say, with one we fight it and the new administration that come in, tries to be diplomatic and even offers them aid. The the terrorism escalates and it has to be fought back again. It is bad enough in the international sceen, but horrible when it happens within a country. That is why we all need to stand together and fight it. I know people from Viet Nam and understand that terrorism has also hit your country as well. From what I have seen, Indosnesio is a beautiful country.

    1) There will be times that the prevailing mindset is that we haven't done enough peacefully to try to get them from purusing terrorist activities. In short, they hate us and love the commotion that they cause. No matter what we give, it will either be used to further their activities or to stall of time so that they will be more powerful later on. One way is with providing humanitarian aid. It is considered OK that most of it ends up funneled off and supplying the very cause with food so that it continues permantly. Africa.

    2) The was a call for the last President of Pakistan to do something about the terrorists in his country. He did and in a sense, it diminished his popularity with his people. What drove me nuts is to appear a more loving president, Bush then condemned his actions. The he didn't have support from either side. The new president has those same fears and even permitted the Taliban and their internal supporters to be able to govern themselves the way that they wanted to. I also guess with the agreement that the rest of Pakistan would be left alone. This is like a bargin with the Devil and never works. If anything it creates further destablization and possible the government will be taken over. To me it is best for that President to be very direct and state what can not be permitted. There will be a fight that he will have to stand behind and defend, to his own people. They also have to act for the good of the country and be made to understand this is not about religion, but right and wrong, freedom and soveriegnaty. Then most people will either support him or understand. President Reagon was demonized in our press, he was very direct with the US people and they understood.

    I really appreciate this review, your compliments and h tis and other works. Have a great week ahead! Mike
Comment from pilarblue
This work has reached the exceptional level

I, too, resent terrorists and their hateful ways. This is surely an exceptional piece, and a superbly written, powerful one at that. Excellent work.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    That you very much for your compliments and this review. Mike
Comment from patwannabe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mike, I don't know what C'est la Vie stands for, but I see where you're going with this poem. It's very good, it's true, and it's frightening. I'm afraid our beautiful world has disappeared and truly, will never be the same. May God forgive us and help us! God bless, pat

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    C'est la Vie is french for so long. I decided that it had value as sort of an attention getter for what could possibly happen with the nature of that country.

    There is a tendency for the smaller countries to try to coexist with terrorism and what happens is like Afganistan. They ultimately are taken over. That is why I feel we have a duty to stand and help out in various countries. So people like that can't get into power. We tend to forget the origional reasons that we are there or suddenly pull our support out and there is no shortage of people to step in and take control. It isn't good in this global world to permit this to happen. I feel a locale, a country and the world has every right to set limits on what won't be permitted. The problem with that is that, then we have to stand up to our word should the need arise.

    But please keep in mind, there is still so much beauty left in this world and it is our responsibility to write about and support that as well.

    Thank you so much for the compliments and this refiew. Mike
Comment from VICTIMEYES
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i don't know but you seem to have a love for this countru at least in this piece,

for you can't stop bullets
by throwing at them, money.

out of all the lines i can certainly agree with that one.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    Well, I do as I feel that they are a country with the most decent people in it. When I was about ten, I had a Pakistani friend and the sister sort of traded places (same age, kid stuff), it was nice that our parents got together as well and talked. The next couple of years they weren't at our pook and when they came back she didn't remember me and became quite terrified that I knew so much about her. Even then I labeled that pubebesent amnesia as that happened with every girl friend at that time, save one. I guess it is in the woman's make-up.

    It is important in attempting to gain peace that we remain realistic about it. Otherwise this type of stuff happens. The reason that it bothers me is that it is the everyday person that has to suffer the most. Though they do have a responsibility not to permit these people moving in.

    Thank you for the review. Mike
Comment from cheyennewy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Mike....this poem is outstanding and from your notes I think you have a good story to tell. I know we should "turn the other cheek" but some people will fight with swords when words would be better. So turing the other cheek doesn't always work. You wrote this well and I enjoyed it as well as your author's notes.....well done.....chey

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2009

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2009
    Remember, Jesus turned the other cheek until he came upon the abomination of the money changers. There are times when it is richtious to pick up that sword. Or in my case, a Bowie and tomohawk. It was more enjoyable when I was able to put them away. At the time, I only had my father's words about selling the guns, I had to do what I did to keep the house. Ironically, I was threatened with guns and rely on my knowledge that I could do better with what I had, then they. After those times, I understood peace much better and what is required to keep it.

    Thank you so much for your review and the compliments. Mike